Want your system to be stable? have fun using 2 years outdated software!

>want your system to be stable? have fun using 2 years outdated software!
>want latest software? have fun with your system breaking every day!
holy fuck Linux is such a fucking joke

Other urls found in this thread:


Pardon me for one moment. What you are calling Linux, is in actuality, GNU/Linux, or as I have nicknamed it, GNU plus Linux. Linux isn't an operating system by itself, but it is just another part of the GNU system, which has been extended in functionality via various GNU components (including GNU's shell utilities and corelibs) which only then fit the definition of a complete operating system as outlined by POSIX.

There are many people today who are running the GNU operating system without even being aware of it. Through a strange turn of events, a misnomer has emerged where people refer to a widely used version of the GNU system as "Linux", unaware that the proper name for the system they run is the GNU operating system.

Now while they are in fact using Linux, it is only one component of the system that they run. Linux is used as the kernel: the part of an operating system which distributes a machine's resources to other programs which request them. While this functionality is essential for the successful functioning of a system, it cannot function on its own, it needs an operating system within which it can carry out its functions. Linux is commonly paired with the GNU operating system: the entirety of the system is GNU with the addition of Linux, or GNU/Linux. Every single "Linux Distribution" is actually a distribution of GNU/Linux.

>another "im computer illiterate, but its not my fault linux doesnt just werk" thread.

sorry i don't have autism to fix system breaking bugs every day in arch or to wait 20 hours for firefox to compile in gentoo

No, you're just retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.

First thing in the morning, what do I see? A pile of shit staring at me. I close my eyes, I step away. No matter where I go, there’s no getting away. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo?

I step out on the street. What do I smell? Shit that’s stinky to high hell. I hold my breath, I step away. But everywhere I go, there’s no getting away.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.

Shit, not shit, this shit, that shit. Let’s see now. Let me check. Happy birthday. Happy birthday.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.

>GTK developers are linux kernel developers
how long will it take you to understand this isn't the case

>stay up to date
Compile from source fag. Quit being retard who thinks Linux software is limited to whatever Ubuntu provides.

>want to run program from command line
>have to CD into a directory and run it there
>program has bloated gui that uses more resources than it should

>say fuck it and launch program from start menu
>ads in start menu
>random files shoved in mass between the programs you want to use
>program you're looking for isn't there as there isnt a standard install directory or if there is every dev ignores it
Windows is a fucking joke in terms of usability.

>running windows 7
>have dualshock 3 controller plugged in
>shut down computer
>dualshock causes computer to bluescreen
wow, nice stable OS, microsoft

>Compile from source
please die

>have to CD into a directory and run it there
not true by the way

>program has bloated gui that uses more resources than it should
such as?

>ads in start menu
not true by the way

>random files shoved in mass between the programs you want to use

>program you're looking for isn't there as there isnt a standard install directory or if there is every dev ignores it
what, you can't keep track of where you're installing your programs? lol

bait is bad
kill self

You are an unironic shill if you can't understand how shit windows package management is.

>gui bloat
Every gui is bloat when you're working with a non visual medium.
>ads in start menu
last time I checked the Windows 10 and 8 have very prominent ads in their respective start menu. Literal "grandma's games" tier shit
>memorizing the directory for every installed program
Actual autism. Every program should have a spot where it is required to be.

>this thread again

>"i have no arguments so you're just baiting xd"

>Every program should have a spot where it is required to be.
such as Program Files? It just so happens that you don't have to install it there but sure, THAT's the autistic part, not fixing system breaking bugs every day such as:

>install clean arch
>install VLC
>it won't even launch
the true power of GNU/Linux™


>install clean arch
>install vlc
>type 'vlc' into terminal
>it works
linux might not be for you, but don't go spreading FUD

accurate as fuck

accurate as fuck

>it's your fault when Linux breaks on you
>it's not my fault when Windows breaks on me
It's funny how the irony about this argument is lost on Linux users, who constantly complain that Windows "doesn't work".

>it's the fault of linux when you can't get it to work
>it's somehow okay when something in Windows doesn't work, it's likely just user error
it's funny how the irony about this argument is lost on Windows users, who constantly complain that Linux "doesn't work".


wen u should fuck off because xfm is the best file manager

Linux is just a kernel.

Except we never make that argument, you strawmanning retard.

and 'we' never made the argument you so nicely strawmanned either, you street shitting faggot.

You literally just made it here . I don't know why lie when the thread's right there and everyone can read it.

that's not me, you monkey. and even if it was, that's one person, not everyone in the linux community.

But I'll get more replies if I put "Linux" instead of "GNU/Linux", which will get my thread more bumped and noticed

Literally nobody calls it "GNU/Linux" though.

>spending all this energy writing this for a shitpost
Man, Linux users truly are NEETS.

Are you really that autistic that you cannot accept that
export PATH=$PATH:/my/new/application

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\my/new\application\

on windows?
Yes it is retarded as fuck that they use \ and / for dir separation but the system is not meant to be used for stuff like games

It's still an extra step. Arguing that linux is hard to use when to get the same functionality on linux requires more work is dumb. Every application installed via a package manager works from everywhere, there is not any application on windows that replicates package manager functionality with an equivalent software selection of say, Ubuntu.

>on linux requires
*on Windows requires

Linux is a kernel.

Windows is unusable in a modern dev environment and anunironic botnet
We are both saying true things

I hope this is meant as constructive criticism of what some may deem a considerable shortcoming of the GTK filepicker, and not merely some weak troll intended to bait or irritate users of the GNU+Linux operating system.

>install windows
>can play media out the box
>no installing additional shit

lmao lincucks

Guaranteed replies from a post that doesn't even make sense.

Top job user.


>>spending all this energy writing this for a shitpost

>Man, Winshit users truly are CHILDREN.

>when you just need to hit backspace to hack into linux


>bug in gnu bootloader
>people blame the linux kernel

is that the mirandas web idiot? link to vid plz



Debian Stretch + knowing how to use a deb goes a long way folks. Bait thread.

Also, I haven't found any instability in Debian Testing (switched to it a couple weeks back--working great).

> Gahnoo Linox

thank you, user

>want to turn your computer off?
>not today, fag
>ill be done whenever

That picture is disingenous though.
1. 'Linux' is a kernel, it doesn't have a file picker at all
2. KDE has a proper file picker
3. Your reference to GNOME not having a filepicker with thumbnails is also 'wrong' since it's not 'taken decades' to implement the feature - it's a feature that has been lacking and highly requested for dacades - But GNOME still haven't yet implemented it.

>When after 2 decades you still haven't implemented thumbnails in the filepicker, you're GNOME

You were shutting it down anyways so the controller just wanted to help it go faster desu

>install linux
>spend next day customizing/installing to just make it remotely functional
>spend next week fixing random bugs/crashes
>still not as functional as windows

hey pajeet how much is the pay per post?

>running windows 7
>have dualshock 3 controller plugged in

How much you wanna bet that pic related was running?

>running linux
>os thinks my ds3 is a mouse

I do it for free

>what is gnome (brainlet DE)

>what are pre-built packages

Fixed both of your problems. You don't have to customize every little tidbit of your OS if you don't want to

>create custom library (in addition to documents, music, photos, etc)
>can't add it to the right side of the start menu
lol windows fucking blows

no motionjoy stuff, i have SCPtoolkit that just installs drivers.

Even if it was proper constructive criticism half of the replies would just be "you don't need it"

>want your system to be stable?
Assemble it from stretch.

>running windows
>no wobble

shit os

Said nobody except (you)

That wont work with Slackware.