Fedora is best distro.
Forfeit to the fedora Sup Forums, it just werks.
>inb4 soy-flavored excuses
Fedora is best distro.
Forfeit to the fedora Sup Forums, it just werks.
>inb4 soy-flavored excuses
Other urls found in this thread:
G fedora shills need better dictionaries such as.
has too many PajeetKits written in python
No thanks. I switched to Void because of how bad that shit is getting. Also, take a look at this horse shit...
>If you are using Fedora - which you probably are, since you have posted on this forum - then your attempts at removing systemd are nearly futile. By the time you are done, you won't really have a Fedora system any more.
>betatesting for free for redhat
>calling anything soy flavored
Ive got bad news for you user
>Hates betatesting
Hope you're running debian stable then
The only legitimate criticism of Fedora I've ever seen on this board.
I am
who else here has avoided fedora due to neckbeard memes? it could be great but the idea of accepting a distro named fedora gives me feelings of intense self loathing.
Broken system updates on Fedora and Ubuntu that made my install unusable were one of the reasons I switched from them to Slackware. Granted that was like ten years ago, but I'm still a little wary.
>Broken system updates
why does fedora take so fucking much to boot up? literally more than 90 seconds few days after being installed. any other distro I can think of has 1/3 that booting time on the exact same machine. debian, devuan, ubuntu, void, mint, slackware, manjaro, solus, suse...
>why does fedora take so fucking much to boot up?
>blames best distro
It doesn't
Use an SSD
FC27 royally fucked my system when it first came out. Lost both boots on my hard drive. I had to reformat and restore from backups.
I tried using Debian for a few weeks but I didn't like it as much...
>doing beta testing for Red Hat for free
I had this issue on every version of Fedora I’ve tried, even after disabling all of the services. I believe it’s SELinux starting up, but I could be wrong.
enjoy your trash tier broken init
> need to fix grub
> lol just burn the whole thing and start over
If you use any Linux distro long enough, it will fuck over your boot loader settings. Except maybe something that stays really far behind like Debian or CentOS.
I've been using Void for about a day now. XBPS has been a pain in the ass to learn but I've got the hang of basic package management with it and it's pretty fast. No problems with the init system at all, and it seems to log things fairly well in a nice, neat manner. I have Firefox 58, GIMP, VIM, Nano, VLC, CMus, Libre Office, and the Enlightenment desktop set up. My mobile computing needs are fairly simple and it's all running flawlessly on my Core2 Duo Libreboot T400, and I've struggled to make even heavy multitasking use 2GB of my 6GB of RAM or half my CPU power.
So tell me, how is it broken?
I don't know much about runit, but none of that software you mentioned interacts directly with your init system AT ALL. So perhaps you're not fit to engage in discussions about init systems or express an opinion about which one a particular distro should use.
Fedora is for tippers who are afraid of being called out for using noobuntu.
>So perhaps you're not fit to engage in discussions about init systems or express an opinion about which one a particular distro should use.
One of my desktops has an MSI mobo, cunt. My hatred of systemdicks is far from irrational.
Far fewer packages than Debian that are older versions. Debian is far more likely to be supported for niche software. I also find apt nicer than yum, but that's subjective.
Nice try NSA
> it's systemd's fault i opened up my firmware interface and typed 'rm -rf'
I dunno man, that sounds pretty irrational. I mean, if you ask Lennart, not everything on Unix should be a file, so maybe your real problem is you need more Poettering.
>>it's systemd's fault i opened up my firmware interface and typed 'rm -rf'
No, it's systemd's fault for not mounting the EFI variables read only out of the box. Anyone who actually needs the write access to them will also be competent enough to remount them manually. I don't see any need for this the PC of a home user. Maybe in a corporate environment, but then again, they pay people to set these things up. One more thing on a SysAdmin's initial setup checklist is well worth the sane defaults for everyone else. Just because certain manufacturers have a shitty EFI implementation doesn't mean that Peottering should also be an incompetent fuckass and leave systems vulnerable to bricking for no good reason. Sane defaults are really what it boils down to here. Go on, give me a good reason why the EFI variables should be mounted read/write by default. It's absolutely unnecessary, you stupid systemdrone. Go guzzle Poettering's semen somewhere else.