Why is this so hard for freetards?


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Doesn't the Qt picker do this? afaik only GTKfags have this issue.

Nice bloat fag

>t. GTKuck

Fuck you, they're called crawfish.

Why can't you let the nongaymen wintoddlers have just this one thing?

my KDe neon does not have this problem :^)

Use the patch.

They would literally cut their balls to have the source code of Windows 7.


>iPhone source code
>iPhone source code
>iPhone source code

A creek is called a crik

KDE and LXQt do not have this issue.

Ask GTK development team. They hardly represent the entirety of FOSS movement. But why would you care?

I think I can get thumbnails on mine
see pic related

what's the problem?

Because Gnome/Gtk devs are incompetent (or just dont care) but they've forced everyone to suck their cock for decades.

KDE does not have this problem.

Use Windows. Stay on Windows. Forever. You deserve it.

The wonderful thing about Windows is that you don't have to deserve its greatness. It's a commercial product so even scum such as yourself can get in on it.

Yea I really like it when my OS is known to spy on me and treats me like a child.

One day you might grow to the point where you realize an OS is supposed to do work, not be work.

Firefox used gtk by default though.

>Use Windows. Stay on Windows. Forever. You deserve it.

(You) should try not being wrong sometime...

>known to spy on me
How narcissistic of you. Nobody cares to spy on your shit life.

Doesn't matter, GNOME is THE Linux Desktop.

This is not proper thumbnail support

My Mac doesn't have this issue

based fellow kde megapede xdd

fuck off mate they spy on everyone. It doesn't matter if you're a political/government target or not, your life can be devastated by the data they collect.
I'd rather not have the whole world know my habits (family, frens and employers) on the off chance that one of the million corps with access to my data deliberately or accidentally released it.

Don't be a shortsighted fool.

You're right. But by then I hope to be very proficient in setting up my OS.

>owning a mac

Stay mad poorfag :^)

Blame mozilla for not supporting desktop native file pickers.
>13 years ago

Fuck you, they're called crawdaddies

>implying the thousands of dollars of hardware objectively superior to anything inside any other mac than the iMac Pro means I'm poor
>being this dumb

Typical anime poster.

Staying mad like that, you'll never be as cute as me, user-kun

They have got one thing and then more, stolen from KDE each time ;)

Microsoft doesn't even know KDE exists, little alone care enough to copy from it.

No it isn't.

the state of linux devs

>Not Aqua

user-kun, come on.

Holy Shit

Please stop posting anime and just go back to Sup Forums already faggot

What's the implication? That they're africans and that's a bad thing?

I know right, black people exist and are allowed to do things on computers, even linux! It's not just your own little special thing that only you know about.


this reeks of some Freudian shit, they're called craydfish

Their main excuse is that they "had" to pick gtk over qt and that they don't want to make builds for every DE. KDE should just maintain their own build of firefox. (Except that's absurd for another dozen reasons.)

Except they (Mozilla, Gnome/KDE & Devs) had more than a decade to agree to some sort of standard. It would have made sense to have a standard library and simplified the jobs of devs. Ex: Instead of GTK apps calling for the GTK-File-Dialogue and QT apps calling for the QT-file-dialogue they could have just called for whatever file-dialogue was native on that system.

In kde devs have proven that they care about users of their apps across all ecosystems (Including Windows and OSX). Gnome is more selfish they only seem to care about the experience on their own DE.
Their selfishness hurts everyone here.

Microsoft Windows 98 doesn't have this problem.

>not owning a mac means you're a poorfag
pff tell that to my grossly over powered pc

I also drive a 2017 luxury v8.
>not owning a 2017 luxury model v8 means you're a poorfag

Also I'm wearing programming socks and a skirt right now and I can guarantee I'm cuter than you.

*plugs mouse*

>Gnome is more selfish they only seem to care about the experience on their own DE.
Not just that, they're forcing applications to choose to be 'GNOME apps' or they'll deliberately break compatilibity with your porject.
It's straight up blackmail at this point.

And still Chtomium supports desktop native file pickers on linux. Even libreoffice will support kdialog soon.

all that plus if you for some dumb reason actually like gnome you need to have systemd or continually patch the thing every release to ignore that dependency

>Also I'm wearing programming socks and a skirt right now and I can guarantee I'm cuter than you.
Prove it.

irrc (please correct me) Krita uses the shitty gtk-file-dialogue when ran on Gnome.
KDE respects a users choices and doesn't force any workflow as more "correct" than another. Gnome with every update wants to limit and restrict user choice to create some sort of brand image and an entirely closed ecosystem.

"Ecosystem" doesn't mean what you think. Look it up again.

no perv

That's because Krita respects the desktop native file picker (which is the shitty gtk one in gnome)
This is what Firefox should also do.

rly makes me thonk

Thats exactly what Im saying. Krita is a qt app that bends over backwards to support all its users but a much larger project (firefox) refuses for 13 years.

Then Krita is working as it should.

Can either of you confirm it? I don't want to reinstall shit (gnome) on my system to test it.
I remember that being the behavior when I used it last on gnome.

I am joyfully surprised that niggers could stop nigging for one second and do something that requires intelligence. Those West Africans look pretty sane, compared the Americans Negroidus. Does anyone have any more info on how their temperments are compared to their place of origin? I have met some based native African emmigrants, but those have been few!

i don't know what GNOME is or does sorry.