Which one makes better coffee and gonnal last me more?
French press soyboys need to fuck off back to . No one cares about your shitty homemade coffee.
Which one makes better coffee and gonnal last me more?
French press soyboys need to fuck off back to . No one cares about your shitty homemade coffee.
You need to fuck off back to . No one cares about your shitty pre-packaged coffee.
>wasting money on prepackaged pods
>using an all-plastic water path
It's almost like you like added BPA in your coffee. Get a fucking chemex you mong.
>DRM in a fucking coffee machine
actually, Sup Forums, you should be all over this
It's overpriced trash m8. Just get a grinder and a proper stand alone semi-automatic espresso machine.
That's it, I'm filtering soyboy, it's only used by retards
this, it's the new frogposting
also this
if you're mad about french presses then you're most likely a shill
Pajeet pls go
Coffee is so cheap and easy to make.
If you can't be bothered, instant coffee exists.
If you care a little more, a $10 pourover cone and a grinder make excellent coffee, decent whole bean can be found for $6/lb, and it'll taste much better than the prepackaged, pre-staled DRM swill in your pic.
Just get an autodrip and use crystals you nigger
>bitches about /ck/ obsessing over coffee
>spends more than $30 on a coffee maker
Still better than your fancy French Press. ;-)
ironic that you define yourself over what beans you burn, soak in water, and drink the juice from
It's literally impossible to get cheap unground coffee beans here.
I don't want to spend 13€ for a fucking 250g pack, which is around 80cts per cup for me, so I just moved back to shitty pods in my nespresso instead.
It's just not worth it considering the extra hassle when I don't even safe money
is it true you guys pay 50% tariffs on non-european imported goods, even for stuff like japanese video games?
that must suck hardcore, europe doesn't even make anything worth a damn
>so I just moved back to shitty pods
enjoy your plastic induced throat cancer
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, but Illy is a lot better in every regard.
neither make anything close to espresso
just get a $15 pourover cone or an aeropress
21% here in Germany. And only if it actually gets caught on the border, which is fairly easy to avoid if whoever you are buying from isn't completely retarded.
Where are you buying coffee from that you are paying over 50€/kg? That's expensive as fuck.
Don't forget a good old Bialetti, but that's a bit more time consuming and difficult.
>can't into homemade coffee
>call other ppl "soyboys"
Every time somebody says "soyboy" or "nu-male" or "cuck" on the internet, there's a 110% chance it's a 4'10" underage virgin.
>$15 for a cone
Goddamnit, Just buy a $1 funnel at Wal-Mart and cut the long end off.
>pseudo espresso prosumer garbage
>another coffee machine thread
>on Sup Forums
Get a fucking moka
Roast your own beans or get the fuck out
>not just eating the beans
my friend does that before fucking escorts, he says it give him extra vitality