>C# is grea-
C# is grea-
Other urls found in this thread:
>performance is the most important factor when choo-
It's even slower than Java.
theres never a situation to pick C#
performance) no
ease of read/write) no
standard library) no
third party libraries) no
runs on all platforms) no
seriously C# should just an hero itself
why do brainlet c#fags always bring up popularity as if it meant anything
Aren't they the same thing?
In my C++ and C# classes, all I know that is different is that I print to the console with a different function (cout / console.Write)
Let me fix that for you.
performance) if python is good enough then C# most certainly is
ease of read/write) yes
standard library) yes
language features compared to the most similar competitor) very much yes
third party libraries) no
runs on all platforms) yes
>managed language is slower than unmanaged language
Once you move past the Hello, world! semester then you will learn how they couldn't be more different
Would it run better on .NET Standard, i.e. Windows?
I've gotten to link lists and data structures on both. 3rd year in.
Actually "Framework" I guess, their naming is confusing.
are you a downs patient or something?
performance) python is good enough because it's also extremely readable and has an extensive stdlib and 3rd party library support
ease of read/write) C#'s syntax is pure horse garbage, the half grown abortion of Java and C. a nightmare for even the most experienced corporate slaves
standard library) dogshit. c# has a dogshit standard library
language features compared to the most similar competitor) what are you retarded? it's most similar competitor is Java, which has a pretty much 1:1 feature parity, and it's useful for Java apps (unfortunately, java is also a dogshit language), while C# is useful for nothing
third party libraries) exactly.
runs on all platforms) mono can fuck off that shit is broken and no one ever uses it. not a single distro in the fucking planet comes with it preinstalled because it sucks so much shit even the developers wanna fucking die.
>3rd year
>"link lists"
>just now learning basic data structures 3 years in
You have a bright future ahead of you in front-end web development son!
So things like memory management never came up when doing linked lists?
>data structures
>3rd year in
Why are you talking about libraries in the performance section?
What are some languages with better syntax? C# is just about average but it has plenty of nice sugar that makes it better than Java for example.
>java and c#
>1:1 feature parity
Real generics, operator overloading, custom value types, pattern matching, safe navigation, dynamic, extension methods, and as of recently nullable reference types.
That's just off the top of my head.
>mono can fuck off
The core library is open source and officially supported.
Nobody gives a fuck if your nigger tier game file editor takes a negligible amount of time longer to do X thing as long as it works and you can maintain your fucking code.
>tfw C++ cant use LINQ
And yet I'll be significantly more employable than you because I'm not autistic and can work in a team.
Not really, just briefly covering the basics like pointers and shit.
but c++ is dead
>more employable
Says the person using a C++ browser in a C++ OS with C++ drivers compiled with a C++ compiler compiled in C++.
data structures is typically a first year class. not sure what the fuck is going on at your school.
You are genuinely retarded, user. C# is one of the cleanest and most readable languages out there. If you personally too fucking stupid to understand it - it's your own personal problem.
performance really doesn't matter, it's the language you have to use on windows, like obj-c/swift is the crap you have to use on ios/osx
assembly is the most readable
but no inheritance on anonymous types. checkmate C#is scum :^)
Debug my projects pls
How many semesters of CS classes have you done?
>he doesn't even garbage collection
this x1000
>what are delegates for $200, Alex?
5, but I switched to Information Systems now.
C# is the thing you put on top of your C++ code to separate it from the pajeet.
They code on C#, the C# talk to your code, and they're neatly sandboxed from doing memory leak shit on your thing.
>T H I R T Y
T.H.I.R.T.Y times slower
top fucking kek. Microcuckolds should an hero in their respective cucksheds
It's on par with C++ if you don't allocate memory. However GC does slow down the language a lot.
>ease of read/write)
1 line of code to read or write from a file...what's the issue here? How can it be any easier? 0 lines of code?
>standard library)
>third party libraries)
EVEN LARGER + native interface to any C/C++ library which means C# has the largest 3rd party library collaction on the planet.
>runs on all platforms)
*Depends on what platforms. Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, iPhone, Android, Xbox One, PS4. Other than that, no.
>It's on par with C++ if you don't allocate memory
So C# is just fast for fizzbuzz programs? Thought so.
So, you have no idea what you're talking about? Though so.
Truth hurts. Stick to your 10 MB toy programs that are theoretically almost as fast as C++
i don’t know why everbody shits on C# syntax, i actually quite like it.
>Truth hurts
Then learn something, user, so next time someone says "you have no idea what you're talking about" it won't hurt.
>it's on par with c++ if you don't allocate memory
No. The language semantics don't lend themselves to writing efficient programs.
This isn't thanks to Sepples being great it's because it's inherited a lot from C and they've actually stayed true to the idea that you don't pay for what you don't use.
This isn't really a point against C# as much as it's a point for C/sepples.
>native c/c++ interface
Haven't heard of this. Are you implying i can just dump sepples code in my C# application or is this just another FFI. Like every single language on the planet.
>No. The language semantics don't lend themselves to writing efficient programs.
This is actually true.
For example, iterating over an array of a fixed size will take virtually the same amount of time on both C and C#. But C# promotes usage of its various enumerables with various methods of iteration over them - all of which are tremendously slower (relatively).
C# isn't about performance. It's about writing huge-ass programs which are suited for a long-ass support and constant updates.
>suited for long ass support
Yes. That's the intent. I don't agree that it's successful on the whole but it should absolutely not pretend it's aiming to be the 'fastest language' when it's not. There's nothing wrong with taking a niche. I'm sure you're happy with it for instance. And I can't take that away from you probably. We have different goals.
>the rest
Actually not the point I'm making. It's a matter of what compilers can do based on what's guaranteed by the language. It's a bit too much to cover but if you consider the performance gains to be had where undefined behavior (the compiler can presume signed integer overflows never happen in C for instance) is used in C. And then consider the consequences of defining that behavior you're forcing a bunch of garauntees where they might not be necessary.
This can cost you a lot. Sepples programmers are obsessed with copy elision for instance. It's because (if they're well informed) copies can often prevent the compiler from doing its magic. With C# you're gonna find yourself in these situations all the time because a lot of the basic things you do in C# operate on memory. It's not strange or wrong there. It's just a different environment.
>it's the language you have to use on windows
.NET works on linux now, since like last year.
you gotta keep up man.
people shit on every language, completely ignoring the entire reason why it was designed.
you should already know to take 90% posts here with a grain of salt.
That's literally a first semester course in any engineering degree. Are all CS students this delusional?
Assembly is literally a step-by-step instruction list, you gotta be really retarded to think it's hard.
he's probably a fucking indian
are you a bra inlet ?
according to this chart C# is better
it was seconded more times
it's meme indicator is higer
his greatz indicator is only half as bad
and he has alot more child porn units
wtf you see flaws here
CSC 2010, CSC 2310 and CSC 2510 are first year courses.
(Principles of Computer Science,Principles of Computer Programming,Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science).
You need to take these before you can take CSC 3410(Data Structures), making it a 2nd year course. Some unis may allow you to test out of the 2000 courses I suppose.
The complexity comes from writing a complex af program with those simple (except on x86) instructions.
>t. I can't read c#, never used it and I'm desperate to find reasons to hate it to impress my friends on Sup Forums by showing them how much I hate lel micro$hill
There are loads of legit criticisms of C# and .net, you seem to have missed all of them. Confirmed highschool dropout thinks he's smart because he followed a guide to install gentoo and it only took him three days. Fuck off dunning-kruger fag.
>There are loads of legit criticisms of C# and .net,
There are loads of legit criticisms for every language on the fucking planet because no language is perfect you fucking drooling moron.
C# died years ago, I worked with it for several years.
Glad those times are over tbqh. C++ is back in town
>applying to entry level software engineering jobs
>one of them gives me a C# take-home exam
>mfw never done C# before
>it's literally Great Value brand OOP
>they liked my answers and scheduled a "2-6 hour" technical interview on-site for Monday
>mfw unsure I want a career doing fucking C#
>There are loads of legit criticisms for every language on the fucking planet because no language is perfect you fucking drooling moron.
This post doesn't disagree with my post at all. The point was that while there are many good criticisms of C# and .net, and other languages of course, the post I was responding to managed to list none of them. I have a very hard time believing your reading comprehension is that bad and the random insult after you reiterated nearly the exact point that I made (instead of actually disagreeing with it) makes me hope this is bait.
Great, I finished your sentence. When you grow up, graduate and have a real job you'll understand why sometimes the tradeoff between performance and programmers productivity is needed.
The full spec is Windows only.
.Net core is a useless meme. There is literally no reason to use it over any other lang.
C# is butt. You're tied to a single platform and are forced to use a mess of a framework. C++ or get fucked niggers
>You're tied to a single platform
>The .NET Core runtime enables cross-platform development and deployment of ASP.NET 5 applications on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
>on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
>Mac OS, and Linux.
>and Linux.
>on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.