At what age did you accept that Windows 10 is the best operating system of all time?

At what age did you accept that Windows 10 is the best operating system of all time?

>just werks
>It's super fast
>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
>it doesn't crash
>it's free
>has native bash support
>has some great features like cortana
>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
>really nice UI

>Just werkz
I have to do a fresh install every month or 2 because it keeps fucking up. Latest issue is GPU drivers crash when shutting down and it just hangs on the shutting down screen.

>It's super fast
No it isn't, your hardware is. A well optimised distro like Solus would be even faster.

>It's compatible with 90% of actual computers
Can't run it on smartphones. Can't run it on most SBCs. Can't run it on anything before core 2 without issues.

>It doesn't crash
Yes it does. A lot. It's only stable for the first month.

>It's free
It's expensive. Like $130 here.

>Has native bash support
Like Linux and BSD?

>It's the best gaming OS
No, those are on consoles, windows is a general use OS and it's not the best for games thanks to bloat and the fact that it needs a compatibility layer for older programs.

>Really nice UI
I disagree. Budgie looks much nicer.

to;dr I fell for shit bait.

>just werks
>super fast
Hahahahahahaha, no. Even with ssd and plenty of RAM.
>doesnt crash
>windows 10 is ((((free))))
>great features, such as cortana
>microsoft spying is acceptable to you at all
>muh DX12 and latest game technoligies
>really nice UI
see above. Its like windows vista, 7, 8, and new UI all in one

At what payment did you accept that Sup Forums is the best market of all time?

>just werks
>It's super fast
>it's compatible with the 90% of actual browsers because Hiroshima actually cares about webpage compatibility
>it doesn't crash
>it's free
>has native fash support
>has some great features like /u/
>Gook spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
>It's the best website for shilling because crowdthink and the latest meme technologies
>really nice UI

Sup Forums, at what age did you stop playing games?

Why stop? As long as I don't sperge out in the wrong places or allow it to become an addiction, there's no problem.

Why stop?
It's fun to play with friends.

I only use Windows 10 because it's the American way, no filthy commies on Sup Forums will stop me.

MODS need to man the fuck up for once and put an end to paid shills.

it literally funds the site at this point

They can't. They're getting paid to look the other way for specific shill threads.

>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers
What's a computer?

The rest of that stuff sounds like nerd mumbo-jumbo. Gonna stick to my apps, thanks lol

>just werks
tell that to my completely broken and unbootable windows install because i had a slightly obscure setup, a GPU from both intel and AMD
>It's super fast
and linux is faster...? if you run slow code on a fast cpu it's fast
>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
and so do the kernel developers? my 10gbit network card literally doesn't have windows drivers.
>it doesn't crash
not in my experience
>it's free
so is linux
>has native bash support
yeah but not any of the good parts of a unix system, like all your hardware being a file, daemons on startup, /proc/ and /dev/, etc
>has some great features like cortana

>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it

>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
but if you're not stupid you can run almost all games in wine
>really nice UI

fuck, i realized this is bait too late.

who is this erection confection?

>just werks
>It's super fast
only on fresh install
>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
only on new hardware
>it doesn't crash
what's a blue screen?
>it's free
if you upgrade/pirate it
>has native bash support
dont care
>has some great features like cortana
>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
>really nice UI
metro UI is shit. aero 7/vista is still the best

I’m actually considering moving to Solaris/Illumos because of Windows 10.

Linux is irreplaceable for what it does and how it's made. Windows has some good proprietary technology for desktops. Why are you mad

The only reason I have Windows installed on dual boot is because of Adobe software.

Other than that, Linux is far superior

>its also back-doored by microsoft.
>lel SMB 0days by the page load.
>read the user licensing agreement before you click agree.

>insert in trash.

>>just werks
>>It's super fast
>>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
Sort of. Not like freetards with putting the driver for networking chip in non-free repo
>>it doesn't crash
Does. Regularly
>>it's free
No, it cost 100$ I think.
>>has native bash support
Great, but I didn't used it.
>>has some great features like cortana
Useless toy.
>>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
At least they've covered it in EULA, as well, as Google in gapps it Android.
>>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
Games are toys.
>>really nice UI
As nice, as different types of shit on streets in india. Cow shit, dog shit, human shit.

And yes, fagOS is shit, GNU/Linux is shit, BSD - well, not tried yet, but I guess it is a shit.

27 and 3/4 years old. It feels good to be back at long last. Now I can begin work after the six year gap.

Google account and Windows 10 OS: 10/10

Full botnet

17 years old

>just werks
Just barely works, yeah. Breaks itself often enough I wish I'd put it in a VM so I could just restore a snapshot.
>It's super fast
Yeah, any time it isn't updating or doing any of the other dozen or so background tasks that just happen to run when the computer is "idle", which apparently means whenever I'm playing a game or watching a movie and running shit in the background will make everything lag to hell.
>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
No. It's compatible with 100% of actual desktop and laptop PCs, because any OEM that makes a PC that isn't Windows compatible will see 99% of them returned.
>it doesn't crash
Except when Windows Update keeps pulling in the SAME GADDAMN BROKEN DRIVERS EVERY FUCKING TIME IT UPDATES. Jesus, how many times do I have to click rollback?
>it's free
Only if you pirate it. If it comes with your PC, part of the price you paid for the system was for a Windows 10 license. So it's free the same way your CPU was free.
>has native bash support
A definitely cool feature, though it's still somewhat buggy.
>has some great features like cortana
You know what would also be a great feature? A proper off switch for that. I have no need for voice command on my PC, and would prefer not to have it running and consuming resources even when disabled.
>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
I care about both and try to minimize it on both. I'd install LineageOS on my phone to be rid of it if there was a compatible build.
>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
This point here is very valid and the one reason I keep it on my PC.
>really nice UI
Inconsistent. Way too many types of right click menus. Annoying invisible window borders keep adjusting windows away from the side of the screen. "Dark" theme only applies to "apps" and not actual programs.

What have YOU got to hide, Wang?

I just don't like when someone is watching me.

My waifu. I refuse to share her with the entire Windows team. She's a pure girl.

ITT: buttblasted linuxfags trolled by a pajeet

I don't want Cortana to watch me masturbate. We don't have that sort of relationship yet.

>just werks
lol no

>super fast

>it doesn't crash

>it's free

>bash support
shit meme that barely works

>muh gaymes

>really nice UI

sage desu

>still niggerposting
That meme sailed its ship ages ago. It didn't drive Sup Forums out of Sup Forums.

t. Sup Forumsman

>games are toys
>games are for children
>mature hobbies for mature guys such as myself
>god isn't real morty


>tfw I feel literal nausea while looking at negroes of any gender
That won't make us leave either.
But Sup Forums original posters weren't niggerlovers ironically or unironically, so I think Sup Forumstards are the closest people to oldfags.

>questions social issues without fear of being politically incorrect like 2006's Sup Forums
>kill da evil whitey patriarchy posting le epik female niggas a la

You should leave.

>being this salty over some's pref. of women.
Why is Sup Forums so full of apple faggots?

No one is forcing you to look. You clicked that on your own.

Windows 10 is a windows 7 full of advertising and spying.

Other than some scaling shit, there is no advantage whatsoever in using it.

>Android on desktop
>Android on anything actually

Agree on everything except consoles. And also Its really easy to get it for free.

>Implying you aren't salty over some's pref. of fucking children
Nice double standards, and I actually don't care if he faps to female monkeys or to cuckshit. I just cringe so hard at some sad leftist cucks shitting up this board with female niggers thinking that makes a difference in anything.

Yeah why allow yourself to do something you enjoy when you can watch anime and rice linux, because those are much mature hobbies

>there is no advantage whatsoever in using it.
The core has some improvements like compressed memory, shared DLL loading / COW memory, and native iso mounting.
Task Manager is leagues better.
Gets security updates on current CPUs.
Win-X "power user menu" is actually useful.

Look you nigger (you're clearly a nigger since you cry over petty things), If you don't like something ignore it. Its illegal to fuck childen, I know it your preference, and you're salty because your fetish isn't legal, but his is; if you can't ignore something so simple, you should do your parents a favor and abort yourself.

>Are you good, like half of this stuff is untrue. I have had win10 for years and have never had it crash on me? did you like download gayXXX.exe from some shady Russian website or something? UI is subjective, it is the best for gaming on pc's (consoles are they're own market), bloat comes from shit companies adding their own crap on it (cough cough MSI). A clean install with no thrid party bloat can run most, if not all modern games where other simply cannot. Linux needs a compatibility layer as well to play any GOOD games so idk why you pointed it out like its a windows thing. Unlicened win10 lasts forever and if you had any inch of care to look for product keys if you rlly didn't want to pay for them, you can find them. No one I know paid the $130 for win10.

>mature hobbies
only immature children talk about how their hobbies are more mature then other's past times.

>past times
Only dummies don't realize that there's a difference between a hobby and stuff that happened ages ago.

>you're clearly a nigger since you cry over petty things
Wouldn't that be SJWs? And those are mostly white.
>If you don't like something ignore it.
I do, I literally hide the post and keep reading the thread but sometimes I feel that the second hand embarassment is so strong I need to tell the guy that he doesn't need to do that because it's irrelevant and accomplishes nothing, he probable doesn't even find niggers sexually attractive but does it because he thinks he makes his pol-boogeyman leave. This was organize by some leftist cuck discord long ago and looks like it still lives.
>Its illegal to fuck childen
So when a fetish is illegal, it's okay to hate it? Racemixing was illegal at some point, then by your logic I'm right to find it cringey.
>I know it your preference
>no u
>and you're salty because your fetish isn't legal, but his is
Well, eating your own shit is legal aswell, go do that.
>you should do your parents a favor and abort yourself.
>le kys

Okay, don't be this triggered mr. niglover, enjoy the fact you can go back to (((pornhub))) and watch your interracial and ebony videos anytime.

Oh. Do yo'u admit you're such a faggot you can't keep your opinion to yourself, and you're such a retarded nigger, you can't ignore something without bitching about it. Must be nice to be such a simple fag.

>you can't keep your opinion to yourself
No, I'm a man, and a man can give his opinion out in the open anytime. Nice cuckold mentality you got there.
>and you're such a retarded nigger, you can't ignore something without bitching about it.
We already went through that.

By your grammar I'm led to believe you are some kind of triggered brownskin. Then you'd be right to be triggered. On the chance you were white, my condolences then.

Sure thing, you're the nigger that's triggered about things that don't matter. I feel for you too, user.

Only mature men can understand sarcasm

google pastime, you imbecile

>things that don't matter
Maybe for some godless, hedonistic nihilist goy.

>muh jews

>the sacred chosen jewish people have no power or relevance over the curren turn of eve-

>Muh CNNigger Jews
Like choose another news source dude like goddamn, watch Taiwanese new or somthing lol.

>This is only a (((coincidence))) affecting CN-

Again, there are other media outlets. Its not that hard to understand. Goddamn nigger do some research.

>lmao like who cares if everything mainstream is owned by jews which makes them directly responsible for the shortcomings and issues of modern societal trends and sjw madness, chosen ppl aint done nuthin wrong, u can still watch some youtuber 4 news

Ok tyrone.

8.1 was ok but kinda meh, then after few years of use, ive installed window 10 , now that is one shitty OS . all the bugged updates the lag . cant handle it . whats better for a begginer? solus or manjaro?

>The jews and the minorites are ruining society and my own people can't do anything about it because we're benefiting from the system that's already in place, and we're the vocal majority. So even though I'm not suffering, I'll blame others for my own short comings because people from Sup Forums told me its everyone's fault.

okay, LaQuisha.

I know. But "pastime" and "past time" are very different things. Just like "catastrophe" and "cat ass trophy". Just because it sounds the same doesn't make it interchangeable.

>The jews and the minorites are ruining society and my own people can't do anything about it
>because we're benefiting from the system that's already in place
By benefitting you mean we are being outbred by racemixing and """""""""""""""""""""minorities""""""""""""""""" which will account for the majority of the population in less than 50 years, having had our jobs outsourced and our way and customs lost and being brainwashed at youth into believing we are literally the devil? Then you are also correct.
>and we're the vocal majority.
Wrong, that'd be SJWs and leftists, which are basically mentally castrated self-hating whites that do everything they can to fuck whites and white's interests.
>I'll blame others for my own short comings because people from Sup Forums told me its everyone's fault.
Not everyone's fault, it's the fault of those who have the means (owning vast fortunes and first world media) and fund everything mentioned above.

So, okay Soros.

>By benefitting you mean we are being outbred by racemixing and """""""""""""""""""""minorities""""""""""""""""" which will account for the majority of the population in less than 50 years, having had our jobs outsourced and our way and customs lost and being brainwashed at youth into believing we are literally the devil? Then you are also correct.
Nigger, you went full retard. Only brainlets are swayed by popular opinion, and no one is forcing Stacy to fuck Jamal or Pablo. She did that shit by her own choice, and it's not brain washing, its people making their own choices in life reguardless of the consequinces that follow. It happens. A chihuahua will fuck a mongoose if it can mount it, and retards like you will blame Jews and brainwashing because you don't understand why.
>Wrong, that'd be SJWs and leftists, which are basically mentally castrated self-hating whites that do everything they can to fuck whites and white's interests.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. Brainlets like you will never understand this, but look at life as a series of personal choices. If Mike sees a commerical where one of his people is courting Shaneequa, its his choice to decide if that makes his dick hard. Not the Jews that made it, they're just pushing out their propanda, I think its called "thinking for yourself" or something like that.
>Not everyone's fault, it's the fault of those who have the means (owning vast fortunes and first world media) and fund everything mentioned above.
But you still have someone to blame for something. That's the bane of retards in this society, not being able to think (like yourself) so they need to be told its someone's fault.

You're the ultimate nigger. Like they blame whitey, you blame Jews. Never ending circle.

>just werks

yeah now that I've:

disabled or removed cortana
change a few global policy settings
disabled or removed a service or two
add a couple of firewall rules
disabled a few scheduled tasks
added more ip's to the hosts file
removed skype & one drive
disabled ads in the start menu

yep, it werks now

So according to you, evolutionary psychology or psychology of any kind dont real, females are not brainwired to do what's shown on media to fit in because of their social nature, most people are freethinking philosophers that aren't swayed by tv and their peers, and the education system doesn't brainwash white prople into a neverending guilt trip in which they are told they have been very bad guise, raped everyone and muh slavery etc. at an early age so they have no knowledge to counter it and no former personality to go back to (best brainwash).

You convinced me, I'm making pornhub my homepage, donate money to africans and let my wife fight the patriarchy while she fucks randome people. Thanks bro, you are a true nigga.

Nigger, I'm saying people stupid enough to have their opinion swayed into any direction can't think for themselves; and people that are triggered by social sciences are retarded to begin with. If you think those people are brainwashed, they can say the same about you. It works both ways.
>evolutionary psychology or psychology of any kind dont real
I don't even understand this statement, and while I enjoy this conversation, I'm asking you to think outside the box. To someone that doesn't agree to their conformation, the latter can be considered brainwashed. Fuck social politics, brainwashing doesn't exist. People make conscious decisions, and if that conforms to your views or not, you shouldn't care.

Crying about things that don't matter is retard teir. I'm going to finsh my beer. Join me on DNDirc if you want to continue.

>>just werks
fuck no, homegroup settings are absolutely garbage and the way windows just says "uhhhh this whole hard drive belongs to me now" if the hard drive is a dual boot is fuckin retarded.

>>It's super fast
try booting with no hibernation (ie shift+shut down) and let everything boot up again, it will be a lot slower. even macOS is better

>>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
kind of agree, it does everything for you whereas linux u gotta do it yourself

>>it doesn't crash

>>it's free
information is the price

>>has native bash support
lol, windows encourages gui. actually thats not a bad thing but it definitely does not encourage bash. also cmd and powershell wtf

>>has some great features like cortana

>>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it

>>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies

>>really nice UI

>just werks
>super fast
abso-fucking-lutely not
doesn't help that all of the "modern UI" apps are absurdly slow, from start-up to doing anything in them
opening the start menu or using the task bar has a tendency to be unusually slow
>hardware compatible
vaguely, spent some time hunting for drivers, everything worked out of the box on Linux
>it doesn't crash
haven't had a whole OS crash in ages, just extremely intermittent bluescreens out of nowhere
haven't had Linux panic on me ever in my life
being stable isn't something to brag about these days, it's just expected
"""free""" (honestly, wouldn't know, typed in the win7 key on my shitty laptop and it accepted it)
>native bash support
no X though
fuck off
>MS spies on you
you at least expect the always on, always network connected device with forward and rear cameras and a mic to probably spy on you
you shouldn't have to deal with your fucking computer doing it
>nice UI
fucking lmao

the machine I have with 10 installed spends a lot of its time running Fedora just because W10 sucks
I just put up with it for a handful of shit (visual studio and games).

>Didn't say gaming was any better
at what age will you stop being retarded?

>Being this assblasted

>just werks
>super fast
>doesn't crash
>implying I use Jewgle on my phone
>really nice UI

>posting NSFW on a blue board
>violet ugly hornet

>bestiality on a blue board
fuck off with that shit

>just werks
windows update literally deleted both my windows and linux partitions, after restoring the partition in the partition table I still couldn't recover ~3 years of data. It's obviously my fault for not having a backup but windows clearly isn't as stable as people think.

This but unironically.

>I have had win10 for years and have never had it crash on me? did you like download gayXXX.exe from some shady Russian website or something?
Seems to be luck based. Some hardware it works great. Other hardware, it continually breaks itself from bad updates, or pulling in the same bar driver over and over and every time you have to rollback the driver if you like using a mouse or having sound or whatever it's for.

>bloat comes from shit companies adding their own crap on it (cough cough MSI). A clean install with no thrid party bloat can run most, if not all modern games where other simply cannot.
Even a clean install has plenty of bloat -- apps that keep being installed each update even if the user always uninstalls them on sight. And then of course constantly installing and uninstalling things accelerates the old Windows creep problem.

>Linux needs a compatibility layer as well to play any GOOD games so idk why you pointed it out like its a windows thing.
Most anything Valve runs natively on Linux these days, and Vulkan is growing so Linux support will be easier for more devs to add.

Technically Win32, Win64 and UWP are compatibility layers. I haven't seen a single NT native game.

>Unlicened win10 lasts forever
Yeah, if you like no customizability and no ability to turn off ads in the start menu.

>if you had any inch of care to look for product keys if you rlly didn't want to pay for them, you can find them.
Wait, where do I find a free key that will pass activation? Or are you promoting piracy of the product you're shilling?

>No one I know paid the $130 for win10.
Did any of them buy a PC that came with Windows? Yes? Then they bought Windows. Saying otherwise would be like everyone you know who owns a car got the seats for free. The manufacturer literally paid for it and passed the cost on to you as part of the purchase price.

i think you mispelled Windows 8.1, which was indeed the greatest operating system of all time. The beautiful and unique interface, no ads or spyware shit, no wierd shitty phone like notifications, doesnt lag like shit and flies even on 10 year old PCs.
Windows 8.1 was ahead of it's time. It is the greatest OS ever. Fight me faggots.

>no wierd shitty phone like notifications
It puts notifications in the top right corner, remember? If a bunch appear at once, they stack their way down the screen.

A considerably better system than Win10 does imo. On 10 they keep appearing right over the text boxes of chat apps as I type in them, and a pile of them can take a while to cycle through. On 8.1 they were generally out of the way, and if there were a pile, they would be gone quickly.


never accepted but need it for work

>Considers actually buying windows
>Uses a pc for video games
its inoperable

17 but then came back to video games for a good half a year
18 quit cold turkey and never wanted to play again, because it was a replacement for lifting and studying which that dragged me down (literally, like i gained weight from playing too much instead of going out)

I hadn't used windows for a while but I dualbooted for labview. It bluescreened in the first hour of using it

>people who think video games are bad are more likely to watch Rick and Morty
in what universe ni/g/er ?

He wasn't saying Consoles Gaming is better than PC gaming, he is saying Console OS are better than Windows for gaming.
This is still slightly incorrect given Xbox runs windows. But Playstation runs BSD

Alright, rebutal time

>>just werks
Not saying it doesn't, but it could be better without a good part of te useless blobs microshart forces it with (I.E, cortana, all that Xbox shit, etc)
>>It's super fast
Too heavy and bloated to be true
>>it's compatible with the 90% of actual computers because Microsoft actually cares about hardware compatibility
I stil ahve to ee win 10 running on RasPi and on my old Thinkpad (Core 2, 4go of ram, started it's life on win Vista, runs win 7 and Debian Stretch like a charm)
>>it doesn't crash
>>it's free
>>has native bash support
This one is a litteral add on
>>has some great features like cortana
Subjective, I wish I could do without. Also, hello NSA
>>Microsoft spies on you, but you probably use an Android phone, which is way worse, so don't care about it
While that's true, the amount of spying on Linux is proportionnal to the amount of non-free stuff you use
>>It's the best OS for gaming because DX12 and the latest game technologies
Legit for now, but Linux is starting to catch up fast
SteamOS uses Linux kernel
>>really nice UI
Before Cinnamon, LXDE and other get riced, yes. After, it's ugly af in comparison

>really nice UI
The UI is unfinished mess.

>has some great features like /u/
I like /u/ too, fampai


>I have to do a fresh install every month or 2 because it keeps fucking up
no, its because YOU fuck it up retard
i use win10 since release and it still running great

> A well optimised distro like Solus would be even faster.
enjoy wasting your worthless time

>>It doesn't crash
>Yes it does. A lot. It's only stable for the first month.

>It's expensive. Like $130 here.
its free but not for retards

not saged, conclusion - RETARD

With Microsoft going with this "unified Eco-system" BS that Google and Apple have done, I wish that they would release some sort of Windows variant that basically cuts all of the bullshit (Microsoft Store, Office 365, Cortana etc) and provides only the basics. Something similar to Windows 7 in functionality.

Windows 10 is great when you customize it a little bit. Get a better file manager (freecommander, double commander etc) some nice media player (mkv, vlc, MPC-HC, foobar whatever) maybe a text editor if you're into that and that's it. It just works. It's comfy.

19, wasted like 5 years of my life on that garbage

All the points you posted are valid from a certain point of view or other, except the one on Cortana. That is SHIT no matter how you look at it. Nobody asked for it and, nobody uses it because it's a gimmick that interrupts workflow.

Thank you for your post, Harpreet. Your continued support is noted and appreciated.

15INR have been deposited in your account.

>watching news

Are you a baby boomer or something? Watching news is basically admitting that you're old or that you are a boring person without any hobbies. Moreover, watching news is unhealthy. They prey on your lowest instincts, show misery and outrage just so you keep watching. They don't want to inform you. You're not their client, you're their product. Why would you do this to yourself?

I didn't. I like to have fun. I don't feel bad for having fun because I'm not a puritan.

2 years after my death
if i have to use windows i would go for 8.1 with classic shell