Could cure aging and turn us into immortal cyborgs for like $5 billion

>could cure aging and turn us into immortal cyborgs for like $5 billion
>hurr lets go to mars

what a fucking idiot

Other urls found in this thread:

he's not a god, he employs smart engineers and bought a good rocket design and takes advantages of subsidies and govt. contracts


Once the cure for aging is created it won't be for "us". There's no single reason for the 1% to give it to the filthy masses. It will be exclusively for them.

>> turn us into immortal cyborgs
Dude have you not heard of Neuralink?

Only $5 billion for that? Tell me what exactly needs to be done and I'll make it happen.

>people still starving in africa
th.. thanks elon

That's what happens when you make them dependent on foreign aid to survive.

>Making george soros immortal is better than kickstarting the space age so we can have fucking gundams, spaceships and ayy waifus.

Spot the retard, the tread.

Without death there is no point to life.

>Complaining about billionaires spending their money on a focus that benefits mankind for something else that benefits mankind
Wow... This fucking board has gone down the gutter

immortal just means you don't die of old age, there will still be death, it just won't happen as often or regularly

>people still starving in africa

There's something off about it. They starve as always AND manage to breed faster than anytime before. Black magic, I swear.

>implying Soros isn't already immortal

If nothing else, the day after Soros does will be the day Elon makes humanity immortal.

>Black magic, I swear.

Dont dare talk shit about Wakanda fuckboi

how does space benefit mankind? its nothing but a waste of time. same with CERN and their meme particles. It doesnt effect my life. Medical research does

Immortality as individuals means shit if we as a species are one comet impact away from extinction. Becoming a multiplanetary (and eventually interstellar) society is the only path to true immortalitym

>a welfare queen is america's role model

Ageing isn't an illness to be cure the old must die to make way for the new.

>>>/Old, marked for deletion./

NASA has a 26 page document on how space exploration could benefit humanity.


Again, stop being dumb user.

> wanting to live forever on Sup Forums
What a fucking idiot

If immortal was in demand and doable surely some billionaires would get together and make it happen but they don't because it isn't.

I want to believe this is bait, but people really think this way

Those people are Jews, niggers, and spics. Even Communists enjoy space programs as the USSR and China demonstrate.

that is literally what one of his companies is you dumb cunt

Op is a fag.

We need more space for all the immortals u idiot.

The 1% needs de 99% to work for them and give them the money.

The 99% are desposable.

Science in itself doesn't and shouldn't ever care about you and your life, and for a reason, brainlet. Think about your computer or your phone or your buttplug. All those things came to existence because of tons of seemingly unrelated and at first impractical discoveries in math, physics and chemistry. Stop being a schmuck who's only able to cry "me! me! me!" or abort yourself.

That's what I said. It's not even about the immortality. Just by extending their lifespans 2x or 3x the 1% becomes the true master race, the elite of pretty much actual gods. Nothing else changes. The unwashed billions just live their lives as before.

Fuck off back to leftypol, he owes you nothing

>use your money to go to mars
Nothing personal, kiddo

you think people would just lay down and take it?
there would be massive riots everywhere

So what? Since when it's a problem for governments, dictators or any power structures to slaughter the rebels when needed?

Nonamerican jellyfag detected

Well it didn't always work, see France and Russia

>what is commerce

Not anything the top of the pyramid would be interested in this case. They have all the money in the world and can buy everything except time. The thing we're talking about is exactly this - time, the most valuable asset in existence.

He don't want to become a savior.He just want to create a future he like.

Maybe in the first few years. But long-term pharma companies stand to gain more from selling in big numbers than from selling to a few select rich clients.

>tfw your parents chose to spend your nation's fortune on welfare for shitskins instead of colonizing space
We should have a colony on the moon right now. Instead we're about to become a minority in the country we created...

>could cure aging
Don't you expect a bit too much from a workaholic webdev and stanford dropout?

>Tesla recently reported the worst quarterly report of all time, biggest losses of all time
>Retarded nuAtheist redditor soyboys will still jack off over a literal exit-scamming white pajeetboy

good tech sirs it go to the moon sirs plz invest more money now sirs thank you sirs

>colony on the moon
>living underground because micrometeors can kill you anytime
>cosmic ray kills you anyway because the weak gravitation don't protect enough

This arguement is actually the stupidest one people bring up about life extension. The richest 1% are nothing compared to the entire world as a whole lmao. You'd make way more money selling it to the masses at an affordable price. Simple math user.

Minor issues. In 65 years we went from bi-wing gliders to landing on the moon. We should have a space colony now, but forcing civilizations onto barbarians seems to be more important.

That's why we have genetic manipulation, user.

Don't adapt the planet to the humans, instead adapt the humans to the planet. (Or even better: to life in zero-G)

Exactly. It's gonna cost like 20 bucks, everyone will be able to afford it. Retard.

Are white people actually the dumbest race in existence?

>assuming the point of such technology is mere financial profit
>assuming restricting assess wouldn't allow you to charge more

We're the only people stupid enough to intentionally destroy our own civilizations.

This post is fucking dumb even by Sup Forums standards. Have you even taken a high school level biology course?

Why would you sell to the masses the thing that separates you from the masses and puts you above them in the way all the money in the world could not?

Probably not, but I bet he felt the Bern pretty hard.

>gubberment handouts
Launching satellites for 1/10 the cost of the pentagons self established and inflated cost contractor, after needing to sue to be allowed to bid.

>let's hold back progress and hand hold retards who can't into a functional society
fuck off commie


Leftoids redefined this term quite a while ago. Haven't you heard?

That would cause a massive riot.

The alternative is allowing the planet to be destroyed. I'm sure the elite would prefer riots.

See this man on pic related that's Heron of Alexandria. Him playing with some steam machines more than 2000 years ago lead to the breakthough that were fucking trains.
I'm telling you this because it is niggers like you that cannot understand that research like this can save lives if not now then maybe in the future.
Who knows maybe elons' research to go to mars will require his team to make better microscopes which in turn might help biologists find a cure for your autism.
But no it's much better to cry a Taiwanese cartoon forum about how a biilionaire is not wasting his money on a sad cuckold like you.

>e car
>solar power
>solar power linked to battery backup
>boring co inspired by traffic congestion
>mars colonies
>immortal cyborg/humans.

Don't forget that other Tesla dude had some good ideas before he went off the deep end, too.

Hyperloop is mostly meme at this point.
And there is high possibility of staying that way.
There's something about a tube with a vaccum that really makes me shit my pants the more i think about it.

Disposable mortals are chimping out again? Heh, I guess we'll have to live with that, if you know what I mean. 10 million this time, that will teach the rest a lesson for a while maybe?

dude India already has like 25% of the world's population and they die at a decently young age due to poverty and shit.
if they became immortal we'd suddenly have 3 pajeets/sq ft on earth

Therefore below the dotted line ;^)

if we wanted to focus on technologies that affect your life, we should go back in your mother's life and convince her to get an abortion or take a contraceptive in order to prevent you from existing and posting this retarded comment

you think the 1% can stop the rest of the poor people from just forming a mob and taking by force, or destroying, the thing that makes the 1% immortal?
even if 5% of the world decided to take it, it would be taken. there is no stopping numbers.

hell it just takes 1 skilled person with a gun to take pretty much anything from anyone.

nah, you'd be surprised how many """""intelligent"""""" and """"""englightened"""""" people think this way. Stefan Molyneux being one of those people off the top of my head.

>hurrrrr make me another phone and stop doing theoretical research and experiments because it doesn't directly benefit me and my chicken tendies

Ah i see

the only way for it to be kept safe would be for it to be a secret.
the 1% fake aging or just take death and disappear to their mansion and live forever in secrecy

If it were that easy, there wouldn't be dramatic wealth disparity in most of the shithole countries. Most people just want to get through the day.

How about we fix problems on earth first?

I kind of agree, but that's vastly different.
wealth isn't just one specific thing, nor is it the key to immortality(except for in this hypothetical world).
I would bet something as big as immortality being held from people would be enough to spur this kind of event

We've tried that already. Some things just aren't worth the effort.
In all seriousness, the effort to "end hunger" in Africa has actually created a demographic time bomb that is set to ruin the continent over the next 40 years.

and if it didn't cause the masses to just waltz in and take it by force, there would certainly be groups who would take it in a bit more of an intelligent way.

I kid, I couldn't care less about blacks I don't give a penny to any charities either.

Well, in some sense, a pseudo version of immortality is already being "held" from the vast majority with the advancements in stem cell treatment. It isn't a matter of being inclusive or aristocratic in the services being offered, but merely a price-point issue. It's expensive as fuck. And with the barrier to entry, you exclude a large portion of the population.

Nuking Africa would fix the problem, but also create another, sadly. All the destroyed wildlife would be a real loss.

Then what is the point of your post?

Why don't we ship iphones, shoes and hand bags to africa so women won't have time to fuck and breed all the time.

I'm surprised no one pointed out the fact that the longer you live the more likely you will get cancer in general.
If I'm about 50% likely to get cancer by 70 then life beteeen 100 and 140 will be rough, past 140 will be hell.

Neoliberalism solved hunger like 30 years ago. Go get another talking point you dumb fuck or at least say venezuela or NK.

I have been hearing more about this over the past few years.
and yes you're right I really don't even care to get stem cell treatments done, I've known about it but it's never crossed my mind to want to do it.
so maybe immortality might just not interest a lot of people.

I just wanted to post that pic. But seriously, fuck Mars! Wheres my penis enlargement pills and cure for baldness.

The actual solution is to establish methods of saving such that having kids isnt the only viable retirement plan, giving women more say in reproductive decisions since they bare most the cost, and birth control.

>fuck mars

Then kill yourself so your life may have some semblance of significance

hear me out: what if there's an exotic material found on the surface of mars that not only gives you a giant gorilla dick, but could cure baldness, make you grow a foot taller, and make you live to 500 years old while remaining young? WUT BOUT DAT ?

I think about it every day but I think you guys, my only friends, would miss me.

>muh soros
t. brainlet subhuman

aight thats dope!

ayo hol up we finna be da KANGZ of MARZ! we finna run deez space streetz


Am I the only one in this fucking planet that thinks Elon should and will do whatever the fuck he wants, because he does not owe us jack shit about anything?

We keep complaining about the same shit over and over again for the last 40 years, like poverty, hunger, traffic congestion, better jobs, better quality of life, prolonging lifespan, etc.

But what did we do in these 35+ long years to fix this shit? Not much, honestly. In fact, we've never been as selfish as of today since the 80s.

We keep voting for the same motherfuckers who do whatever they want for their friends and leave us the bare minimum to keep us in check, and we will for the next 100 years. I think Elon is not entitled and shouldn't be entitled to take care of us retarded grownups who can't fix our own neighborhood, let alone the whole fucking system. Godspeed to Mars you fucking madman.

>Better microscopes

Microscopes are already at the limits of optical physics. This is why we've created new devices which are microscopes in name only. It's funny how science cheerleaders know so little about science. If you're going to try to virtue signal intelligence by publicly fellating Ol' Musky, then just stick to that. You break the illusion when you take the cock out of your mouth and start talking.


>he does not owe us jack shit
I completely agreed until he built at least two companies with government subsidies and kept asking for more gibs.

Oh no, a massive riot, how terrible, I have to spend 5 seconds of my time issuing order to gas/drone the protesters.