Monthly reminder that it has been 2 months since the repeal of net neutrality and no harm has been caused to us...

Monthly reminder that it has been 2 months since the repeal of net neutrality and no harm has been caused to us consumers because of it.

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I dont even know how to explain to you why that statement is retarded

all the googlebots just "forgot" about it since google admitted defeat and they no longer needed their reddit drones to fight for them

did anyone ever think anything would happen?

Of course not. Did you think Comcast et all were going to go for the deep, hard fuck the second they were allowed to? That would only create a wave of public backlash that would lead to people calling on politicians to bring it back. If I owned an ISP, I'd be biding my time, waiting for people to forget, and then give them just the tip to start.

>I dont even know how to explain
Yes, we know you are retarded.

Like 99% of Reddit and like 80% of Sup Forums.

It didn't happen the first day, nor the first week, nor the first month, nor the second month, and it won't happen for the next 6 months, nor the next years, nor the next decade. That's why this will be a monthly reminder.

but public backlash apparently doesn't matter according to the net neutrality is a scary evil boogeyman fags, ISPs will apparently create a walled garden where you can only access google or pay 50$/month to access wikipedia or some shit because they can and nobody can do anything about it >:))))

If there was absolutely no difference to consumers, why were shills screeching about how evil it was nonstop?

>80% of Sup Forums.

So, like 2% of Sup Forums and 78% of Sup Forums?

I recall a lot of reddit spillovers that were complaining about it on Sup Forums saying it was the end of the internet

red dick is that way faggot
>muh it's only a matter of time

cuz those shills are funded by companies that don't want to pay to access ISP networks. with NN there it was illegal. now it's not.

so, 99% reddit shills?

yeah but they were still on Sup Forums

I'm sure some where paid but they got the norms pretty good as well, even some chads i know and my brother were trying to tell me it was bad

Actually, Sup Forums was one of the boards most in favor to the repeal net neutrality.

Like all rights erosion it will be a thousand middle-men cuts of normalization.

that's what I meant

never gonna happen dude. i work for a top 10 ISP in the USA (above customer service). i know how it all works on the backend. it's a joke - NN was spouting stuff that simply will not occur. a lot of major companies such as Google, Facebook, Netflix, etc. already have "dedicated" peering links to most major ISPs.

Netflix regularly does 300-400G worth of data on our network during peak times at night and they don't pay for shit as far as upkeep goes.

this is the real reason why NN was so heavily opposed, not because the consumer would be hurt. it was never about that. these larger companies don't give a shit about you.

Monthly reminder that repeal of net neutrality still hasn't unleashed the wave of innovation and lower costs for consumers thanks to less regulations that the providers claimed was the only thing holding them back.

See, I can do it too! sage for shitpost trollshilling..

I know, I tried to explain that to the norms but they just kept saying "bro look at this reddit pic im gonna have to pay 20$/month for wikipedia"

ah my bad. oh well. maybe someone will read it and learn a little more.

Good! So we agree net neutrality was never about protecting us consumers! yay!

lel this.
My ISP announced a 5x increase in bandwidth at no extra cost within 6 months.

And the based MAGA train just keeps on rolling. based pajeet putting redditors in place.

This is why i love Sup Forums. No bullshit and is accepting of the truth like the based people they are. fuck reddit and their soyt jewtrality that is shitting of conservative rights, was just tool to censor white people.

Bumping thread to trigger redditors lol.

this is for brainwashing the norms again stupid jewishfuckers.

Correct. My favorite example was this

>muh censorship is bad! ISPs want to censor everything I don't like!
>but based Google Facebook and Reddit are in favor of net neutrality and banning and closing down right wing propaganda so now I love censorship!
bunch of idiots, they just choose to live as slaves from another master

i miss when cancerous Sup Forums normalfags didn't constantly shit up Sup Forums

I can't even tell if you're being ironic

Can't wait for reddit to be shut down soon after the MAGA train kills all traffic to it lol.

It's the truth reddit, go back to shilling NN to the norms for the 2985379853421th time.

i miss when newfags like you used to lurk more
did you know that Sup Forums used to be a right wing libertarian board and would have been in favor of the net neutrality repeal? no, of course you didn't, because you just started posting two months ago because of reddit

>Netflix regularly does 300-400G worth of data on our network during peak times at night and they don't pay for shit
That traffic is already being paid for your customers at the other end.
Does the municipal water utility get pissed at washing machine manufacturers for "using water without paying for it"? No, because all the water being used up is still paid for by the customer who runs the washing machine.

That's not a very good comparison, water is metered and internet is usually "unlimited".

Correct. Believe us if old Sup Forums was here they would have laughed at your ass like the redditors you are, ans along with us will be the ones to spread the shitness of the ((NN)) jew.

Sup Forums in general used to be right wing and would have laught at the idea of this reddit net neutrality shit. Would have praised the repeal because of all the butthurt it causes.

>internet is usually "unlimited"
In competitive markets where competition forces companies to provide good service.
In America the state-sponsored monopolies have been moving towards implementing bandwidth caps in more areas.

We need either a real free market economy with real competition (that means monopoly-busting) or a real commie centralized government ISP. Our current system is somehow the worst of both worlds, where everyone has 1-3 identical options for providers, those providers are building infrastructure with taxpayers' money, but they are still business trying to suck maximum profit out of their captive audiences while providing the lowest quality service they can get away with (which is quite low, since there's almost no competition threatening to take their customers from them).

>In America the state-sponsored monopolies have been moving towards implementing bandwidth caps in more areas.
what major ISPs in American have bandwidth caps?

Your shilling has no place here.

They dont, its another reddit scare tactic.

It's economics 101 guys
Monopolies will have about the same number of customers regardless of how much or little they spend to improve their service, so they can maximize profit by not spending anything (and by imposing restrictions on customers that make the network cheaper to run). This is especially the case when they provide a service that is considered essential or mandatory, such as internet access in modern America.

This has nothing to do with NN though. The ISP situation in America was shitty long before this.


Many restrictions of this type are regional. One ISP will offer significantly better service in some locations than others.
In Chattanooga, Tennesee, which established a municipal internet utility (and thus actual competition), ISPs began providing significantly faster service for lower rates than they had been before.
When customers in the US get poor overpriced internet service, it is because of a lack of competition, not because the technology is too weak or infrastructure is too expensive.

Taxpayers pay for new infrastructure, which governments then give to ISPs for free. But only the first company in a market gets the free government lines (why ask taxpayers to pay for the same thing twice?), so if any new competitors want to enter a market they have the huge disadvantage of needing to build the infrastructure themselves without billions of free tax dollars. In addition, local governments often grant companies companies GUARANTEED local monopolies in exchange for agreeing to serve previously non-internet-connected rural areas.

Anyone who leans economically right ought to SUPPORT free-market capitalism, and be heavily opposed to this kind of government-handout-supported anticompetitive monopoly. .

>what major ISPs in American have bandwidth caps?

>Sup Forums used to be a right wing libertarian board
is this what Sup Forumstards truely believe ?