>Green Is My Pepper
Green Is My Pepper
why doesnt the pepper scale? it gets really pixelated if you want a big pepper
export pepper_large.png as gimp brush.
>can you export a svg as a gimp brush, I've never tried it?
>he will die in your life time
All good things must come to an end I suppose...
Through in some circles and a wilber for good measure.
This is the original?
Where is your God now?
found your problem
You are sick bustard. Bought a fagmachine and use free software. How Earth even handles you?
>keeps women out from computer sciences
how do you know you won't die first faget?
Spontaneous human combustion is a thing you know.
cut with delicate precision from and flipped to match the default pepper brush.
>Very Large Cone
Not enough SQUARES
not so fast, pal
Channel statistics:
Pixels: 409600
min: 0 (0)
max: 195 (0.764706)
mean: 60.3568 (0.236693)
standard deviation: 58.96 (0.231216)
kurtosis: -1.72158
skewness: 0.102522
entropy: 0.593739
min: 0 (0)
max: 222 (0.870588)
mean: 71.1512 (0.279024)
standard deviation: 74.9916 (0.294085)
kurtosis: -1.5574
skewness: 0.346028
entropy: 0.650736
min: 0 (0)
max: 212 (0.831373)
mean: 38.8515 (0.152359)
standard deviation: 43.5219 (0.170674)
kurtosis: 0.0470025
skewness: 0.829757
entropy: 0.618508
min: 0 (0)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 121.201 (0.475297)
standard deviation: 122.765 (0.481432)
kurtosis: -1.94229
skewness: 0.0866239
entropy: 0.34775
It's only marginally more green than red
>bsd is my pepper