Is vim actually faster/ worth learning? Or is it just for autists to use cause they think it makes them look cool.
Same question applies for tiling windows managers as well. Will learning keyboard-only shit actually increase work flow or make you more productive?
Easton Johnson
>go to Sup Forums to call everyone autistic >drag all the software through mud >continue browsing Facebook like a normie
Logan Edwards
Most effective way to feel like a god
Alexander Thompson
I'm genuinely curious. I don't know many developers irl that use tiling managers and vim to code. I'm not dragging anything through the mud, I just don't know if it's actually worth my time to learn all these things.
Cameron Butler
There is not much to learn. Twenty minutes of vim-tutor and you can start. If you often edit small text files these 20 min are clearly worth it.
Nathaniel Moore
it's for brainlets. real academics use emacs
Austin Clark
vim is excellent for scripts, if you use vimtutor you can learn the basics very quickly. The commands are very consistent and programmatic so you can work many of them out yourself.
Tiling managers are great but not for everyone. I've only tried i3 and dwm but in my experience i3 is the better tiling manager while dwm makes the better (floating) window manager. Both have the functionality to do either though. I think tiling managers really shine when you're doing webdev and have to juggle lots of windows.
Leo Jenkins
emacs has tmux-style tiling too so I guess OP could get a 2-for-1 by just learning emacs.
default emacs doesn't always play well with tiling wms as they both make heavy use of modifier keys.
Hudson Powell
I'll give it a shot.
I know this isn't a help a fag noob thread but.. what's the difference of i and a in vim? Does emacs use vim style commands?
Cooper Rodriguez
>Does emacs use vim style commands? Nope, it use emacs style commands
Jeremiah Powell
i inserts at cursor a appends to the end of the line
Brody Jenkins
>default emacs doesn't always play well with tiling wms as they both make heavy use of modifier keys. Just use the windows key as a modifier in your wm
Bentley Howard
sorry I meant 'a' appends one over from your cursor, for use at the end of a line (or word)
Benjamin Jackson
Lol I get that but will knowing one make the other easier?
Joseph Roberts
ctrl+z killall -9 vim
Wyatt Martin
Nope. Vim is modal while Emacs is non-modal. It's a completely different philosophy.
Joseph Gomez
Not really. The keybindings are both good but emacs works more like hotkeys and vim is all predicated upon swapping between two different modes in order to control and edit.
emacs also does a lot of cool stuff other than just being a text editor. I use it for my emails for example.
Blake Sullivan
You will never truly know how good it feels to YAP or DAP until you're balls deep into Vim
William Sanders
Is there a text editor that has emacs style commands but drops all the bloat? I just want a text editor not an os. Am I describing Nano or smth?
Carter Ward
microemacs, it's not very popular but I think it's still being developed. I believe Linus Torvalds still uses it
Charles Hernandez
>Is vim actually faster/ worth learning? Not really unless you really need to edit a lot of files via regex or automate a few edits together, day in, day out. If you don't, don't bother, and the few times you will need to edit some large-ish file like an automaton, you might as well write a small python script to do it. >Same question applies for tiling windows managers as well. Will learning keyboard-only shit actually increase work flow or make you more productive? Hardly. You can set up keyboard shortcuts on any DE if they're that important to you. Tiling WMs are only necessary if you need a terminal or two dozen open for anything and everything. The truth is, people get all smug because they memorized a few dozen shortcuts for things anyone else would just click once or twice. Only the extreme corner cases benefit from such things, and since you're posting here, you're not in that percentage.
Adam Lewis
Jaxson Baker
vim is really great when managing headless servers.
Easton Rivera
You're talking about ed.
Camden Lopez
>what's the difference of i and a in vi[m]? If you started with ed this would be obvious.
Charles Sullivan
i use i3 with my mouse, and i always have my windows either tiled or ib full screen. i don't get why you think it's extremely niche to want a tiling wm.
as for vim, i can agree it's really for people comfortable with regex, although it does have benefits besides that. if you don't edit files a lot i would say stay with nano.
Matthew Russell
Agree with you about the mouse - tiling is good because it's tiling, not because zomg i'm controlling my wm with vi-like keybindings. As for these "people who are comfortable with regex" - yes, they're called Unix users...
Ryan Ortiz
if you lack a penis or if you are soon to remove it, yeah, Vim is the way to go.
Jason Lewis
I'm working for a software company and i use debian with i3wm and use vim as the text editor. As for vim, give it a week and see if you like it or not. It won't replace your current editor in a week, but you'll get the idea if it's worth spending your time or not.
Kevin Clark
It cost me next to nothing to learn vim, code your side/ school project with it, for only 3 months. 2hours everyday
Christian White
What company?
Aiden Wilson
Sounds like a pretty cool guy desu.
Jack Johnson
For admins vim is great for editing configs and scripts. If you have a specific goal for going into a file and changing it, vim is the easiest way to do it if you know how. It can be made into a good system for authoring files but it's perfect for small edits by default.
Samuel Morales
No, it's bloated botnet. Use acme instead.
Jonathan Evans
Learning vim is awesome. Even if you don't use vim, all good text editors and ides have some sort of support for vim commands, so the skills are transferable.
Aaron Barnes
neovim is nice btw
Tyler Thompson
Faster than what? Constantly moving back and forth between the keyboard and mouse? Sure. If you have to ask that then you're probably a brainlet and I doubt you'll ever reach the proficiency level required to reap the advantages, though.
Connor Martin
Ok, I got one simple/small (stupid) question about tiling window managers. Are they good for someone except developers, like for everyday usage for a student?
Cooper Reyes
they're a good choice for anyone who likes that workflow model more. there are people who like having floating windows placed wherever on their screen; they find it easier to work that way. just try both and see what feels natural for you
Jonathan Morris
I'm a student and I find tiling WMs essential for my work flow when I'm doing homework. I often have a lot of reference documents open (the assignment itself, pdfs of textbooks, lecture powerpoints, google searches, stackoverflow, etc.) and tiling WMs really help me keep those organized. For undergrad work it wasn't as necessary but graduate work is generally designed so that you learn the material as you go through the problems in my experience.
Daniel Jenkins
this. kys ohpee. You're a faggot and you need to stop calling everything autistic just because it doesn't apply to your use case.
Levi Harris
There are cases when you only need a text editor, not a full blown ide or whatever, and vim is definitely a good text editor. Keyboard-only text editing is pretty comfy and relatively easy to learn, and you can use a vim plugin with your favourite IDE instead of going full autist and setting up vim itself as an IDE through installing a billion plugins. The image you posted may make learning vim seem like a daunting task, but really you only need to learn a few basic commands to get started, the more advanced things just enhance the user experience, they aren't things you must know in order to do even the most basic tasks.
For general use, tiling WMs are about as good as normal WMs, even if having something like a file manager full screen by default when no other windows are open might feel a bit weird at the beginning. They really shine when you need to use a bunch of terminals, especially on a huge high-res screen (one for compiling and testing, a few for editing your code, maybe one for a REPL shell), but I'm sure there are also use cases where they are inferior. Learning the shortcuts for something like i3 doesn't take more than half an hour, so the learning curve isn't as steep as it may initially seem, just like with vim.
Sebastian Williams
It's minimalist, and pretty ubiqitious. It won't hold your hand, but you can get the job done.
Lincoln James
Emacs is more for autists; I just want to drop in, write or edit my code and get out. I don't need my editor to be flashy and do all kinds of shit I don't need.
Brandon Ortiz
Let me guess, you use a gui ide. Sublime?
Xavier Rivera
In this thread: people who can't use vim
Ok so i learned vim around 2012 after seeing everyone going nuts over it here on Sup Forums. It changed my damn life i shit you not. Best thing i ever did in my development career, it's a fun and comfy way to edit text when you understand it
Asher Kelly
if you are familiar with vim's modal style you can use it in emacs with evil mode package makes emacs a better vim
Samuel Parker
>It changed my damn life i shit you not Odd way of spelling 'wasted'.
Samuel Harris
:help a :help i
Exactly. Ignore that guy/gal.
This thread is full of inaccurate to bad advice. Learn vim and/or emacs (both? I know, crazy!), shouldn't even be up for debate. Beyond that use the IDE that makes sense for your project.
The reality is that engineers in industry often know MANY editors/IDEs. Almost all of the ones (engineers) I've encountered will know either vim or emacs or both.