YouTube support harnessing and bullying me

Just trying to figure out live streaming and got a CNN copy right claim against my fox news live stream event for SOTU... so I beat that but the live stream is revoked even after beating the CC claim ...
>here is some fun now

I was frantic when I emailed them, said in was streaming cspan and cnn false claimed me..
>they were nice at first
>what's your channel
>pro America anti AI anti Obama anti Google pro Trump channel

They look into it then their attitude shifts. They start calling me lier!! And I was streaming fox news not cspan
>yeah but I don't have any CC claims or strikes
CNN still false flagged me...


Here is another goons response to my rebuttle that CNN still clowned me and no real reason was given

Pic related

>Google and YouTube are a mob

No customer service no support and extreme biased and rude employees

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is 18+

>stream copyrighted content
>bitch when you get banned
>surprised when you're bullied

It could be a scam where some rando company gets your random IP and makes a fake claim, if you reply they then have the information necessary to pursue litigation against you but if you don't they don't have any information required.

Jesus Christ was Sup Forums a mistake.

its a shitty bait scam. You reply and they get your real information and sue you for real.

Sue for what, moron?
Sup Forums was a mistake.

Similar to this, its basically a fake DMCA claim against you, you reply and because you replied they now have a name, address and everything they need to file suit

Also they threaten to sue unless you pay some large arbitrage fee

Sup Forums was a mistake.

What does any of this have to do with Sup Forums?

Brainless conspiratard posting.
Sup Forums was a mistake.

>phishing scams are conspiracy
You mean /x/?

I mean Sup Forums.
Sup Forums was a mistake.

You're fucking retarded

Sup Forums was a mistake.

Don't worry. He's just false flagging.
Sup Forums was a mistake regardless.

Deep state lies. I'm gonna tell Hannity on you.

>look me mom in trolling ex dee, im so funny
from where these cancerous retards are fucking coming?

Son, if you can't pick out the Sup Forumstard brainlets...

>>what's your channel
>>pro America anti AI anti Obama anti Google pro Trump channel

You literally can't be pro America and pro Trump at the same time.


>implying that if dems would just sit down and shut up, he could get on with making us great again

>using jewtube
what did you expect?

don't the jews like trump? I mean he just gave them an embassy and shit

Actually, you can't claim to be 'Pro America' without supporting trump.

Well that depends on if you define "America" to mean adherence to the liberal democratic ideals of the Founding Fathers. Conservatives define "America" as, "Whatever muh fee fees feel it is," and they're feeling like it should be Nazi Germany, which Trump embodies rather well.

only the zionist ones, not the communistic ones that own google

This entire thread is fucking shit, do you think you are funny? is basically rick and morty tier but more retarded and more unfunny

Just ask them if they are joking

>claims to be about democratic ideas
>doesn't support the democratically elected leader
neck yourself