
What does Sup Forums know about Rhodesia? I know /k/ seems to be fascinated by it, and they have a god tier flag.

What can you tell me about it? I remember there was a super oldfag who lived there when it still existed who did an AMA a while ago, that was cool.

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I have a book about Rhodesia called " once upon a white man" .
Nice book 8/10

Fucking gooks

Post Rhodesia related video. Honestly the first time I heard about it was from Sup Forums

A racist country governed by people foreign to the land who thought they were the good guys for treating the natives like children

Sup Forums loves to talk about it.

>turns a country into the most developed country on the entire continent
>gave the natives opportunities and things they never would have had before
>brought progress and development

The Zimbabs chimped out, plain and simple. They didn't want to be ruled by white people, so they chimped out and now look at them. Zimbabwe is a fucking shithole and has been since Rhodesia ended.
Rhodesia and modern Zimbabwe is proof that niggers will destroy anything they get their hands on. They literally will not let themselves have nice things.

they were the only one to help us during our war in mozambique therefore like them

What about Namibia and Botswana?

AIDS infested.

Niggers will always find a way to ruin a good thing.

What are the thoughts of the Portuguese people of the Portuguese Colonial War? How are veterans of it looked upon and treated?

Is is something you like to cover up and pretend never happened?

The difference is in the attitude .
The niggers from Namibia realized that they need whites to improve and keep the economy going so they didn't chimp out

Thinking of ordering a Rhodesian flag to put on my wall. Should i?

No. There is no reason to other than to be edgy.






The south African Union flag is more beautiful


Fucking UK and their railroad plans

Nobody talks about it, not because it's seen as a bad thing but because we don't care anymore. Veterans who are still alive live fairly well, I guess, some even have reunions with ex-soldiers and stuff


They were tough bastards


And it's shit


Because of Western sanctions. West got butthurt.

Are they living in actual Zimbabwe or are they expats?

It's a rogue state, in historically unsurpassed financial disaster, run by an openly racist former terrorist.

I'm sure you'll excuse me if "West got butthurt" isn't a sufficient argument for me.

Fuck Zimbabwe

>we're a 90% black country/colony, let's ignore the voting rights of 90% of the population. That will go well

It's shouldn't exist. If we protest against blacks in our countries, we must fuck off from theirs.

You're 100% right. I should also add that to me the guys against immigration should be the most in favour of foreign aid and investment, and against colonialism if all they want is to be "left alone", since there would be no reason for black and Arabs to come if they had a stable country. And the ones that would come would be a net benefit to society, not terrorists and illegal migrants.

Nah. White pride world wide.


I wasn't even born when Rhodesia was around but I was intrigued by it and I studied its history. I used to be sad it is no more but thinking about it, they had it coming. An uni-lateral declarion of independence was bound to be a fucking terrible idea, they should have expected consequences. Now I just think they Darwin'd themselves out of history

SA stood with you also. Don't forget based Saffers.


fucking world ganged up on rhodesia in the middle of the cold war

people were getting restless due to the long period of the dictatorship so a lot of people left illegally to france, the commies were getting stronger, the war broke we technically won it but then the commie revolution came and thanks to socialists in the first years of republic people started to see the war as bad.

>white pride world wide

>you will never operate in short shorts

Did Rhodesia ruin shorts uniforms for every other nation? I don't understand why an army with the weather for it wouldn't want shorts uniforms.

It helps that they both have vast amound of diamond mines virtually unexplored during the British (and South African, in Namibia's case) colonization.

Former Armyfag here.

The reason soldiers wear long pants and sleeves is for protection from the elements. Especially in desert environments the sun can be bad. And for jungle and forest stuff you want to be protected from cuts and scrapes and insects.

Shorts would be nice when it's super hot, but there's a reason armies still use long pants and jackets.

>asking kitbag questions
snakes, scorpions, centipedes, sand flies, spiders, general cuts and shit, etc etc

try walking through the bush or crawling on rocks in shorts

>the sun

Okay, I get that, but follow me here: shorts are COOL.

Those are actually very good reasons, so I guess my next question is "why did Rhodesia choose shorts?"

>tfw you wil never hunt spooks in the jungle

Because they are comfy and easy to wear

when the vest goes on the sleeves go down :DDD
>mfw 28 detention for fucking sleeves

Based green leader


Your criticism of anti-immigration Westerners who support Rhodesia is logically lacking, because it ignores the possibility that these people view whites as inherently superior, which I'm sure they do.

This, to an extent.

>An uni-lateral declarion of independence
Most declarations of independence are unilateral. Ireland, the US, South American countries, CSA, etc.

Be grateful. Up until very recently the US Army wasn't allowed to roll up sleeves even in garrison. They were the only branch of our military that couldn't.
They finally for smart and changed the policy.

>Your criticism of anti-immigration Westerners who support Rhodesia is logically lacking, because it ignores the possibility that these people view whites as inherently superior, which I'm sure they do.
Even more terribly ironic coming from an Irish

>Up until very recently the US Army wasn't allowed to roll up sleeves even in garrison

well they knew what they were getting into, it's not like it's a conscription military like ours. i didn't volunteer, wasn't asked, i get paid just about as much as a napalese construction worker in the emirates (slave wage) and the only reason i'm staying in the military that shits on me and everyone else in it daily is that i think service is needed in our country since arabs and shit. otherwise i would pack up my shit and go home.

i mean the levels at which this military shits on you are unbelievable.

>being a French"man"

When will this meme end?

>Be Irish
>Not being socialist

What the fuck went wrong with you

I don't understand the question.

Ireland is probably one of the most leftist-friendly nation in the world

Funny to see an alt-righter here

Blacks get sick of minority white rule, so elect a half Malwian half Zambian president for life who runs the country into the dirt.......the irony.


It varies.

College students and the like are very loud about being lefties, and a big chunk of poor people vote blindly for Sinn Féin and the Anti-Austerity Alliance, but most normal people are moderately conservative, especially socially. I mean, our only two parties that are centrist or right-of-centre got 53.5% of the election this year.

The only historical reason that Irish republicanism is tied to the left is because of
(a) a reactionary attitude towards the British aristocracy, and
(b) The 1916 leaders needed to appease the James Connolly and the ICA for the manpower.

Irish people are fairly common-sense politically, so we don't make a big song and dance about it.

>i mean the levels at which this military shits on you are unbelievable

I know this all too well. I got out when my years were done. I wish I never signed up in the first place.

But do what you feel is best.

All living in Zimbabwe.

>and they have a god tier flag.
Opinions on the actual country aside, this is how I know you know nothing about flag design
Breaks literally every rule

I wasn't gonna say anything... but since someone else did, yeah, seals on flags are tacky.

>I know this all too well

i don't think it's this bad. i've gotten to know people and close friends who came to be impaired for life because of the fucked up medical system and ego tripping commanders.

one who had appendicitis and had to go awol to take himself to the hospital, another with scoliosis and a chronic miniscus injury who fucked his kness and back for life because the commanders didn't give a shit when he complained about pain, another who almost got sepsis from an infected wound and the list goes on and on

>Because of Western sanctions
Wasn't Rhodesia embargoed and unrecognised by almost every western nation?

Literally the same in the USA. I've seen people forced to go against their medical provider's approval and train and end up getting hurt worse.


Basically South Africa if the blacks had a revolution.

And yet it's even shitter now than it was then even though back then it has international sanctions and these days it gets international aid

Please explain why that would be the case?

>tfw you'll always be an amerifat and can't walk around calling guys "bru" and it be acceptable