Whats the Point?

Whats the point of Arch? what advantage does it have over Debian or Gentoo? I just don't see the appeal....

It's better

its a meme. just use debian.

Aur is a user-based repository for arch with loads of software, it's helpful.

Only reason I use it is active community. I can screw something up, hop on into IRC and someone who knows a decent amount is willing to give me the time of day.

#debian and #ubuntu are slow or useless.

>What is an overlay or Deb repository

it's for people who like fixing X

Get me an up to date version of 0ad and other programs like it without self compiling/going to the website and downloading the Deb.

>what advantage does it have over Gentoo?
You don't need to compile everything

the logo and low package count looks good in Sup Forums desktop threads.

Someone thought they could be clever and reinvent the wheel, hence Arch

so after you """"successfully"""" install it, you can call others noobs and tell them to git gud

this desu. they are smug about using arch so you can expect quick pedantic replies on irc

t. former archfag. now i use debian (it just werkz)

wiki, aur, binary distro, lack of bloat many other popular distros ship with

what's the point?
Whereas many GNU/Linux distributions attempt to be more user-friendly, Arch Linux has always been, and shall always remain user-centric. The distribution is intended to fill the needs of those contributing to it,
>rather than trying to appeal to as many users as possible.
It is targeted at the proficient GNU/Linux user, or anyone with a do-it-yourself attitude who is willing to read the documentation, and solve their own problems.

read the fucking wiki and you might find a clue

>so you can expect quick pedantic replies on irc
the fuck else would you expect from an IRC? I'm sure the devs have better shit to do than help you configure fucking networkmanager or some dumbshit via IRC

>a distro dedicated to the advanced user
>sense of superiority
>read the fucking wiki
>solving their own problems

see this is what we're talking about. If you even attemtp to criticize these people, they just lose their minds and then accuse you of not being able to understand arch. Shits hilarious. Sometimes there's being unnecessarily complex and difficult for the sake of exclusivity. Doesn't make you smart or intelligent, it makes you a douche.

Don't reply to shitpost threads. Any OP that ends in ellipsis is 100% some fag shitposting. It might even be some arch fag baiting to get a discussion started.

>Sometimes there's being unnecessarily complex and difficult for the sake of exclusivity. Doesn't make you smart or intelligent, it makes you a douche.
how is arch unnecessarily complex or difficult? you had trouble with the installation image didnt you? :^)

there's a community of "tech enthusiasts" (aka autists) who enjoy taking the hardest roads to solve the simplest problems under the guise of some moral principle, like muh open source freedom or muh privacy

these autists then feel the need to advertise their mental illness to everyone else in an attempt at self-gratification, like fags and furries. so while the silent majority goes about their business these deviants clog the public discourse and inevitably succeed in legitimizing themselves to gullible newcomers

but to answer your question, there are virtually no advantages in using arch over a mainstream distro like debian or ubuntu. the ability to customize every component from scratch is meaningless to most users who would be perfectly served by the defaults. the tradeoff of this "privilege" is a shitty broken OS that requires constant maintenance and steals all your free time (a limitless resource for the average arch neet)

but why does it bother you so much?

It's literally not possible for you to be any more mad than you are right now. I don't know why, but that's funny to me.

He tried to install Arch and got stuck on partitioning.

>he he nothing personel kid but you couldn't even INSTALL arch ;) *tips fedora*

wew, this is the Sup Forums equivalent of the "muh dick" response

install a deb, rpm, or source distro and learn something useful heh no way fag

Is it wrong, though?

you mean dev centric

>unnecessarily complex and difficult for the sake of exclusivity.

It unironically just works, never had problems that weren't caused by user errors with it.

>Tfw this happened to me once

happened to me many times.
i'm dumb.

cfdisk is personal favorite because of this, also I had to google how to use mkfs, and in the end I didn't even get a bootable system because I tried syslinux and fuck it up on install.

Just make the partition table beforehand with a gparted live usb :^)

Then use Void

that's why you never go full retard and make use of gparted

This is a disadvantage

It's for people who don't have anything better to do than to fix a broken OS every time they update.


I've seen retards at the Chaos Congress compiling LibreOffice or Firefox over 20hours on their old ass Thinkpad.

This kind of people will never understand.

It's a rolling release, the AUR is pretty good, the documentation is excellent, and the ABS is great. Of course,
is a big problem too.

I don't know about firefox, but libreoffice is feasibile if you have a decent processor.
With an old ass laptop you're retard if you use it.

I'm not even thinking to build firefox because I'm using the nightly version and it will be crazy to build that shit 3 times per day. No matter how powerful is your system.

If you're updating Nightly on a daily basis then you're going about this whole enterprise the wrong way.

>be me
>use arch for 6-7 months
>never have any issues with it, all smooth, loving it
>hdd dies
>buy new one
>start installing arch yesterday
>ethernet stops working after installation for some reason
>give up after 5 hours and install debian
f-fuck arch

That's like the definition of autism

What's the point of using firefox nightly if you're not using an up to date version?

>advantage does it have over Debian
Don't know about gent, but compared to Debian it only has disadvantages. For example, bloated packages, in arch they stuff development files with the plain program. A lot of people package their programs for debian so you get a nice programm with all the dependencies met in debian repositories, they also do it for redhat and opensuse(which, I think, have the same package systems, not even talking flatpak and ubuntu snaps) people don't give a shit about amateur hobbyist projects like arch.

You're acting like he said it was a bad thing, but he's praising that, you nigger

it's some enthusiast system that people use for fun or to get to grips with some of the nitty gritty bits of linux, no one uses arch in the real world

You mean ?

Arch is just werkz type of system because of binary packaging. Not as hardcore as Gentoo, it still provides fresh and clean base on which you can build your system, without carrying too much fucking bloat other systems are packing.

If you don't `make clean` then it will only compile the parts that actually changed since last time... which, if you're literally getting the new source every day, should not be all the files at once.

Not him but that's pretty interesting actually, so if you don't install a lot of new complex programs then Gentoo might be feasible even if you don't have very good hardware?

I'm tired of old packages with no fixes for minor bugs in Debian stable. Does Arch require less maintenance than Debian unstable?

>what advantage does it have over Debian
much more documentation
Faster package manager
never experienced any kind of dependency hell

If you have a powerful enough computer, then the only real advantage arch has is that it's easier and faster to install.

Arch is actually one of the most bloated distros. It really isn't minimal at all.

I'll never take advice from autista again
This portage shit gave me cancer
Went back to arch

No one says it's minimal, however it is still bare-bones from functional point of view, not carrying million shit gui applications which you would never use.


It's not barebones either, it's extremely bloated and comes with too many packages.

arch is the best distro
its so good I spends hours everyday playing around with it
fuck those windows games, i play arch.

fuck those windows games, i play fixing my x server

I'm getting a dell xps 13 with 8gb of ram, I'm planning on installing arch in dual boot (will need tutorial / help to set up uefi shit compatability or something).

So with arch I can install what I need without bloat and keep system resources free. Planning on using xfce as well

arch is placebo autism tier

seems suspect

the only reason arch is even used is because of the UR. aside from that it would have been defunct ages ago. outside of that its a pretty garbage distro compared to the main 5.
>hurr duhrr its hard to install so I'm cool.
>hurr duur its simplistic because I can install a shitty wm.
>hurr durr make me look like I know what I'm doing with gnu/linux.

you want to be cool? ram a dildo up your ass instead of installing linux and telling the whole world about it.

lel then emerge eats up all that shit while trying to get some random package you need. they are both just memes. faggot.

>dual boot
lel? people do that?

>>hdd dies
how does that actually happen to someone without physically breaking a hard disk? makes no fucking sense.

need windows for certain applications.

Linux for pen testing and everything else

how? how is that actually better? the only reason to use gentoo is for the sole reason its meta. thats it; I agree that upgrades break shit and its fucking annoying so its refreshing to have something that you can build from the ground up but having to compile shit makes no sense as far as productivity goes.

>Linux for pen testing
your not a pentester.
>use a hypervisor faggot.

>whew my ubunto is superior XDDDDD
>all other loonix distros suck bc i dont use them LOL

>muh privacy

there is some actual truth to that. see its cocksuckers like you who paint everyone that cares about privacy an autistic the reason companies like Microsoft feel comfortable installing backdoors on their operating system.
>but but!! no! i'm right and your not! hurr dur.
>read the ms EULA and then come back and type your dog shit reply.

who said I was on ubuntu? oh wait; you must actually be 13. its cool son.

I only know the basics of linux, and dont know if my machine will be able to use a vm, so so far dual boot will be my option until I get more familiar with it.

when your 13 and want to be edgy on the internet because you followed a youtube tutorial on how to install some garbage distro.

>who said I was on ubuntu?
>doesnt include a screenshot


>I only know the basics of linux
because you dual boot and dont actually use linux only when you want to come on Sup Forums and be sit with the kool kids klub arch fags.
>install debian
you learn this shit by actually doing it.
if you want to be full linux fag you install linux and select "Use entire disc" on whatever shitty distro your going to run and learn the CLI as you go along solving problems you are having. thats how you learn.
>but muh vydia!
stop playing video games.

>because you dual boot and dont actually use linux
A comment that would have been justified in the past, but now it wont be... at least I dont intend it to be.

>you learn this shit by actually doing it.
I know, I learned a little bit of arch from using it on my raspberry pi and setting stuff up there (cli)

>but muh vydia!
nope that machine isnt for games, its productivity stuff i need

Why do debian users feel threatened by Arch/Arch clones users?

Arch users don't give a shit about what others use as a distro

>>doesnt include a screenshot
didn't realize this was a dick measuring contest. you want a picture of my cock as well kid?

fedora wins.

Breh, I'm a /fit/ brainlet and I have installed Arch successfully. Though, right now I am having some trouble getting it to install on a virtual box. Cannot get the bootloader to work. oh well back to the wiki.

>muh stop using windows
>muh stop using a distro I don't like
This is why Linux will always be niche

why do arch users think its impressive to follow a youtube tutorial and install a linux distro? how hard is it to look up a video or read the wiki? every time I see some other linux fag in uni all they can talk about is how impressive they are because they use arch linux and want that should mean they will be the next bill gates. its fucking annoying trying to explain to them that arch is nothing special and they have not accomplished anything a 12 year old kid on youtube could show them how to do. fucking autism on a new level user.

The point of using arch for most people on Sup Forums is that they have, somehow, managed to install it and found that it strokes their ego on a daily basis. There is absolutely nothing that Arch can achieve that Linux Mint cannot. There is no customisation you can make to Arch that you cannot make in Debian. Arch is just an ego stroker for fat people who havent seen their cock for decades, not even when they look in the mirror. Look at the logo, you think its an "A" for Arch. now do you see the fat sysadmin

no linux will always be niche because assholes that use it like arch users tend to have this aura about them that they feel like they are somehow superior that everyone else. its not impressive to type on a terminal line or use Vim. Its not impressive to use linux; anyone can do it, and its not impressive to know how to install something. this is what turns the main stream off linux to being with; this assholish attitude that linux should be complex because complex is better. it shouldn't be. it should just work. if you want to have a little side project and go on your sub reddits and jerk each other off to how cool you all are for installing "a hard to use distro" then thats fine do that; but calling everyone else lazy for installing mint or some other shit is plain stupid and it makes the whole community look bad.

>There is absolutely nothing that Arch can achieve that Linux Mint cannot. There is no customisation you can make to Arch that you cannot make in Debian.
Except not having a disgusting and slow package manager.

the wiki

that's it.

what if I installed Manjaro so basically Arch for babbies because I wanted the AUR but not going through the pointless install?

I did the installs several times looking up each step to learn why I was doing it so that I could be better over all with GNU/Linux systems it has helped me understand shit that I struggle with.

cant argue with that autism

>A comment that would have been justified in the past, but now it wont be... at least I dont intend it to be.

ok then apt-get virtualbox and be done with it. if you need a little push read the EULA and then you'll never want to be on a windows machine. I actually like windows I just fucking hate microsoft and the US government
>SMB protocol 0days are fucking stupid easy to find now. its pretty much a backdoor put there by MS.
>my raspberry pi
learn python and how ARM works on a Pi, this will actually mean something in the future.
>nope that machine isnt for games, its productivity stuff i need
good. computer games are fucking retarded.

even a monkey like u can install arch. not everyone can learn from installing and using it, understanding how the os works, while not using a piece of shit package manager like apt or having to compile everything like gentoo. ofc you live in the jungle with your other gorilla-peers so understading this concept is kinda hard, I got you.

Manjaro, or Mangina as its known in the linux world is buggy, you will install it, you will think "Wow this looks fucking great" you will try to actually use it and I guarantee you will be installing a different distro within 3 hours

>I did the installs several times looking up each step to learn why I was doing it so that I could be better over all with GNU/Linux systems it has helped me understand shit that I struggle with.

cool. just please re-frame from feeling the need to tell the whole Internet and everyone you meet about it.

The only thing I do is tell people who are interested in linux to do it as well, because it helped me so much.

How long ago did you try it and have problems? Just downloaded the latest stable KDE build and was going to play around with it for a bit.

I know its pacman -Suy (even though I did double check if apt-get was on arch)

I know a little programming, and I really enjoyed coding with python, no need for all the syntax and shit. Even made a nicotine increase/ decreasing script for e juice.

well I used mine for a year now without any problem

I installed it because developing on Windows is a pain in the ass everytime you need to upgrade anything

AUR, community, setup from scratch with less hassle than Gentoo but finer-grain than Debian

>even a monkey like u can install arch. not everyone can learn from installing and using it, understanding how the os works, while not using a piece of shit package manager like apt or having to compile everything like gentoo. ofc you live in the jungle with your other gorilla-peers so understanding this concept is kinda hard, I got you.

>i'm better than everyone else and everyone else is just wrong. Why don't I already have my own special about how much of a genius I am for using linux already!
>i'm special and other people just don't understand.
>understanding how the os works
>I know what kernel means so i'm super duper smart computer guy because I can read a wiki page!