Mysterious USB stick

Any of you guys have any idea what this stick is suppose to be?
I found it at the professor's desk at my uni, and being the curious person I was, wanted to know what this little bugger was.

>Tried to look it up on google to no prevail. It's not coming up as memory, It's not a USB killer, and it just comes up as "USB composite device" when plugged in.


Other urls found in this thread:

crack it open and start IDing the chips

>I found it at (*on) the professors desk
So you stole it?

>and it just comes up as "USB compatible device"
It's an encrypted drive containing creep shots of fellow students, jackpot.

>I found it at the professor's desk at my uni
That's called stealing.

Stick it in a raspberry pi. Don't be a poosy.

ITs a received for a wireless remote/clicker you fucking dildo.

Now put the cunt back

Give it back Jamal.

>faggot pussies who have never exfiltrated anyhing.

are you a baka

Give it back, deshawn.

Give it back Jamal.


Its clever

I guess it's the receiver for this remote.

>crack it open and start IDing the chips

Cracked it open, but I no nothing about circuits, other than the physics of it

What do you think Sup Forums?

>So you stole it?
No, I'm still sitting at the desk I found it at. They leave the most of the classrooms open 24/7 at my uni, so students can study in them

don't have one, sadly. I connected it to the desk computer, and subsequently when nothing happened, tried it on my laptop.

>ITs a received for a wireless remote/clicker you fucking dildo.

Fuck... I'm gonna feel really bad if I broke it, well I already broke the plastic, but I mean like to where it's no longer usable.

give it back

>OP stole a USB dongle for a wireless remote

I really hope you're joking

Actually, the pic looks like it plugs into the remote.

thats for storage so you dont lose it

>be a uni professor
>buy a usb pointer to make my presentations better so my class can understand more
>some autist steals it and now I cannot present properly
Nice one OP, cheers

Yep. Further down the page...
Built-in Docking Bay

Afraid of losing small components? This wireless presenter features a built-in docking bay for the USB receiver, ensuring it's kept securely with the remote when not in use.

>I stole it from a desk then broke it
>bbut I didn't do anything wrong!
What school so we can report you campus security.

The prof should start using a phone to control the presentation slides anyway. They display notes he can use for reference as he talks.

This is why we can't have nice things.


I DIDN'T FUCKING TAKE IT!!! What part of I'm still at the professor's desk do you not understand?

Joking about what?

get away from that desk you weirdo

Why are you still at the desk? Why were you ever? You know what it is now, its a receiver for a remote probably for presentations, so leave and put this poor thread out of its misery.

botnet stick

What's your home address?
I want to come into your home, pick things up from your desk and take them apart destructively.

You seem to think this is acceptable behavior, so I can't see why you wouldn't like it done to your gear...

Don't forget the part he broke it