your thoughts? worth learning?
Your thoughts? worth learning?
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Worth learning?
Even if you end up not using it, it definitely teaches you a lot about good design in systems programming languages, because the compiler forces you to "do the right thing".
It's a shitty language that's more concerned about politics than actually programming shit.
Learn literally anything else.
>your thoughts?
Don't like it
>worth learning?
Yes. At this point Rust is on its way to take over old C++ in future.
No it isn't.
Rust is about as likely to replace C as every other language before it that tried to replace C.
Come back when you get high level abstractions that Rust provides without the GC overhead.
You may not like it, but Rust is here to stay.
Also learn to read, I was talking about replacing C++. C already got replaced by C++.
Ignore the zealous Rust shills and autistic screaching about SJWs. If you want the type safety for systems shit, yes. If not, consider Ocaml.
>your thoughts? worth learning?
Yes, "how not to design a computer language"
Fixed the logo for you.
How can you ignore SJWs when they won't ignore you?
>c already got replaced
>Rust is about as likely to replace C
Rust isn't a C replacement.
>How can you ignore SJWs when they won't ignore you?
In what way do SJWs stop you from using the language?
>In what way do SJWs stop you from using the language?
By sticking their CoC up your ass
Sup Forums has an SJW CoC too. Why are you using it?
Rust is amazing, if youre smart enough to learn it, do it!
No it doesn't nigger faggot
You should stop pushing politics into everything and look at the language in a purely technical way. I looked at what the language does and learned it. I dont know anything about the sjw news and shit, only the syntax and programming style. Its a decent smartboi language, way better than Go.
>Trolls, flamebaits, racism not allowed
>Uncalled for catch phrases not allowed
>Complaining against or violating CoC is bannable offense
>"no it doesn't"
Adorable, aren't you? On top of that you are using Google services to authenticate yourself.
>You should stop pushing politics into everything
Too late, your Rust developers already did that for you.
> look at the language in a purely technical way
I'm sure you leftists would like to turn the clock back to when we ignored you and let you spread like cancer. That's never going to happen again.
There's no CoC there are rules, horse fucker.
>Rust is better than Go
Cool story zher
>There's no CoC there are rules, horse fucker
Give up, your kind is very emotionally driven and mis-informed. Sup Forums is libertarian left, owned and run by a non white.
Also, I noticecd:
>Interest over time is a measurement for Good
LOL JS > 50 ft pile of trash > C on that regard
Damn someone got BTFO real hard.
>By sticking their CoC up your ass
A community having rules isn't exactly new. Out of curiosity, what is it that you want to do that would violate that code of conduct?
Why does a programming language need a code of conduct?
It's not even the community, the language itself is asking for you to follow the CoC.
>the language itself is asking for you to follow the CoC
huh? how is the language talking to you?
>It's not even the community, the language itself is asking for you to follow the CoC.
No it doesn't. Where are you getting that from?
>Our code of conduct sets the standards for behavior in all official Rust forums.
People feel unsafe when pepe is posted.
>No it doesn't. Where are you getting that from?
Literally refuses to compile if you have variable named nigger.
>some people actually believe this FAKE NEWS propaganda
At least make your bullshit creative.
The only complaints against Rust is basically fake news. Not that 4gag is good for anything else anyway.
The borrow checker kills it. It's simply too restrictive.
Traits are lovely, I wish C++ had these instead of all the OOP shit.
Generics are fine. I like that they're bounded by traits but it sucks that they're not as flexible as they are in C++.
Builtin features like tuples and enums make life so much easier.
Type inference is nice but otherwise declaration syntax is shit.
>Literally refuses to compile if you have variable named nigger.
Hi Rustfaggot, nice false flag.
The problem is simple, Rust is a CoC run community, it's written by a homosexual for landwhales who beached themselves at mozilla.
The language introduces nothing new (MUH Linear Types, see ADA 2012), and builds a static analyser right into the compiler. You fucking have to do "unsafe" dances every single time you try to compile a perfectly valid program.
"MUH SAFETY" = Allowing only almost trivial programs.
Rust is a safe space for bad programmers
>get BTFO
>f-false flag
how sweet
Funny how a libtard calls a literally white person non-white. White by definition is a color not a nationality. To be completely correct no one is white.
>>Literally refuses to compile if you have variable named nigger
Please tell me this isn't true eksdee
Liberal and Libertarians are not synonymous. Also, this doesn't invalidate anything I said.
Turing test, Turing machine and Turing proof are written by homosexual too. What's with your identity politics?
Not really. It has a CoC. That's it. The only people who accuse it of being "more concerned about politics" are the people who are more concerned about the perceived "SJW politics" of having a CoC.
Can anyone explain the rationale of them hiring Ashley Williams? I avoid politics like the plague and this makes me wary.
nigger are you serious
japs are like honorary whites, in fact they're better than whites
everyone knows this
>everyone knows this
No, it's just you. There's no such thing as "Honorary" whites. As I said you are emotionally driven. Stop doing these gymnastics to accommodate your superficial philosophy.
> make thread about Rust
> Sup Forums circlejerkers who haven't used it for more than 5 minutes, shitpost it to oblivion
wow you're right Sup Forums really was part of Sup Forums all along! it didn't ruin discussion at all! really makes you think.
Rust doesn't have linear types
>wow it literally removed "nigger" from the output
> A popularity contest is the same thing as technical merit
> This level of understanding of assembly
> Herherh rust is beachwahle sjw langwidge because I can't call people nigger on Reddit and the official forum real programmers yewze go and visual basic
Don't ever change, 9gag
>he can't recognize an obvious joke
Sup Forums memes aside, do people on Sup Forums have respect for the parallelism enabled by Servo/Quantum?
>inb4 muh NoScript---I know some people are still pissy about it
It has affine types for modelling ownership and lifetime, which are similar to linear types but don't have to be used.
Rust doesn't pretend to be radically new. The typesystem is Ocamlish. The traits are basically Haskell typeclasses. The regional memory is based on MLKit and Cyclone. Affine types are an old idea. Obviously C++ and Ada are big influences. The static analysis and package manager also aren't new ideas. But I give Moshilla legitimate credit for making a systems programming language that brings all these things together effectively.
There was a thread where a Rustfag couldn't beat the performance of some Python one-liner, lost it, and kept shitting on the thread.
Completely turned me off of trying it.
>In what way do SJWs stop you from using the language?
What good is a language if you're locked out of cummunity support because someone digging through your background found out you are a member of the NRA or some other verboten organization?
>if you're locked out of cummunity support because someone digging through your background found out you are a member of the NRA
When has that ever happened?
I'm not denying that.
It was just a specific programming challenge that the Rustfag solved so inefficient that he got beat by a smarter solution, implemented in Python.
And he couldn't handle it.
>Can anyone explain the rationale of them hiring Ashley Williams
They thought the ending of HIMYM was bs and that Victoria was the correct choice. Since Ted didn't pick her, they did.
I'm pretty sure the CoC has to do with behavior interacting through official forums, and it's pretty unremarkable in this way (it's also pretty unremarkable in the corporate world). The policy for node.js is more draconian, and I don't see people describing node.js as SJW:
> What good is a language if you're locked out of cummunity support because someone digging through your background found out you are a member of the NRA or some other verboten organization?
Is there actually evidence that shit like this has happened in the Rust community?
The reason Brandon Eich was demoted was because lots of activists outside Mozilla demanded it and sites like OKCupid were blocking Firefox (most of the people inside Mozilla disagreed with Eich but respected him and were fine with his continuing). I agree that it's fucked, but I don't think it has anything to do with Rust.
The Brandon Eich thing was stupid as fuck.
Personally I think that marriage is a stupid idea to begin with and that the state shouldn't regulate or even track marriages, but if they do make a particular brand of marriage "official" and integrate it fully into the legal system and the tax code, people should be able to hold whatever stance they want about how it should work.
Being forced to resign from a company because of a view that was held by 99% of the population a couple decades ago is a bit too extreme desu. Then again, I'm not american and I won't claim to understamd how americans feel about this.
If anyone is looking for a job doing Rust backend stuff, send an email to [email protected]
The job is in Europe, visa sponsorship and help moving available, we can just talk about anime during the technical interview, you'll still have to get through HR, and actually be decent at stuff.
I'll provide more details after you provide more details about you in your email.
what's a man got to do to be worthy of being a paid Rust codemonkey? I just want to leave this enterprise PHP/NodeJS/Python purgatory. I'd settle for Go at this point. so sick of typelets
>Can't take a joke
Wow Rustcoders are eternally buttpained
>Brushing aside criticism as Sup Forums
Typical SJW stratagem.
I remember that thread. Rust coder started shitting the bed it was hilarious, like their entire world collapsing on them.
Well, in this case you have to convince me you're not shit since I need someone capable and I'm the one you're going to work "under".
And then you have to convince the CTO you're not shit, but that's going to be easier if I tell him how good you are.
All goodness I saw in advertisement on this is that integer won't overflow...
Well I got something like fraction value with optional decimal, that can get 64byte integer until it overflows, if I ever design a lang...
It's not much work, because on small integers clocks are same and all you need is to read byte that is like signed bit.
This one:
Your criticisms are mostly Sup Forums "satire"
So com-pilling GCC same-io processor in php would not take a difference, you just make it in a way, so it have some predefined input in both cases, so it can follow variable...
And it is FASTEST.
The language doesn't have politics, the community does. Don't interact with the community or stick to the non-retarded parts of it.
This language is not widely adopted. If you want a library, you have few options.
Using Rust means interacting with its community, this is inescapable.
Rust has a stupidly simple yet hard to deal with move and ownership rules. Many programmers are used to (ab)using shared mutable state. This would pose problems in archaic languages like C or pre C++11.
However now-a-days it's a solved problem. Modern C++ is reference counted and programmers prefer automatic memory management. Although there are smart pointers in Rust as well, it focuses too much on safety, which is not the biggest concern right now, at least in my opinion.
Rust does have some nice features, and will keep improving but realistically I'm not interested. I'm not a kernel dev. I do care about performance but I would like to preserve my sanity. With Rust it's hard to do so.
I do like that it has a nice build mechanism and dep-handling is built right into it. C/C++ are never going to achieve that. That alone should be a good enough reason for anyone to be interested in Rust.
I find programming in Nim to be pretty enjoyable. It lacks libraries but working with the language can be actually fun unlike many other languages. Not saying Nim and Rust are competitors but Nim performs well enough for me.
>Modern C++ is reference counted
I hope I never use C++ written by you.
Anyone know if it's possible write an int as binary with line breaks?
Something like
let diagonal: u64 =
that the compiler accepts?
Much of this criticism is fair. Foregoing garbage collection in every situation is probably bad thinking. The Rust solution is going to take more lines than the corresponding Python, JS or Ocaml program.
I'll just point out, though, that most security vulnerabilities of exactly the kind Rust is designed to prevent occur in C and C++ programs. Not shitty sophomore-level C++ programs, either, but widely used libraries developed by Fortune 500 companies. In the systems domains, you cannot count on garbage collection.
As for abusing shared state, I agree it can be convenient having done it myself lots of times, but I think it's a habit worth disabusing devs of, for the reasons mentioned.
int x =
this works in sepples, dunno bout rust
You probably can't afford it anyways.
Safety comes with a price that many do not want to pay, doesn't it?
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I want a modern C++14 based language, that's it. The safety precautions are too restrictive for me.
>bad programmers
Ahh there it is. Hes just mad because he couldn't learn it and the community discussion board code of conduct is the only thing he has against it. Cool. Good thing I don't to on forums in 2018
That's the one!
The community is the way you can influence the change in the language. ISO C++ committee doesn't have a SJW problem, though they've tried to inject themselves into it, it simply does not cater to land whales unlike Rust.
Care to guess what is the "chick" behind the anime avatar? Upholding the CoC indeed.
>I'll just point out, though, that most security vulnerabilities of exactly the kind Rust is designed to prevent occur in C and C++ programs. Not shitty sophomore-level C++ programs, either, but widely used libraries developed by Fortune 500 companies. In the systems domains, you cannot count on garbage collection.
You do understand that C programs have suites of formally proving a program's functionality right? C has been around for a long time. Nothing Rust does is new.
Good taste!
> formally proving a program's functionality right
Can it ``prove`` preprocessor macros too?
can you tell me about these suites?
> You do understand that C programs have suites of formally proving a program's functionality right? C has been around for a long time.
Sure, but that means either:
- Using eg FramaC and configuring it so you can write manual proofs of properties the Rust compiler always discharges by default and foregoing all the niceties of having a substantial standard library and package manager, in which case, by my guest;
- Writing theorems in Coq and deriving C code from them;
- Licensing software from AbsInt or a similar specialty commercial vendor (which is not cheap, by the way) based on intraprocedural abstract interpretation for safety critical applications.
All of these things are perfectly doable. No one pretends otherwise. But they're far less convenient than using Rust, and the main argument against Rust besides claims that it's run by a cabal of evil trannies seems to be that it's too inconvenient, to which I say that showing correctness isn't easy and Rust is the easiest thing of its kind.
>Nothing Rust does is new.
Using affine types to model mutability xor non-exclusivity is somewhat novel. In other respects, though, the language is taking a lot of useful ideas with plenty of precedent and making them more accessible. But no one pretends otherwise; precious little that JS, Java or even Python was "new" either.
Useless. It offers literally nothing.
The language isn't asking you to do anything. Stop being retarded and actually try programming in Rust before shit talking. Its because people like you literally cannot stop thinking about politics and have no passion for programming. So you can ONLY see the code of conduct for a community discussion board and not the actual syntax for the language
Again, unless you can point to a digital Maoist brigade in Rust's community banning people for having unpopular political beliefs as opposed to being actual trolls, I just don't see how this kind of criticism strikes against Rust's merits.
I also fail to see what's so horrifying about a few trannies being part of a community, especially in a discipline co-founded by a literal fag.
too much boilerplate, and they still throw unsafe{} in there because they know their language doesn't support all real-world use cases they're targeting
Programming trannies are almost always autistic.
Autists are known for being-above average programmers. Maybe that's why a disproportionate number of trannies are programmers.
delet dis pic
>want to learn rust
>go to official forums and discord
>ask for general guidance and for some good begiginer tutorials
>told to submit proof of my srs before asking for help
>decide to learn something else
Why doesn't the Perl community have this problem? One of the biggest names in Perl is Randal Schwartz, who is best buds with uber SJW Randy Harper. Yet somehow Perl avoids most of the SJW drama while Rust bathes in it. SJWs are a problem in Rust because the Rust community values politics over programming. Don't whine about the consequences of the situation they've created. They could have gone the Perl route but decided to go the political route instead. Now you're crying because it didn't work the way you wanted it to.
You deserve it because the link to the book is right there on the official website.