Make it Sup Forums-related

Make it Sup Forums-related

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself


Cars are technology.
Highway offramp design is technology.

I'm not great at these but have a bump at least




Make the car Sup Forums

>Improving CNC machines is a bigger challenge than making programs design and write themselves



Best one yet.




this isnt actually a very //reddit// thread at all. Go to the discord thread with that shit. Sup Forums is a funposting website and that is exactly what this thread is.

Sup Forums is a funposting website. repeat after me


you go back

(You) looks like this. Stop messing it up



1hour of coding ahead
10minutes of coding right

fuck off leddit/dischord faggot

>not using Clearview or Highway Gothic
The state of Sup Forums truly disappoints



> l: install 10 mb program
> r: write 1kb shell script



Linux is a kernel.

Needs more Sup Forums.


Come back when you can write a compiler.

Why I need my own compiler, when I'm not a freetard?

your already lost this; just stop.

OP here. I've posted this thread here, Sup Forums and /v. where should I go next?

Science and link it.

here you go!


I wrote a fucking compiler


Retard here explain pls. Is this a gentoo thing?
Have this rare stallman for your trouble.


True, but you're a total nutjob though.

Still not sure if illness made him racist or racism made him ill.




>find cure of cancer
>launch your car into space


Thank me later

How to crossboard-threadlink?

The only sensible answer

>>Sup Forums159778430


best one

Intelligence made him racist, illness made him able to focus his intelligence on writing a compiler and an OS.

Same to you, Stallman



illness made him able to focus his intelligence on writing a mostly useless compiler and a OS.

Agree on the intelligence made him racist, it's proven fact intelligent people are more likely to (((notice patterns)))

I didn't mean it was not useless, but it's a cool thing to do nonetheless, it shows talent and dedication. Like someone bothering to do a proper table instead of buying one off ikea.


Might be true for js with 3 LOC "libraries" that have 20 dependencies, but nothing that can be done in 200 lines of C would require more than 100kb of dependencies with python, if at all.

are you me? planning on getting the R7 2700

So is BSD

BSD is a full operating system, not just a kernel.



>nothing can be done with C in 200loc
I don't remember where but there was a nice basic webbserver in C that was about 200loc.
It's not a big feat really. It's just comparable to other languages.

The webserver that a bunch of people have forked fits in one .c file





you're the senpai desu.
how do you do ?

But it IS the name of the kernel, is it not?


You're coding for users, not for yourself.