/hmg/ Hackerman General

>made the thread just to reply to another dude from the last thread thread edition

In /hmg/ we discuss pentesting, ctfs, exploits, and general being a hackerman.


>easy beginner bullshit

>prebroken images to work on.

>super secret club

>meme dragon distro but it just werks

>scriptkiddie starting point and swiss army knife

>From zero to OSCP-hero rough outline

>IppSec, video guides for retired HTB VMs.

>CEH, only looks good a resume to non-technical in HR

>OSCP, the big dick swinging exam, 24 hours to own 5 machines and a further 24 hours to write up a report detailing your methods.


>web app hackers handbook.
Thanks IBM!


>OSCP videos

danwin1210.me/uploads/F3thinker !- Hacking 2017/1. Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017.pdf

>Advanced Penetration Testing

Other urls found in this thread:


You playing kioptrix here? I remember running the same exploit earlier in the week.

yep kioptrix 1.0. first time i've used metasploit on a box

Im sitting on kioptrix 4 atm. 2 was very enjoyable, I learnt a hell of a lot about why bash shells work moving through that one

Bash reverse shells, rather

tfw need to look at walkthroughs to beat kioptrix levels

the OSCP torrent has a fuckload of material in it. 80GB and there's loads of SANS pdf's in it. no way anyone could get through that in 1 lifetime
i read a chapter of a book on metasploit so needed no walkthrough to get root, but i didn't know the flag per se was in /var/mail

Finally, my favorite general has returned

Bruss it's only been gone for a few hours. There was one up for a few days that died maybe 8 hours ago


so this where all the script kiddies hang out woah

This is where that title is shed.

Sure is. It's a nice place for nice people to play at hackerman. It's also amusing to rile people "in the game" up.

>Best way to spend a Friday night
>alpha af

Hell yeah boyee

i literally spent last night with my proto gf on my couch doing farmville while i hacked and posted on hmg

Thinking of getting OSCP cert, I've worked as a Linux admin for about two years now, anyone know how long it takes to study for it?

>proto gf

>thinking of building a house, I have experience building model trains, how long do you think it'll take?

This is how stupid your question was. You are missing so many pieces of information from your question how can someone POSSIBLY give you a useful answer?

Proto gf? Wtf is that. Also, don't play farmville, that shit is bad for your brain.

I mean I have to secure systems and make sure they don't get fucked, it seems like that should help with some background knowledge for the OSCP versus someone who's never used Linux. Your analogy is pretty shitty

Not him, but I would say go for it if you feel confident enough. 24 hour test so I hope you're prepared.

>Your analogy is pretty shitty
No its not. Blue team work doesnt lend itself to red teaming at all.

Have a look at this site for a list of prep work.


Oh wait, its already in the fucking OP. Did you even look ANYTHING up?

I didn't say Blue team lent itself to Red Team, but having the Blue team experience helps. And yes, I did look it up, but I thought I'd ask in case anyone was in a similar situation and could give advice, stop being an autist.

>stop being an autist.
Where the fuck do you think you are?

I seriously don't know why you still think your question is valid. From the posts you've put up, no one still has any idea how well you study, how rapidly you learn, how much free time you have to lab, wether you've done any pen testing before, how badly you want to obtain it, wether you're even interested in it, how good your report writing skills are, or even what you know. "Two years of Linux admin" means literally anything on earth.

Itll take you as long as it'll take you. That's the only correct answer.

shut the fuck up bitch ass nigga

Why should I cunt

Bad day?

u a lil hoe nigga wite boi faggot

No, my day is fine.

Questions like
>how long does x take
>what's the best way to start
>how do I move from y career to z career without providing any information

are why the cyb thread is such shit. The OP which was drawn up by the OG handsome man general poster answers these questions.

It'll take you as long as it takes you. It's super individual and you can't trust a blanket "it'll take y days" statement. I doubt as a Linux admin you have experience crafting buffer overflows. Maybe that's the topic that trips you up, and you take an extra 6 months in your learning plan to get it down.

Maybe you are a 1337 iq beanbag and crush the learning in two weeks.

It'll take you as long as it'll take you. It's a learning path, not a tick and flick to get past HR like SANS.

I'm not the op you were replying to. You just seem to stress over subjectively trivial things. Is what is. Enjoy your night, user.

>Enjoy your night, user.
You too.

Im presently doing an awful smelling shit and my guts feel like fire, but I think I can workout a way to get a foothold in kioptrix 4

Guys, is it right if I used classic stack overflow instead of classic buffer overflow for referring direct-return exploit?

stack overflow is when the stack collides with the heap. i'm not aware of exploits for that

All of my curiosities. Pl0x answer.

are you sure? stack collides with heap?

stack overflow? yes, that's what it is. the stack starts in high memory, and stack frames are created that go downwards towards the heap. if the new stack frame's pointer is out of bounds, you get a stack overflow

any of yall used secgen to make custom vulnrable images? how do they compare to the vulnhub boot2roots?

There's no collide between stack and heap, as far I undestand. But more toward the heap that correct.

I would ask another question, what is that mean classic buffer overflow? is that mean there's no stack involved in it or what?

Wouldn't stack is available even in a simple program isn't it?

I wouldn't say it collides, but it can and will over write the heap, and go out of bounds and eventually causes a segment fault if it isn't controlled. A buffer overflow occurs with variable assignment or any kind of input, which occurs in the stack; but unlike the heap, the stack is tightly packed; so variables are over written by the overflow of input.

bump for this question

So what are we all learning this weekend?

>writing a simple encrypted messaging system in python, to learn more about TCP, encryption, and password hashing
>Working on some simple vulnhubs to get better at utilizing exploits after recon
>Setting up a facebook phishing site manually for practical use against some cunt

what about you, user?

where should a newfag start
this shit keeps extending i can't wrap my head around it

start with the first link in the OP, unless you cant into shell (bash, or alternatives), then start with bash. also, learn python then ruby, and a compiling language a bit later.

yeah user i was already going to specify about 2 weeks for python, what do you mean by a compiling language tho?

a language that compiles, dude.
You can compile python with pytoexe, but its usually a pretty big file because it has to compile all the modules with it and stuff.
I like go, because from my experience, it usually works cross platform despite what it was compiled on, unless you choose to invoke something that is system specific.
But for now, just stick with python man. How are you going to go about learning it? How do you learn best?

By trying and failing I guess? i'd say youtube tutorials for the most part

why what do you recommend?

Personally, i learnt python from a guy called derek banas on youtube.
Trying and failing is just part of the process of learning anything practical, especially programming.
After you get the basics of the language down, you'll be using stackoverflow quite a lot, but make sure you take the time to read, and actually understand the python docs. The docs will tell you a lot more about the capabilities of the module, and everything it can be used for, rather than just knowing it can be used for your one specific use case.

Hows your bash/shell knowledge?

very little user, quick rundown?

You should start with bash, rather than python. If you wanna get into pentesting, you will be using it a hell of a lot.
You are running linux, yeah? Start by trying to do more stuff from the cli than gui. The more programs you can replace with a cli/curses program, the better you will become.
also, run man $command when you want to know about that specific command.

you really are super new to this, hey user?

yeah kinda, but i'm heavily motivated so it wouldn't take much for me to learn

cheers user you're awsome

No problem user. dw, we all start somewhere. Just get stuck into it, write some bash scripts to automate what you do (almost)everyday, play around with the basic commands, learn to navigate your system with bash, and learn the linux file system, and you'll be well on your way to start learning pentesting.

The 1st thing I tell my students is to write a version of echo in C or C++.
Echo, if you don't already know, is just printing out all arguments you have it.
It shouldn't be more than 6 lines in total, but it tells you a lot.

yeah about linux, which distribution do you recommend, i already downloaded mint KDE but haven't installed it, is it any good cause people keep recommending it

i barely started with python dude wouldn't that be confusing?

That sounds like a good exercise

Mint is fine for a beginner, its not my recommendation, but i used it as my first distro. In the past it had some security issues, but they should be all cleared up.
I dont really like KDE, its resource intensive, has lots of flashy animations that do nothing but look good, and is pretty bloated. but if your coming from windows its probably a good choice. Either that, of cinnamon.
Personally, I would recommend Xubuntu. It will get you in the habit of not using too many GUI software tools (although they are all still there, just not as flashy, they don't seem like the be all end all), and you'll start learning to customize linux by right clicking everything and seeing the extent of what you can change.
But really just choose one, Install it for a few months, make note of what you like and dislike, ask anons on Sup Forums about alternatives, and try another distro. soon you'll find a distro you really like the look of. I also recommend sticking to debian derivatives for now, too.

Yeah, i suggest taking it slow, unless you want to throw yourself in the deep end/

>what about you, user?
Same as your second point eh. Do some vulnhub images and try to not look at a walkthrough for it

What images are you doing?

I always try to wait at least 24 hours before i look at a walkthrough, so i give myself time to think about what i missed. Sometimes, you'll be doing something completely different and the a new possible solution will just come to you.
>bored googling while taking a fat shit

Anyone know how to unlock an icloud lock on an iphone 4s?

This lock is fascinating me what with the iboot exploit recently, does this mean the icloud unlock is theoretically possible using the exploit? If so could someone point me in the right direction?

Pytoexe does not compile python into native code, it simply includes the python runtime as a wrapper around the python

Oh ok, thanks i didnt know that

The fact you think the two are even related shows how little you know.

Give it back Rajesh and fuck off

My gf found it on public transport, want to unlock it so my elderly mother can use it to look at photos sent from relatives properly because currently she has a terrible phone. Yea I know very little about this shit because I don't really like apple stuff myself.

Oh and your mother sucks nigger dick.

>My gf found someone else's phone on public transport,
>i want to unlock someone else's phone and give someone else's property to my elderly mother

you have good point.

Your gf is a cunt for not taking the lost phone to the transport company, and how pathetic are you that you need your girlfriend to steal someone else's phone so your mom can have one?

You're the one preaching morality on an anonymous feedboard. I'm no moral simpleton racist anyways so fuck you and your high horse fuckface I'll do whatever the fuck I like.

>so fuck you and your high horse fuckface I'll do whatever the fuck I like
Exactly. You are entitled to do whatever you like. Just like we can ridicule you for being a faggot piece of shit and offer no assistance to you.

You're the ridiculous racist wanker who thinks I give a flying fuck, Go back to thinking you matter in the world by 'ridiculing' random strangers you fucking retard with your tired borrowed Pajeet references. Grow a fucking imagination.

Jesus Christ this thread is even worse than what you might find on /r/NetSec

Just give up man

>Oh and your mother sucks nigger dick.
>calling other people racists
Wow, you're a special kind of stupid; aren' you?

>waaah waaaah i can do whatever i want mommy! also you're racist!

Just end yourself you massive faggot.

>oh i can greentext

You're a special king of autistic pedant mealy mouthed prig aren't you. I said your mother sucked nigger dick to trigger your racism you fucking gaping asshole. Don't be a smug basement dweller all your life.

>being this triggered by someone you find stupid

>>Oh and your mother sucks nigger dick.

Implying that's a bad thing. Mom doesn't, I do it myself. Learn to love! Racism is obsolete. Cucking has replaced it.

look up the definition of the root word proto then figure it out yourself

Guys, stop replying to this obvious sub-human bait.

OG /hmg/ OP here, still super nice to see this shit keep coming back.

Here's my run through of Mirai from htb which just retired.


Start fiddling with bash scripts with this tutorial: youtube.com/watch?v=smbeKPDVs2I
It's pretty low level shit but it's all you will need for the time being.

I don't live with my mother. The use of nigger in that context is racist. Don't spew too much montain dew getting this upset, dumasses. What are you even doing on this thread? You don't seem very intelligent.

Wew, first view!

hey guys, i wanted to ask if you all know good non meme resources and guides about learning how to hack? or just some advice on where i should start i suppose

doing kioptrix 1.1 and i got admin access to the web app and can execute commands, but i'm only apache, not root. feel pretty close but idk where to go from here. might be a dead end

literally everything in the OP you tarded mong

i tried bind and reverse shells with netcat and i only crashed the application and had to restart the box. now i'm going to try to use msfvenom to host my own executable, and try to get it to download it and run it

bad omen is that this:; echo "echo hello world" > file.sh; chmod +x file.sh; ./file.sh;
didn't cause it to display hell world

always fire off a sudo -l, once you have a shell. You'd be surprised what you find.

well since i have absolutely zero experience with this stuff it's not so hard to see that i can't understand shit of what the OP said

Scroll back up in the thread, a newb asked the same question and there were helpful replies.

I personally started with the first link in the OP but I'm not exactly a complete zero, I already know bash, Python, and currently learning C.

>looking at exploited drives
>they literally just run a script to create their rootkits
>it doesn't even bother to reset the times
is this done intentionally by the rootkit designers? or are they just lazy and don't give enough of a shit to do simple date changes?

Hacking is just one of those things kids find so cool, then they realize what they see on t.v. doesn't exist and you're stick between
>just type exploit() in python
>literally getting your phd in cyber security and constantly looking at low level shit to see all the dumb shit people do.
and at the time you get to the second point you just don't give a shit about anything anymore.

Good for you. Have you started learning about the stack yet?

>might be a dead end
Most certainly not.

Push some privlage escalation exploits into your Apache session and compile them on the kioptrix machine

Is it just me or are the SWF files for Offsec fucked?

I'm trying to play them in MPV, mplayer, nothing fucking works. Not even VLC works.

When I tried playing the HTML file, it just showed me I need newer flash. I installed newer flash and it still throws an error. Wat do?

You're likely autistic, fellow.

Need help people, I create some executable to produce buffer overflow, in this time, I use Windbg instead of immunity-debugger.

The executable, I create is command line, but everytime I add open the executable, status on windbg is always INT 3.

How can I crash the exe then start analyze within windbg?

What should I do?

>Wat do?

they work fine for me

Anyone have some experience with API end points testing? Care to share it's own approach?

>and at the time you get to the second point you just don't give a shit about anything anymore.

Someone help me jack igs cause im a skid fuck you
