Why don't we just grab these flat earther cucks, tie them up in a space ship and launch them outer space...

Why don't we just grab these flat earther cucks, tie them up in a space ship and launch them outer space? That'll surely change their opinions.

Waste of money. They will stop at nothing to justify and defend their beliefs. They would sooner accept martyrdom than admit they are wrong.

because the earth is flat and that will prove it

I like you, OP

Because they're like Democrats thinking Trump colluded with Russia.

you can send like 5 up into space
then when they get back and say "wow I saw it, we were all wrong", their flat earther buddies will just say that they got bribed by the government to lie, or that their families were threatened or something.
that's the same excuse they use for every other airline pilot or nasa worker or whatever the fuck who doesn't suport flat earth

but the earth is flat, it's just the curvature of space that makes it appear to be spherical

Lol you guys are ridiculous

I'm talking everyone. Just go to south and make an alex jones meetup. We gas them out cold, tie 'em up and the next thing they see is that they're being launched into the space.

The only fix to conservatardism is a bullet to the head.

The problem is, even if you sent EVERY SINGLE ONE of them into outerspace, while a FEW would agree that the earth is round, many will STILL find issues. "Oh, nah, the earth is still FLAT, it's just a flat disc that moves around like a conveyor belt."
They'll still try to find ways to justify their retardation

Because they'll insist you just put them in an amusement park ride and strapped TVs over the windows to try to prove your ball-earth lie to them.

Well in that case just release them into the space, don't bother about their return.

The Flat Earth fad is a "conspiracy theory" designed to distract, divide and discredit those who understand actual conspiracies. It creates cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially those which are True. This meme took off after Obama equated climate change deniers to members of the "Flat Earth Society." Within 12 months, YouTube was flooded with a mass of videos. This is a "PsyOp" which requires large funding from intelligence agencies and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology (e.g. if you are broad minded enough to know 911 was a false flag; and now just accept Flat Earth theories.) When you engage with this Psyop, a paid shill replies from their "Flat Earth Manual" like some cyborg, there is a mass of paid bloggers on CIA pay roll to push this. The meme is the ideal project for mind-control that could be devised by Tavistock institute & CIA. It is amazing how many clever, well-meaning and spiritually oriented individuals have been suckered in by this transparent pseudo-scientific sham. So in essence, the psy op is designed to create cognitive dissonance in that you've been lied to your whole life to believe in the Globe model. What is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won't be easily deceived by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind. Flat Earthers exchange one set of lies for another. My advice is to eschew cognitive dissonance and reside in Truth.

It's all FAKE NEWS to them. They even think SpaceX launch the other day is not real.

>your visual perception = truth
nuh uh

Stale meme. Sage

Believing the earth is round makes you a plebbit soyboy.

desu once they leave the atmosphere they'll be in space looking down at a circle that will just "prove" their theories

The windows on space vessels & visors on space suits are actually screens linked to NASA propaganda CGI broadcast

What a huge abnormal faggot you only are. Fuckung idiot fat earth theory has existed 1000 years ago, you are spouting asinine bullshit to seem smart and its just so pityful

>believing that the earth is anything other than an 8-polytope