Be me

>be me
>go to microprocessor design lab
>finish in 20 minutes so I can spend two hours "helping" this cute chinese girl while I smell her
>fred sitting next to me has is fagbook open to a youtube video titled "Initial D Trump" with greentext screenshots and shit, earbuds in
>watch him look down at his laptop to check his lab manual
>he screams "OH GOD" and switches the screen off the youtube video to the lab manual
>he looks around scared to see if anybody saw
so glad I fell for the uni meme

no one asked for an update to your fucking blog you cunt, a thread died for this shit. kill yourself

you mad bro?

How do I follow your blog?

I'm so intrigued. Please tell us more.

she smells like rice

shoot yourself bitch

Trolled. Epic style.


that chinese girl is getting fucked by the whole sports team weekly and fucming tyrone daily, while she laughs about some loser helping her do all of the work

>microprocessor design lab
>finish in 20 minutes


>Brainlet detected

worth it though tbqh, it's not like I'm marrying her and I get to stare at her and smell her every week

He was jerking off to microprocessors, of course.
Literally a patrician taste.

>Initial D Trump
I see nothing wrong with that
>pic related is OP

Isn't that a bit weird? I mean, smell of a partner is pretty important factor, but you are pushing into the weird territory.

I think it'd be more weird to let that opportunity slip

Unless you are getting creepy about it and you aren't making the sole focus of your actions to sniff her, it should be okay, user.

Does she at least have some titties to look up?

And does the OP has a dick large enough to nod in approval?

Of course I keep it cool, left hand on the back of her chair, right hand on her mouse, my nose right over her shoulder, nice slow breathing.

Not great but something's there

yo sound like a sociopath. do not raise a family with an Asian woman in the future. there is 100 percent chance you'll spawn the next Elliot Rodger

>actually falling for the stinky chinky meme

this is the dumbest thing that I have ever read on this board...perhaps even reddit all-together. My only hope is that it is spill-over from Sup Forums (I woulen't know; never been) and that your stupidity is not contagious.

>uni meme
More like freshman.
You sound middle school tier new friend.

this is my 4th year of university, it's just a stepping stone for me

Elliot Rodger died over a year ago now and people are still talking about him. Looks like he's finally getting the recognition that he's always wanted, he just had to kill some people to do it.