Forbes is run by jealous pajeets who cant even afford a superior and quality assured product like the Apple iPhone X
>t. iPajeet
How did people become convinced that you need a supercomputer in your pocket? As long as you can watch youtube, play games and browse, your phone is fine and you can do that with two year old phones.
Itoddlers will defend this.
Do your farts smell like cum?
kek, look at this guy's articles. All he does is write clickbait about "SERIOUS PROBLEMS" with smartphones, including Samshit phones.
>t. assblasted poorfag
>t. Assblasted itoddler
You can do that with 10 year old phones
phones could've stopped using new hardware long time ago, what people care about the most now is looks.
this desu senpai
>tfw maximum comfy
so this is real indian powerhouse
It's like we don't go a week without iphone problems being revealed left and right.
I mean, the 1 year warranty despite the high price already gives away the garbage quality of the thing, but all these issues are just something else.
The iphone is the ultimate proof that marketing is everything.
>what people care about the most now is looks
Le 56% logic xdddd
How can Americans be so stupid and brainwashed? No one gives a fuck about looks,
>How can Americans be so stupid and brainwashed?
>needing to ask
An iToddler has defended this.
Well duh. How will you know what colour the text bubble is, if they don't text you? Apple is just closing a dangerous loophole.
based fucking gordon kelly