What is your opinion on emoji, Sup Forums?

What is your opinion on emoji, Sup Forums?

Things that adults imagine teens use when they text.

A friend's younger brother went and watched the emoji movie and loved it.
Hope is dead


I hate them passionately. And I don't even know why. I use the :) kind of emoticons all the time.
I wish someone could tell me why I hate them.

They're the same thing but new, which makes you realize how fucking dumb you've looked using emoticons for the last two decades.

These four are the only ones approved, others are only normie shit and should only be used ironically

I use them to seem less distant in text messages. The inclusion of skin colors seemed bizarre to me.

ayy yo hol up

y aint none of dem smilies niggas?

Only the thinking emoji is acceptable because it's unique in the way it conveys its expression, making it iconic.

enable these 4 emojis on Sup Forums japmoot

Reaction faces for the dim witted normies.

>teenager faces
So fucking gay

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I question my sanity when I see 40 and 50 year old women use these.


I don't understand why we needed a new word.
It's not because they're not text - pic related were considered "emoticons" at the time.

Forgot my image

I remember back when everyone referred to them as emoticons.

Where the fuck did "emoji" come from?

When you're literally too retarded to use words.

emoticon is a text faces in ascii
emojis are their own characters

>using smileys. :)

emoji = 絵文字 = "picture character"

It is the new aged hieroglyph.

unironically the future



I only use them when chatting with cute girls.

This. I have way younger cousins and they love the emoji movie.
I can't imagine what this trash (recent movies+tv) is teaching the next generation.


>dominos killed all the competition by being cheap as fuck and underpaying staff
>is now slowly jacking up prices
Why did we let this happen?