Linux Handhelds

Are there any old Linux handhelds worth checking out?
I have Nokia N900, but is there anything older and still usable?

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Pic related after the newest code leaks.


Even if we had full access to everything apple we still would not have support for these phones.
Why? Because no one in the linux community buys them.
You could make one using something like the rpi 3 module or pay a fuckload of money for the pyra

>RPI 3

>nobody in the Linux community would buy an iPhone that can run Linux because nobody wants to buy iPhones that only run iOS

Fine get a pandora, dont come back crying when you realise new linux runs like slow shit.
The reason why thinkpads became famous in the linux community instead of macs(that we can libreboot btw) was because of the quality, modularity and repairability they offered at their low costs from ebay.
Same is true for phones ,no sane person would buy an overheating mess with irreplaceable batteries.
You can call linux users autistic if you want to but you cant call them stupid.

If Linux users aren't stupid then they should be capable of replacing a cellphone's battery. The iPhone's got some beefy hardware, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if someone got Linux working and had a decent community around supporting it. Time will only tell though.

N900 was so comfy, best phone I've ever owned.
There was a Neo900 project that decided to make a newer version of the N900, idk where it went though.

They are almost done, but the project is already old and useless I guess. It is also ultra expensive for what it is.

user a smart person would not tire himself with opening up shit hardware, instead he would opt in for the modular option.


A smart person would weigh his options and decide between performance and serviceability. Which he decides depends on what he intends to do with the device.

A smart person realizes performance and serviceability are not mutually exclusive

A smart person would have realized that that's obvious and posting it was unnecessary.

A smart person would realize i was stating the obvious ironically

A smart person wouldn't've ironically stated the obvious.

A smart couple would get a room first

Wow you're so funny

A smart person wouldn't have used the word wouldn't've, thats not a word

A smart couple are aloud to indulge in their fetishes, and if thats public displays of affection, thats still ok

Cheers, lad. Hope you're having a good night.

A smart person would spell allowed properly when they're correcting someone else on grammar, lol.

>A smart person wouldn't have used the word wouldn't've, thats not a word
I'm well aware that that's not a word and even knew I'd get shit on for using it, nonetheless that's how I'd say it so that's how I type it.

Fuck, ok you win.
>tfw brainlet

Actually I like to do the simplest thing because usually for 1 simple thing 49 things get cucked up

>that we can Libre boot btw.
This alone should tell you that macs are popular in the linux community, they error widely used and there is a ton of support for linux on macs. They just aren't popular on Sup Forums, but Sup Forums doesn't offer support or writes drivers so who gives a shit about whats popular on here?


What a compelling argument.

Linux is widely used on Macs because macfags start exploring the unix side of macos, fall in love, and run face first into the brick wall of its shoddy internals. Linux beats the tar(1) out of macos for unixy workloads.

Not gonna waste time with a mactard.

Don’t tell him that Torvalds uses a Mac.


Can someone please work on updating the Nojia N800 and N810. Their hardware is amazing.

I didn't argue intention.
>Linus Torvalds is a macfag who recently discovered linux for himself

He installed Fedora on one Mac, once, decades after Linux took off, and later went back to PCs. He's clearly not the primary user of Linux on Macs.

>No physical keyboard
Into the trash it goes

This shit doesn't have a keyboard
Who fucking cares if it runs Linux or not
I'm not using an OS that heavily favors a keyboard on a device that doesn't have a keyboard

Or you know, you could just plug in a keyboard, or connect it with bluetooth.

Indeed , linux on blackberry when?

>being that line autist who carries a fucking keyboard with him everywhere
I know we're all fucking autistic as shit but some of us have a line

I dont carry it everywhere, but sometime i wanna travel light and need to do some scripting/programming. So i carry a small bluetooth keyboard, ssh into my machine, and use vim.
>hur dur a modified version of linux designed for touch interfaces needs a keyboard, and they dont have keyboards
thats not an argument, keyboards are compatible

BB keyboards don't even have a fucking numrow, they're designed for only one thing: sending messages. And that's all they're good at.

I personally know plenty of people who use GNU/Linux and Unix operating systems that also use iOS devices, most people who are competent with real computers don't really care for mindless smartphone fanboyism.

It's not even about smartphone fanboyism
If i cared i would get a flagship phone.
But instead i opted for one that you can easily open up,change battery,repair, and has a durable screen.
So it's more about hardware longevity

And if that's really what you value, that's fine, but not everyone really cares for it in a device that will be utterly unsupported and painful to use by the time a battery replacement is needed, and even if you do want to keep at it, whether just because you have no other choice, or you just like it and want to keep it running, it isn't really too hard to deal with it when that time comes. It's less convenient and not really something I'm a fan of either, but it's hardly impossible, and sometimes other things can make up for it.

Size is a bigger constraint than weight
I already own a small laptop why wouldn't I want that instead
>modified version of Linux with a touch interface
Literally garbage
What's the fucking point?
I want a small Linux computer where I can use Linux programs not a mobile os replacement
Termux on my keyone is meh at best

Still better than the touchscreen trash the rest of the phones have.

I mean yeah but trust me
>no number row
>no arrow keys
>no tab
>no function keys
>no hardware ctrl
Really makes things hard
But it's great for messaging and shit posting

>Size is a bigger constraint than weight
yes, i have a tiny keyboard that is only about 15-20 cm in length, i would rather carry that than my big laptop, if i want to travel ultralight.
>I already own a small laptop why wouldn't I want that instead
It depends on the situation and person, but im not going to tell you "why you should want x".
>Literally garbage
>What's the fucking point?
>I want a small Linux computer where I can use Linux programs not a mobile os replacement
There are many ways to run linux commands on Android.
There lots of times when i need my laptop and i take that instead, but sometimes a phone and tiny keyboard is much more convenient.

I don't need to trust you, I use my Q10 for ssh regularly.

Why did you allow Google to kill the momentum building up for the convergence between desktop Linux apps and mobile Linux apps put into motion by the Nokia N770/N800/N810/N900?

Why did the American Linux fans go with java VM Android instead of native Linux apps?

Why did the American Linux fans go with walled garden Chrome OS instead of native Linux apps?

Well then you probably know how frustrating the lack of alt, meta, control, tab, function keys and arrow keys are

Linux fans didn't do that
The normies did

It's really not that hard to use the touchscreen here and there for a modifier key.

I don't honestly think you do, or you don't really have anything better to compare the experience with. Because actually using a Unix-like terminal environment productively beyond just logging in and staring at top is pretty painful even on the Palm Pre I use for that task that has far better input than a Blackberry, especially most BB10 devices.

You can't live with just the 26 letters of the alphabet on a system like that, you need numbers and symbols, directional keys, tab completion (especially on a small device), and various specialty keys that either have to come through software or gestures at that point, neither of which are particularly great and often aren't really tuned towards that kind of use case.

That's not to say you can't get by just fine, but that's pretty much all you're doing. It's not a great or enjoyable experience by a long shot.

I never said it was great nor enjoyable, I said it was better than not having a hardware keyboard. Learn to read, user.

They did. They were hyping it up.

I'm saying they're both a pretty equally shitty experience for a lot of the same reasons. I wouldn't want to run a desktop operating system on either.

Even if they get GNU/Linux to run in it it still won't have:
- Jack plug
- SD card
- Easily replace battery
- IR blaster (could live without this, though)
- Industry standard port like USB
- Clean display without disruptions

It would be one of the most powerful mobile GNU/Linux devices but still lack a lot of convenient hardware features.

It's not like you wouldn't be running a million dongles off of it anyway if you wanted to actually use the Linux part. Pretty much any smartphone would suck shit in this regard.

N900 was so sweet, I'm in the process of repairing mine, thinking it could be still usable for text and phone calls, and maybe some SSH.

>norton commander
>linux software

GPD Win maybe?

well this was a fucking useless thread
goddamned iOS hating/loving babies getting their cum everywhere


GPD Win 2
Gemini PDA (SIM-less)

The original GPD WIN is absolute garbage. Not only is the hardware shit but having a proper Linux desktop on it is impossible due to too many issues. You need a fuck ton of workarounds to make Linux barely work on it. While GPD Win 2 fully works even now and it's not released yet.