/hpg/ - Headphone General

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Idol Crash here.
What's your user like, HD600?

brave are the ones waiting until their skeleton rests on their desk


a collective meh to this
cheap Edition S is still not something worth buying
and adding some random portable music player as a free gift for buying the HE1000.. if you were going to buy the HE1000 you would have bought it whether they gave you a gift or not


Can anyone recommend me a decent dac/amp set up for $200-$300 range? Preferably something with another output so I can run my speakers and phones.

Without knowing what speakers and phones, SMSL AD18. It's a solid little all-in-one unit.

I'm just using some powered Logitech speakers. as for phones I mainly use HE400i, I wouldn't mind extra headroom in case I decide to upgrade later.

>powered logitech speakers
So you want an amp/DAC that'll act as a preamp for the speakers? The AD18 should do you fine then, unless someone who has a pair of HE400i wants to chime in with their preference. The Origen G2 would be another good choice if you don't need any wireless capabilities and want a smaller form factor.

Is this thread even necessary anymore with /ag/ around?

Not really, but kinda? I mean, we've hit the point where the thread is about 3 people a day actually giving advice, while everyone else just circlejerks and memes over the FOTM Now that the majority has moved on to $baller$ gear (or already has it), we might as well just merge with /ag/ even though that tends to be more speaker/home theater-centric. I mean, /csg/ already covers the entry-level stuff, /ag/ covers the high end, and anything else is just going to lead to searching a combination of reddit, h-fi and other forums/review sites if the buyer actually gives a shit and isn't looking for instant gratification.
So I guess now that I think about it, the answer is "no, we really don't need it" other than as a containment thread, which we don't even need because /ag/ and other boards probably wouldn't tolerate the shitposting as much and it would just fizzle out.

You mean, the thread that has the blind leading the blind while also not really talking much about headphones and having people open generals without linking to previous threads or guides? That general?
I mean, seriously
>Any integrated/poweramp recommendation in the

It's difficult to post here now with those retarded STAX shills ruining any worthwhile discussions. I mean not everyone is autistic enough to spend hundreds of dollars on something that has questionable after sales support and durability.

>It's difficult to post here now with those retarded STAX shills

>/csg/ already covers the entry-level stuff
Entry level for third world maybe. I mean, people in the west can generally afford something in the $100-$150 range without feeling like they've emptied their entire savings. /csg/ doesn't really cover the generic get /m40x/598/dt770/ stuff that's in the budget of a decent amount of people buying their first not-shit headphone.

day #14 without stax
starting to lose will to live, senses are starting to die out
lost taste and my hearing has reduced
staying lifeless in bed without any will to eat or shower
why is life so painful
why can't we all be happy
send our earspeakers
I beg you

>staying lifeless in bed without any will to eat or shower

You fuckers should just stick in your containment Discord channel.

Is the Monolith M1060 for $230 good or is there a better buy at that price?


Resistance is futile

jokes on you I don't have a discord/reddit or use any kind of social media because I'm too autistic

That's why this thread doesn't matter anymore. After the influx of HD600/6XX shills and Stax buyers (most if not all of whom were the HD600/6XX owners), there IS no actual discussion. It's just a bunch of back-patting and others spamming to the point where it's impossible to separate the trolling from the honest opinions, and none of it matters anyway.
It's entry level shit. It's not rocket science, just go on google and find a bunch of reviews until something sounds good and clicks with what you have in mind. You're not spending a fortune and you don't need an infographic to make your decision for you, try doing some actual research. You know, like informed consumers are supposed to do when they don't have a lot of disposable income.

Did you prefer the autistic HD600 sperging all day ? I understand you dislike the Stax memes, but these anons are able to produce some kind of productive discussion when they're feeling it, which the "buy HD600/Schiit"-anons didn't have.
Every general has its memes and spam, that's how it is.

>but these anons are able to produce some kind of productive discussion when they're feeling it

Ireland and Japan

This. Dynacuck 600s get out

yes as in, we are capable of producing discussion but we we won't do it as a result of your whining. just leave if you don't like /hpg/

>Is the Monolith M1060 for $230 good
No. Do not buy an M1060.
>is there a better buy at that price?


That guy just asked for recommendations on whether pairing a tube amp with a HD800 is worth it on /ag/. He doesn't even realize nobody cares or will answer anything on that crap cinema centric thread, with maybe a tiny dash of people who bought LSR305 and found their cheap speaker endgame. Speaking of which, they are going to be the HD600 of that thread very, very soon. It's already started.

You didn't pay very close attention to my post, did you? The Sennshill era was just as bad as the Stax era, so no, I didn't prefer it. Also, producing productive discussion "when they are feeling it" isn't normal for most generals, nor should it be. The people actually trying to stimulate productive discussion are the only people who aren't constantly shitposting and memeing, and are too dumb or hopeful to leave when the general has already died. There's a reason almost all of the dissenting voices and tripfags left, this place is bereft of almost all intelligent dialogue, whether it be scientific arguments or relating of personal experience with various gear.

>That guy just asked for recommendations on whether pairing a tube amp with a HD800 is worth it on /ag/
it's pretty well known stax is better than an hd800 pairing. he just wants us to tell him what he wants to hear

What productive discussion? Crying when will your package from some bumhole in Japan arrive?

feel free to leave faggot

>waiting for stax

This new breed of STAX users are loud and annoying. I remember the old stats crowd to be pretty chill, people like indo-user and the guy who runs the radio don't act like their STAX is the best thing ever.

sucks doesn't it? guess you'll have to shut the fuck up and get in line

I'm one of the ones that's too dumb and hopeful to leave...even though I do most of my research and discussion elsewhere, I just can't quit this place ;_;

I don't know if I can wait 5 months.

What do you fucking expect? It's the same people who shilled HD600 endlessly.

Almost every poster asking for recommendation here came out with valid reco in between the memes, many of which bought stuff that were neither hd600 nor stax. You just chose to focus on the meme posts while ignoring all of the people who bought something they're now happy with and left the thread because they're not going to spend money on every headphones like the more ardent residents.

I don't understand. if something doesn't bring you joy then you either get rid of it or move on.

r/headphones may suit your kind better.

Has anyone tried the HD 600 Dekoni hybrid pads? Is it too harsh of a sound change?

Understandable, you can check ebay if you don't want to wait. You can get one on there, brand new, for quite a bit cheaper than an HD600 or HD650

see maki has and he says he liked it. most hd600 owners here are too poor to try them so they'll tell you not to use them

>Almost every poster asking for recommendation here came out with valid reco in between the memes
Yeah, because the 3-4 of us who give a shit hung around and posted legitimate recommendations. What happens when we run off?
It's because I love too much ;_;

The only decent tripfag here was Dipolar and he doesn't come anymore because he's doing something else with his life, period. Indo-user was a retard and won't be missed.
The Stax thing isn't even that annoying compared to the Sennshilling. Were you there the hundreds of threads where these retards kept arguing about the same thing over and over ? The HD6XX vs HD600 whenever the drop was on ? The wasted money ? Advicing Schiit gear even though it has been proven to be garbage ?
People bought HD600s based on recommendations of these people, look at people complaining now like the anons who were told it was some upgrade to their other mid-fi headphones and wasted hundreds.
You dislike the Stax thing because they are vocal, but if you stopped complaining like a retard you'd realize they do hold knowledge about a very specific part of audio (electrostatics) that deserves to be much more relevant here.
Stax is a brand of headphones, they make great cans and the used older models are very good budget options which have been discarded forever even though they'd outperform anything at the same price. The ultimate goal of recommendations.
The memeing is part of a general, it's there everywhere and there's nothing you can do about it, would be time to finally accept it and start other subjects of discussion if you want it to change.

>What happens when we run off?
answer: nothing changes

I haven't tried them, but you'd be better off with the Sennheiser pads, in my opinion. Unfortunately they don't come cheap.

You STAX shills are so fucking militant. Not everyone wants to buy second-hand units with questionable history and durability and waiting for 5 months for their unit to arrive from Japan. Neither does everyone want those budget STAX that sound bright and lack bass.

Maki user said it didn't matter much sound-wise but that the fenestrated sheepskin pads were much more comfy. I'd get them and EQ your HD600s back to the stock sound since it shouldn't be hard.

>sound bright and lack bass
Maybe they wouldn't be so militant if you stopped spouting lies.

Thank you for the info.

>You STAX shills are so fucking militant.
you fucks asked for it with the constant hd600 shilling

>What happens when we run off?
Bah, this shit is cyclical anyway. How long were you going to stick around to talk about the same stuff over and over? Some other people like us will come and replace us, until they get bored and some other people replace them once more. I'll probably leave once I feel done experimenting with different headphones and sharing my experiences and it won't be because of stax shilling, it's just in the nature of man to lose interest and move onto something else.

AKG master race passing by.



>The SRS-2170 sounds super clean, with only a hard time reproducing sub and low bass before 50Hz or so. For most music, particularly of natural instruments, there shouldn't be a an issue.

>The one thing that stood out and really bothered me was the midrange bump. The folks here who bitched about the midrange bumps of the Focal Elear or to a lesser extent the Utopia are going to hate this bump. It's so excessive that it's not even recording dependent. It permeates through all recordings. The bump has a side effect of slightly creating a dip in the lower mids / upper bass, result in a loss of body or on occasion a colder presentation.

You can switch between headphones and speakers on it with the flip of a switch. No need to unplug anything

>trusting a clown who thinks DACs have sound signatures

"Not everyone", but some are very interested in getting the most out of their money and trying something different. You can't even prove your sonic claims as measurements objectively counters them.
Used market is very interesting in audio since flagships rarely change. You can buy and sell at the same price and test out ever piece of gear you want.
Why don't people complain about the used Thinkpads on Sup Forums ? Because they're inherently very good and one of the best deal in laptops. This applies to electrostatics too in the audio world.
And maybe you should stop the cherrypicking. I understand GoldenEars can't prove you right anymore but everything would be fine if you stopped your maniac habits.

At this point of time I would rather have those tripfags than this new breed of STAX shills. Most of the electrostatic discussions are recycled from older threads anyway and if I remember right, indo-user and a couple others already shilled electrostatic headphones long before it becomes hip and trendy. I remember the HD600 shills attacking them for recommending stats...

stop talking in third person. it's obvious you are frustrated because you are a disenfranchised sennheiser owner

If rather have anything than the inane repetitive HD600 vs HD650 debates by anons who owned neither.

That's flat bass for ya. No hump of mud

Low-end STAX being bright and lack bass are hardly new discoveries though.

Same here (sennheiser and ath)... I need to take pics sometime. My ath are chink-made unfortunately :X. (MSR7)

This is probably the best recommendation but outside of his range.
Another would be aune x1s but that thing is not suitable for planars.

You had to cherrypick the low end STAX of last generation so I'm not inclined to believe you're arguing in good faith. You just have a bias against STAX because they've been shipped here so much.

I don't think any recent Audio-Technicas is made in Japan anymore what a shame really.

Make at china, sell @ japan/restoftheworld. Capitalism Ho.

>hd600 owners
>militant and laugh when people bitch at them for not shutting up and their constant shitposting
>whine and complain when they get outnumbered by even more militant stax shills

So I have bought pic related 4 days ago for 600 Euro.

I can understand the point of view from people who reported the "mud sound" I had the same experience from the first time placing them inside my ear canals and played Depeche Mode - In Your Room.

I admit that I have played with other earphones and headphones that are less warm and more mid range and treble focused so my guess is that my mind needed some time to recalibrate and "burn in" then new pair of headphones.

After few hours (and changing to white filter) they start to grew inside me. (or maybe thats just an excuse of 600 shekels that could be spend in better way by giving away to refugees)

So here are my impressions:

>Absolutely top tier clarity (after few hours of burn inside my ear canal)
>Bass: extremely well controlled no leaking into the mids or highs.
>Mids: vocals, guitars sound lush, full, lively without any grain silky smooth.
>Highs: nicely extended with some roll off after ~12khz no sibilance or fatigue after longer sessions.
>No distortions at low or very high volumes. (BA drivers technology?)
>For my normal sized ears, these iems are comfortable.
>I hate the cable. (the memory wire is very stiff)

If you have any more specific questions then ask.

There is one brand still being made in Japan.

Is Taiwan a chink made?

Some are built in two locations actually. There are r70x built in japan, and some built in taiwan, which isn't a bad place when it comes to manufacturing either. AD1000X and AD2000X are also made in japan and I'd figure their new extremely expensive flagship would also be such.
I just ordered the r70x by the way, and I have plenty of AT's low end offering to compare them to : AD500X, A550z and MSR7, along with a sen 650 and AKG 702 (which I intend to sell both at a latter point). Stay tuned next week.

very nice collection you have

Reminder that this $6000 (six thousand) rat's nest of an amp is considered the "best" amp for Stax headphones. I mean these retards literally have nothing but praise about it. More so nearly all the parts are sourced from not chinkshit but literal chinkshit refurb plants. You cannot get more bottom of the barrel. For example, the guy offering the DIY kit charges $130 for just the transformer. It’s from a chinkshit company called “Keen Ocean”. Oh, and if you want just the chinkshit pcb with fucked up solder mask that’ll be $120…

You can't make this shit up.

>Type of headphone
Open back over ear
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
I primarily listen to trance music with female vocals
>Past headphones
HE500, GR07, HD559, DT990, ATH-M50(not x)


what do you think the response to this will be? "haha oh you're right I guess we'll stop shilling stax"


Anime wont make it better.

won't make what better? most of us stax owners here are dubious about it just like you are.

Amplification for electrostatics is some of the most audiophool shit. SRM-252S is the O2 of the elecstrostatics and nothing else is needed.

>600 shekels that could be spend in better way by giving away to refugees

How will they ever recover?

Do they still sell the SRM-252S? What about the 353x since I know they still sell that.

Anyone else have a dac x6? After finding out about it's horrible frequency response I started using this EQ setting. It's pretty amazing how improved my headphones are with it. If someone else with a dac x6 could give it a try and let me know if you prefer it to no-eq I'd appreciate it.
I'd also be interested if anyone had a superior eq setting, this is about as close as I could get it but it's not perfect.

The classic lambdas do rise too early with respect to diffuse field equalization. The result is 2.5-3 dB extra within 1-2 kHz. This trait isn't present in the new series.

Easy choice is the 323S which is a less fancy 353X. The higher price of the 353X makes what was a clear choice more uncertain.

that pot inside cost 1000 by itself and it’s considered to be the best pot ever made in history of humankind

If you removed the open requirement, the new Campfire Audio Cascade would fit that to a T. They are supposed to be pretty open and wide sounding, but are completely closed.


if you don't mind a 4 month wait

It's worth building yourself, but not paying for. Like that CC KGSSHV is using the little old original BH supply to save space and fuck that.

And that RK50 quad potentiometer alone is $850 from Alps Japan. Might be the best modern manufacture, but I've pulled better ones out of old analog broadcast setups and radar station consoles for less than fifty bucks.

They fixed that all the way back with the spirit for the base models. What they tended to do after that was leave that sig intact with the middle models.

I'm certainly open to the idea but I think it's important to point out that i'm fine buying second hand which puts headphones like the hd800, lcd2, etc into the picture.
I think I'd probably just buy andros before the cascade.

It's still more or less present in the x07 series.

Stax doesn't sell anymore.