Good Mac Applications

Boom 2
Disk Sensei
Forecast Bar
Lite Icon
Radio Silence

What else am I missing lads?


What's a Mac Application?

The Unarchiver

these apps alone tell me you barely know how to use a computer

That's pretty much it.

and your reply tells me that you're a faggot



Then explain how I, a mentally fit heterosexual, am currently using OS X.

>mentally fit heterosexual
>using OS X
Pick one.

I choose both.

Karabiner (especially if on hackintosh)


I pick mentally

i've used BetterTouchTool and Transmission in the past. those are good.

>a smart man
>fixing Linux every other week

A smart man wouldn't use Arch

homOSeXuals BTFO!

Indeed, they'd use macOS.

Having a Mac doesn't imply it's running OS X. I've got multiple Macs running OpenBSD. Linus's in that pic is running Fedora.

You know as well as I do that you shouldn’t be using it at all on your webaids computer. Linux for Linux things.




>grudgingly use osx

Because macOS is the best OS. He'd rather use Lion than any shitnux distro though, that's how shit linux is.

macOS™: the world's most advanced desktop operating system. "We used to dream about this stuff" --Steve Jobs

Point still stands.

He clearly states that he runs macOS™ at home, on his MacBook Pro™

>fagos is so shit he completely bypasses it and works exclusively through SSH so he doesn't have to use applel's abortion of an OS

Yes he does, yet my point still stands.

Grudgingly, because he knows what a steaming pile of shit fagOS is, but uses it to stay on the same page as the nu-male fruitfags at work.

And yet it's the best OS available, hence why he chooses to use it at home and not shitnu, i mean linux :)

ok, Rob Pike uses macOS as well btw

OS X's the best thin client OS. Use it for basic graphical shit and remote into a BSD or Linux server for real work. This OS loyalty needs to die, different things are great for different purposes.

>ok, Rob Pike uses macOS as well btw
Irrelevant, but okay.

>best anything


Why not both.png



>fagOS is so shit the best use for it is to bypass all the Appjeet street shitter code and use another OS entirely through SSH

trying too hard, m8

Linux is so good at what it does that the best way to utilize it is to ssh. I didn’t greentext because I believe this to be true.

How will mactoddlers EVER recover?

He preferred Snow Leopard. Learn to read.
