What is the best text editor and why is it emacs?

What is the best text editor and why is it emacs?

Ackchyually, Emacs is an excellent Operating System but it lacks a good editor.

>In the GNU/Linux world there are two major text editing programs: the minimalist vi (known in some implementations as elvis) and the maximalist emacs. I use emacs, which might be thought of as a thermonuclear word processor. It was created by RichardStallman; enough said.

>implying it isn't vim

Vim is the best you utter faggot


Apparently you guys haven't been introduced to the JetBrains line of products. Whatever language you write in, they will provide you an editor tailored to that language. And it only costs like $10 a month or something.

$10 a month, for software. Wow! You can never own it. You just license it. And it makes life so easy.

emacs is literally the worst editor
vim or nothing

Wrong board, faggot.

what is a good ascii online editor

actually what you're referring to as "emacs" is actually gnu+linux+emacs environment. It's synergy as an essential organ of the operating system is like those found in nature. The Kernel, linux may have been made by a fennoswede faggot, but the stature that it has today was created by humble men like myself. The decentralized nature of our project allows us techno-dabblers all the more self pride that is deprived from those doing this for a living. Whether you're using ubintu or gentoo, know that it was your forefathers, like myself, custard and lincoln and fraknlin you have to thank for it. Faggot.

Sublime Text master race, freetards get out

using geddit am i retarded?



>not using nvi or berkely vi

What is the best way to learn Emacs? It seems difficult, coming from vim.

just use spacemacs

I picked up emacs quicker than the picked up vim. Granted it was probably because I got used to moving around with keybindings which is the biggest hurdle with these types of text editors.
So dont think about all the different types of keybindings, think about the ones you use and need the most.
(think of C-x, C-c, M-x as the most likely prefix to the keystroke, so be comfortable using them)
Basic movment (all you need to know)
C-x C-f ; open file
C-x C-s ; save file
C-b ; back (h)
C-p ; up (j)
C-n ; down (k)
C-f ; forward (l)
C-a ; beginning
C-b ; end

Basic Quality of life editing
ESC (hail marry, im lost take me back to ground 0. mash as many times as you want)
C- / ; Undo, the undo ring is godly. In Emacs you never loose anything. Look into how it works.
C-g ; clear current keystroke
C-x-b ; go to previous buffer or tab to choose specific buffer
C-x- k ; Kill buffer. (emacs is crazy, you dont have to worry about keeping all your buffers tidy, you can if you have OCD, but its ok if you dont. Emacs keeps working like a champ)

really, just use go through the tutorial its worth it. Only use what you need, dont think about all the stuff that it can do until you need to do it.
C-h t ; Tutorial

Emacs packages make Arch Linux look stable and reliable, and the default keybinds are RSI inducing. Vim does not have this problem.

oh yeah, and if you get more than one buffer split in your view, just hit
C-x-1 ; takes you to your focused buffer only
C-x-0 ; takes you to your non focused buffer

you spelled vim wrong

I mean it's okay I guess, nowhere near enough plugins for my taste.

openbsd's mg is pretty good, but the fat Jew's gnu emacs is shit

>implying emacs can't be vim

Someone post the editor learning curve chart

Fuck of Lispers, if you use Unix you use ed!
ed(1) is the standard!


Fucking macfags.



>he doesn't have a nano launcher on his desktop...

this holy shit wtf
need nothing else

Thats not an editor, its an IDE, and if you need an IDE you cant be much of a programmer.

>cancer master race, non-chemo fags get out

Why either of those two? what do they ad on top of vim to make it better?

If you don't know vim well, and need to make small changes, nano is fine. However, i couldn't imagine writing a 200+ line program with nano
>holds down up arrow key for 20 seconds

Nano. Fuck everything else. I'm a simple man with simple tastes.

I use Emacs for Magit, org-mode, and file management, VSCode for React stuff, and WebStorm for refactoring.

I would love to use Emacs for programming, but JSX indentation was fucked last time I checked.

I use and IDE

>be emacs user
>be giant faggot
>write a macro so i can suck dick while i type
>emacs is my browser
>pixelated gay porn
>go to write in a text file
>but a dildo in my mouth as i type

Sublime user here. I want to start using vim. Any tips?

vim is a text editor that includes a vimscript interpreter for enhancement.

Emacs is a lisp interpreter that includes a text editor for enhancement.

Tried both, prefer emacs at the moment, but YMMV because of how radically different the ideologies of both editors are. Since the advantages of both are at a philosophical level, there's no end to a 30+ year pointless war.

If you're a radical centrist that wants a compromise, run a terminal in emacs and open up vim in that.

yeah, don't.



MS Office.


Emacs is better

word pad


>C-b ; back (h)
>C-p ; up (j)
>C-n ; down (k)
>C-f ; forward (l)
>C-a ; beginning
>C-b ; end

I use Howl.

>need to use vi to edit a config file
>can't even use Ctrl+A or Ctrl+E to jump to the beginning or end of the line
What a joke.

start of line
end of line

easy, faggot

>0 and $ are intuitive

only if you exit from input to command mode, faggot.

Using vi instead of vim gave me AIDS.

>best way
You don't.

If you don't use vim or emacs then you'll never be a top programmer. All the other "editors" and "IDEs" are for people without drive.

Deepfakes with GNUman when?

I love Stallman, but I can't stop using vim.

Using a free version of vi is not a sin, but a penance.

Light Table is the only correct choice of IDE, user.

emacs is almost the only one I've used for the last five years. I tried vim for a few months when I first started using Linux, and I thought it was neat. After trying emacs for a few days I never looked back. I'm still finding more things I love in emacs just by accident.

That's a nice picture of Luke Smith, got any more?

apt install gnome-vim for system clipboard support the easy way.

They call it vim because it's vi improved.

whatis vim -a programmer's text editor.