How long until RedoxOS becomes a viable Linux replacement?

How long until RedoxOS becomes a viable Linux replacement?

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Somewhere between never and never.

proper web browser would be a good start

hopefully never

>written in rust
why not firefox

>written in rust
Well there's your problem

Creator is the only rustfag i respect

because no one took an effort to port it yet

Holy kek, Rustfags really are retarded

But anons, Rust is a modern language for the year 2018. Its unique features guarantee memory safety in programs, preventing memory leaks, random crashes, security vulnerabilities, etc. Obviously RedoxOS needs time to mature, but in the long run it should overtake and beat Linux because of these things.

Linux is a kernel. You need a kernel to replace a kernel.



t. communist scum

yeah no

I'm really skeptical about (micro)kernel in rust. seL4 is a nice example that you can have safety guarantees without language features, additionally the guarantees Rust provides are not enough and often irrelevant for big portion of microkernel. Ofc microkernel is just a small part of OS, but still.
C has a very portable compilers and by itself is a language with simple specs, while Rust has complex specs (which have a change every few weeks), big-ass compiler which also relies on specific big-ass backend. It took GSoC to bring Rust compiler on RedoxOS and it's still not there yet completly. While gcc was already ported, allegedly with relative ease.

Is it POSIX compliant?

wow. based as fug.
+respect brah.

It's listed in non-goals. I'm sorry for everyone opting to be posix compliant because it requires lots of retardation to put into project.

Debian is the only Linux. Anything else is trash.


How Redox compares to other operating systems
>We share quite a lot with quite a lot of other operating systems.

>The syscall interface is very Unix-y. For example, we have open, pipe, pipe2, lseek, read, write, brk, execv, and so on. Currently, we support the 31 most common Linux syscalls.
>Compared to Linux, our syscall interface is much more minimal. This is not because of the stage in development, but because of a minimalist design.

"Everything is a URL"
>This is an generalization of "Everything is a file", largely inspired by Plan 9. In Redox, "resources" (will be explained later) can be both socket-like and file-like, making them fast enough for using them for virtually everything.
>This way we get a more unified system API. We will explain this later, in URLs, schemes, and resources.

The kernel
>Redox's kernel is a microkernel. The architecture is largely inspired by MINIX.
>In contrast to Linux or BSD, Redox has only 16,000 lines of kernel code, a number that is often decreasing. Most services are provided in user space
>Having vastly smaller amounts of code in the kernel makes it easier to find and fix bugs/security issues more efficiently. Andrew Tanenbaum (author of MINIX) stated that for every 1,000 lines of properly written code, there is a bug. This means that for a monolithic kernel which could average over 15,000,000 lines of code, there could be at least 15,000 bugs. A micro kernel which usually averages 15,000 lines of code would mean that at least 15 bugs exist.
>It should be noted that the extra lines are simply based outside of kernel space, making them less dangerous, not necessarily a smaller number.

This thread isn't about a loonix distro though.

Oh, who the hell would use an OS with even less programs than Linux? That crap is DOA. And it's also fugly.

Redox actually has a chance.

I'm really surprised at how far the project has developed in such a short time. I hope it keeps going and keeps improving. We really could use an actually viable Microkernel OS for something other than embedded.

Me too, it seems like the developer is really intent on making sure there's as little vulnerabilities as possible, and with only 16k lines of code and how far it's gotten, it seems really promising

>using llvm

About the same time GNU-Hurd and React-OS will be viable.

>Linux replacement
Replace Linux on what? Does anybody use Linux unironically?

>I am a white male American atheist anarcho-capitalist who is 23 years old, has red hair, and wears contacts


Yes, we do newfag.