Arc theme annoys me

>arc theme annoys me
>adapta theme annoys me
what gtk theme does Sup Forums use?

No point in polishing a turd.

>gay tool kit


>... annoys me
Elaborate pls. Any particular reason why?

>flat, dull appearance
>buttons are indistiguishable from text
Any questions?


>flat, dull appearance
Maybe you just have shit taste?
>buttons are indistiguishable from text
Fucking how?
I can see all the buttons in the OP clearly without confusing them for text.



>>buttons are indistiguishable from text
that's ironical because adapta is based on material design which purpose is to distinguish clickable elements and buttons from the rest of the interface only thanks to background colors. no need for shadows, glassy buttons or outlines and borders...

I don't like gradient so flat is fine for me. How about Adwaita? It looks clean but not flat.

adwaita zukitwo greybird...

>using a translated version of your os

>How about Adwaita?
I thought it's a default choice?

greybird is pretty nice but if you think arc is dull you're gonna have a bad time

Isn't it depends on what distro you use?

so what?

Why do you need two panels? Can't you just put all the info like time, sound, the weather and such into a tray on the left panel?

>GTK literally means GIMP toolkit

>Can't you just put all the info like time, sound, the weather and such into a tray on the left panel?
No he can't, because he's using GNOME.

>which purpose is to distinguish clickable elements and buttons from the rest of the interface only thanks to background colors
Who are you, a child, who needs buttons colored so programs wouldn't look so scary?

I thought there wouldn"t be such a question because I thought Adwaita is the first theme GTK users ever see.

just pointing out the fact that themes based on material design are the only ones that are based on actual consistent and thought out design rules and don't depend on the various degrees of autism of their authors...

Vertex Dark.