>Debian (netinst. only use if not using systemd scares you.) debian .org/CD/netinst/ debian .org/releases/ wiki.debian .org/SourcesList wiki.debian .org/ReduceDebian debian .org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkgtools.en.html#s-apt-get
>Devuan (non-systemd version of Debian. Stable is horribly outdated, so be sure to switch to a newer branch) devuan .org/ devuan .org/os/releases devuan .org/os/etc/apt/sources.list
Arch has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible. Arch has *never* been minimalist... it has nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages. It also uses systemd. Debian use it too, but splits packages more so it's kept around even if it's not that minimal either. Despite its "minimal" install state, Arch is not as minimal as Debian.
Devuan could replace Debian soon and is currently in the list now, but I kinda wanted to have a systemd option for those who might be used to it, and Devuan doesn't seem like it fully has its shit together. Its stable is still on Jessie, although you can update to any branch you want.
Jackson Cook
If you want. bspwm is kinda weird overall, and very different from most WMs. But I used to use it and found it to be quite comfy.
Brayden Harris
Don't forget a nice little format
>OS >DM/WM >Web browser >Text editor >Music player >Video player >Image viewer >Any other clients/replacements you use
Alexander Thompson
alpine i3 seamonkey neovim mpd mpv ristretto
i'm not at home right now so can't post a current screenshot. here's one from a few days ago after i rebooted
Landon James
>OS Void >DM/WM dwm >Web browser Pale Moon >Text editor vi or vim >Music player cmus >Video player mpv >Image viewer sxiv (feh for backgrounds >terminal urxvt >email mutt
Matthew Rogers
does mutt handle multiple email accounts well?
Colton Robinson
I know there's a way to do it. I just started using it a day or 2 ago, so I haven't figured that shit out yet.
Benjamin Reed
This is a general for discussing minimal software for GNU/Linux and for helping you debloat your GNU/Linux system.
>Software minimalist standards - Using a TUI when necessary - Only using a window manager - Using the terminal as a file manager - Package count must be under 900 (unless you use production software such as gimp or kdenlive etc etc, it's okay)
Acceptable GNU/Linux distributions that aren't bloat
>>OS arch/gentoo >>DM/WM i3 >>Web browser waterfox >>Text editor vim >>Music player cmus >>Video player mpv >>Image viewer feh >>irc client weechat
Nathaniel Morris
arch sucks even when you arent thinking in terms of minimalism. i'd much rather use debian or fedora if i was forced to pick between those and arch
Jose Butler
Hi daddy! Yes that was the old OP text. But its better now with devuan, slackware, crux, and no arch. Smaller attack surface was my way of highlighting the security aspects of this. Smaller attack surface = less code that can potentially be buggy.
Adrian Ward
>Yes that was the old OP text. But its better now with devuan, slackware, crux, and no arch.
no. I want arch in there, even though it's a bit bloat. You don't know what you are doing. stop warosu.org/g/thread/S64579957
Michael Sanders
then use arch, don't force it in OP
Ethan Hughes
>You don't know what you are doing. stop Yes I do! >_
Joshua Carter
Is there any Devuan Ascii ISO?
Anthony Perez
>OS Gentoo >DE Plasma 5.12 >Browser Chromium with Inox patches >Text editor vim >Music player Voltra >Video player mpv >Image viewer Gwenview >GUI diff Kompare >Terminal emulator Konsole >Sound servers JACK with PulseAudio tied into it >RAM usage 417MB
Leo Johnson
I don't think so. I think you need to install stable and then edit your sources.list
Henry Campbell
>literally who music player >kde >poetteringaudio wew lad
John Reyes
Henry Sanders
So what is everyones favorite music player? cmus? mpd+ncmpcpp? something else?
Jeremiah Stewart
What a waste of time... Do you know if I can use netinstall for Ascii?
Kevin Cooper
Are you asking whether there is an install that, after going through the installer, will leave you with a system that is on ascii with no additional configuration necessary? Because if so, the answer is no.
Zachary Scott
btw I use cmus now. I used to just use mpv for everything, but having a separate music player can be quite comfy.
Mason Rodriguez
how did you use mpv for music though. how did you manage your library?
Jose Long
>8 posters >30 replies wew. keep forcing it lads
Angel Bell
I just did >mpv path/to/song.mp3 It was a stupid way of doing it, but it werked
Robert Turner
foobar2000, but mpd/ncmpcpp works fine for me on linux actual conversation goes on here, at least for me. and why did you reply to an unrelated post?
Jonathan Taylor
I think I'm gonna switch to Arch because it achieves simplicity by having a minimal number of retarded packaging guidelines
Christian Campbell
I see a lot of Windows users using foobar. Is it that good?
Colton Morales
its the cmus for wangblows, so its breddy gud
Juan White
Fair enough. If you decide that Arch is the distro you want, go with that and be happy! You'll still be welcome here. I just don't think it's /minimal/ enough to put in the OP text
Aaron Wood
for windows, it's extremely lightweight while still being extensible and able to handle large music collections. it even runs great under wine. the only con is it's proprietary and closed-source.
Eli Green
We respect arch users here man
Jeremiah Young
can cmus do tagging as well as f2k does?
Isaac Smith
>9 posters >39 replies
don't be fooled guys. just 6 pedos circlejerking
Mason Russell
stop shilling your thread. what makes you think nobody can talk arch here? they can, it just isnt in the OP, nor does it need to be
Aaron Wilson
We respect arch users here too! see: I agree with I'm not gonna deny my degeneracy and being an OwOfag, but I try to be nice and happy and respond to anons and try to not initiate any mean shit. There was no need for you to make another thread.
Andrew Walker
seeim done responding
Lucas Clark
Really? I thought foobar was a GUI program? >proprietary and closed-source. Ah yeah thats a big dealbreaker for me, but I guess proprietaryfags and Windows users need to be /minimal/ too. I don't think cmus can tag things on its own. I use a cli program called id3v2 to do tags.
Christian King
this topic is already niche, and you aren't helping by partitioning the thread even more. either you're underage b& or just a serious autist who cannot handle any form of constructive social interaction
>thats a big dealbreaker for me thankfully it isn't for me; i just use whatever is best, and the best coincidentially happens to be FOSS much of the time. >I don't think cmus can tag things on its own shit, guess i'll have to use id3v2 with a few scripts or figure out wine and get foobar running. foobar has the comfiest tag editor in my experience
Caleb Phillips
>the best coincidentially happens to be FOSS much of the time. ^.^ >shit, guess i'll have to use id3v2 It's pretty simple. here's the options. > -h, --help Display this help and exit > -f, --list-frames Display all possible frames for id3v2 > -L, --list-genres Lists all id3v1 genres > -v, --version Display version information and exit > -l, --list Lists the tag(s) on the file(s) > -d, --delete-v2 Deletes id3v2 tags > -s, --delete-v1 Deletes id3v1 tags > -D, --delete-all Deletes both id3v1 and id3v2 tags > -C, --convert Converts id3v1 tag to id3v2 > -1, --id3v1-only Writes only id3v1 tag > -2, --id3v2-only Writes only id3v2 tag > -r, --remove-frame "FRAMEID" Removes the specified id3v2 frame > -a, --artist "ARTIST" Set the artist information > -A, --album "ALBUM" Set the album title information > -t, --song "SONG" Set the song title information > -c, --comment "DESCRIPTION":"COMMENT":"LANGUAGE" > Set the comment information (both > description and language optional) > -g, --genre num Set the genre number > -y, --year num Set the year > -T, --track num/num Set the track number/(optional) total tracks
Eli Nguyen
should i ditch ID3 format since it doesn't officially support custom tags? it's stupid i can't view/edit nonstandard tags for music
Justin Hernandez
>Really? I thought foobar was a GUI program? I meant in terms of structure and feel, both can be customized to ones needs and offer a neat hierarchical tree structure.
>I don't think cmus can tag things on its own. I use a cli program called id3v2 to do tags. Is there a FOSS program that auto sources all tags for songs? Plex does this in a pretty convenient way but i hate the UI of my plex server to search for songs.
Chase Smith
I'd almost consider my setup bait if I weren't using it right now, but PoetteringAudio is surprisingly good when you don't give it access to ALSA.
Christopher Hall
>I meant in terms of structure and feel, both can be customized to ones needs and offer a neat hierarchical tree structure. ah I gotcha. >Is there a FOSS program that auto sources all tags for songs? I know there's GNOME EasyTAG. Not exactly the most /minimal/ thing, but there you go. Anyone else know a smaller tool for this?
Kayden Long
It's gonna eventually be replaced with pipewire pipewire.org/
Gabriel Reed
>CRUX >GuixSD >Slackware >no Arch meme Good thread
Luke Collins
thank you! what WM do you use btw?
Easton Long
tried to make my laptop look as modern as possible ... did i do good ?
Charles Campbell
You're welcome, WM is Ratpoison, also nice touch on Devuan is what I use.
Nolan Foster
>OS Devuan >DM/WM Ratpoison >Web browser Palemoon >Text editor Vim >Music player MOC >Video player mplayer >Image viewer sxiv >E-Mail mutt >RSS newsbeuter >Password Manager kpcli >File Manager spacefm (sometimes ranger) >Terminal xterm >Outliner GJots2 (looking for a minimalist outliner, want to give hnb and vim's voom a try)
Chase Taylor
Do you think I should drop Debian? I'm kinda undecided as to whether I want to drop it for having Poetteringd, or keep it for the original purpose of giving newcomers a jumping-on point and Devuan stable being outdated. Check out pass. It's a simple unix cli password manager. passwordstore.org/
Kevin Diaz
At this point I am not sure why use Debian at all. Sure, I probably got used to Devuan and there must be some packages that are old, but maybe not because I a using it for a lot of different stuff without problems that I simply miss the point in Debian. If one thing is sure is that is stable, very stable.
>Check out pass I was going to try it but only with tomb github.com/roddhjav/pass-tomb I don't like the idea of having all the different accounts visible all over the place.
Jose Cox
What an idiot. Uses a barely usable distro to impress the uninformed on /minimal, then proceeds to install bloat. Hahaha.
Brody Wood
Friendly thread.
Caleb Gomez
>t. arch user
Jack Diaz
Please don't bully.
John Perez
Just spend half an hour installing Slackware on my old laptop, but I forgot that it has no package manager. Time to try either Crux or Gentoo.
Austin Gutierrez
>Uses a barely usable distro but i use it fine? it works better than what i've been using before (debian, debian-derived, arch). just because you're too stupid to install it correctly doesn't make it "barely usable"; the install process is easier than arch. >to impress the uninformed on /minimal i'm sorry you're uninformed and don't understand why alpine is good >then proceeds to install bloat what's bloat about shit that i use all the features out of? the whole point of going minimal is to have more room to use programs that you *need*.
seems like you want to impress the uninformed on your 100mb total ram usage with absolutely zero system functionality
Jonathan Baker
Wasn't there a package manager for Slackware called slabopkg or something?
Jeremiah Ortiz
Colton Ortiz
Too late, already wiped the partition. I'd rather not use a 3rd party package manager anyways.
Colton Edwards
It's okay pal. You have to realize this thread is mostly about suggesting things, but if you're not totally minimal because you need some bloat, it's perfectly okay.
I have gentoo but I also have a shitton of packages installed. Y'know... if you want a good webserver (nginx), an image editor (gimp), an actually good web browser (firefox) a way to read office files (libreoffice), a powerful text editor (emacs) and something to write scientific paper for school assignments (latex); there's nothing much you can do. I still appreciate a minimal system configuration even if mine is not *that* minimal anymore. My system still boot with ~200MB of used ram, I don't have a desktop environment nor a file browser, but I do have all I need in what it is my main operating system in my only computer (I also have windows with nothing but few games in it, so I can play with my few online friends sometime; I don't want wine bloat on my main os).
If arch works for you it's perfectly fine, but you don't have to force it as a minimal os just to fit in. There's no need to, you can follow this philosophy in your own way and you'll be loved for what you are. We are comfy here and faggy op is a nice boyo.
Wyatt Rivera
>pass personally i use KeePass2 because i like managing all security-related shit under one lock and key: i store my passwords, SSH keys, and some other stuff in it. it works well for organising my accounts as well as my passwords. so if i wanted something lighter, i'd probably end up building my own password manager that has similar functionality to keepass -- i just feel that pass is underfeatured for my use.
i would definitely switch away from kp2 because i hate mono and the amount of ram it uses
Connor Martin
I use keepassx but am moving to kpcli, which use the same database and comes with all the functionalities, all that minus the GUI, the interface is not bad and it helps knowing I can go back to use keepassx any time so meanwhile I practice and become familiar with kpcli interface.
Austin Morgan
faggy op here. I'm glad this thread is happy again! *hugs* ooh an alpine user! I've always kinda been curious about musl systems, but the thought that some random thing I need will break because of it is a bit worrying. Has this ever been an issue for you?
Isaac Ward
2GiB RAM usage after 3 days
>I've always kinda been curious about musl systems, but the thought that some random thing I need will break because of it is a bit worrying. Has this ever been an issue for you?
i've had issues with a few things: >dolphin-emu worked after i made a one-line patch in the source >gajim or profanity XMPP client from what i heard, gajim is just a pain to begin with, but in my case both gajim and profanity rely on openssl library. openssl and libressl packages conflict in alpine, so if you have software that depends on libressl (which i have) then you can't install openssl to meet the dependency. >wine alpine doesn't have multiarch support from what i can tell, so good luck getting both wine32 and wine64 working if you need to.
plus alpine's documentation is very spotty. luckily, most issues you'll come across are distro-independent so you can just open arch or gentoo wiki and get what you want
Luke Clark
Hmm seems like maybe Void musl would be better if I wanted to use a different GNU/Linux libc, or maybe Gentoo uclibc? I have also noticed the spotty documentation and lack of multiarch in my (very) brief try of Alpine. Not that I'd be able to really get into that now anyway, as the vbox guest additions don't seem to work on musl systems, so I wouldn't want to use them, unless I wanted to subject myself to the glorious resolution of 1024x768.
Speaking of Alpine, there's actually an email client called alpine. It seems like a pretty nice minimal TUI client.
Isaac Brown
just use qemu+kvm (aqemu for a graphical interface kinda like vbox) if you want VMs. vbox sucks; i used to use it and a bunch of shit always goes wrong with it
Jeremiah Stewart
>qemu+kvm This, also the wikibook is god tier for learning how to use qemu.
Adam Peterson
That looks prutty senpai, what DE is it?
Oliver Walker
Why are the links broken? Are you from reddit?
Ethan Jones
no but you must be, newfag
Sebastian Sullivan
Why isn't a netinst of Ubuntu not minimal enough?
William Jackson
had to put a space in there to get past the spam filter. also, no i'm not from reddit. I'm gonna make a guess and say it's Cinnamon. That's pretty popular for Mint. >kvm I take it this isn't available on a macOS host?
Brody Lopez
beets does this. it's written in python. fetches from musicbrainz and has a plugins for other sources. make a music directory and point beets to it, and the imported music is tagged properly and placed in an artist/album/songs dir hierarchy. of course it's all configurable it's become essential for me.
Angel Nelson
So recently I became aware a distro I had my eyes laid on got ruined by adopting certain bloatware I won't name. Sad because I was kind of digging its package manager and the fact it was source based. Now my only options unless I go to the LFS route are either Exherbo, Gentoo, or Source Mage. I don't like much the fact that Gentoo package manager is based on python, Exherbo using C++ kinds of get my attention but I think I'll go for Source Mage because bash (I like bash). I admit I don't know much about CRUX.
What are your thoughts? I want a source based distro to be my final and last distro, got to love all those tweaks you can do at the low level and I want my system to not hide anything from me.
Matthew Campbell
I see. It's the crux link btw. .nu domains are in the spam filter. Realized that when I tried to link the parabola site, which is also .nu.
i literally said alpine doesn't have multiarch support. learn what multiarch is before looking like a fool
Gavin Parker
I think what he's saying is that you can only be 32-bit or 64-bit. There is no multiarch, so you can have wine64 on a 64-bit install, wine32 on a 32-bit install, but not both, as is possible on other distros.
Christian Bennett
What spam filter? This user didn't have trouble doing it
Sebastian Roberts
Someone else explained it. Apparently there's a filter that blocks all .nu addresses (such as in the crux urls). I didn't realize that those were what was causing it, so I just ended up putting spaces on all of them.
Xavier Bennett
I honestly fail to see how this is an issue. wine64 is really good now, there isn't much reason to use wine32 anyway
Gentoo (Bento) bspwm Firefox vim (no plugins!!) cmus mpv (thoughts on the "official GUI" discussion? github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/5500 ) the image preview on ranger, however feh is installed >email mutt >password manager pass >IRC client irssi >sound server ALSA, splitting audio for video recording was such a bitch to do here though cmus is great and all but all those cool album covers I have are going to waste. I don't really know where to display it in the panel, though.
Jaxson Hall
renaming doesn't work for me
Joshua Perez
Kek. Nice scrot of my desktop before realizing what a meme alpine is.