I'm starting college next week

Some stats on me:
> 19
> 6'1''
> fat (but hitting the gym)
> no self esteem
> literal autism
> underdeveloped social skills

I hear college girls are easy, and there's a lot of booze.

Is it likely that I might actually get to fuck a college girl?

I'm going to uni because I actually want to learn my subject and have a career in it (CS), but I still want to have sex.

Just b urself :^)

You're fucked from the get go because you're fat.
The autism and other problems are the final nails in the coffin.

Enjoy your perpetual virginity.

nothing matters except:

>literal autism
>no self esteem

work on these and you'll probably get laid, doesn't matter how chad you look

>I want to have sex

this will end well.

That's for finding a wife.
When you want to nail sluts, you gotta act like a chad and pour it on real thick. Also, throw around money like it's nothing for you.

oh wow, you're really setting yourself up for disaster going in all optimistic like that

I'm not even trying to be abrasive, this is simply the cold hard truth

t. final year of university

Kill yourself you fucking loser

>shit talking yourself from the get go

If you say you're autistic you'll act autistic, idiot

Being a literal autist is harsh. It's hard to gain social skills when you're like that

Also in my last year.
You're screwed if your confidence and social skills are THAT poor OP. People would have you think there are naked women walking around the halls who gracefully float into your freshman dorm room and just sit on your lap and start riding you, but college is pretty much an extension of the high school social system, just with booze and a bit more open.

I progressed a lot in college and have many good friends now, as well as a sense of purpose in life. Bang any sloots? No, I did not have the social qualifications to start out.

BEST hope for you if you want to get women in your pic, is to rush. You can be that hilariously stiff and awkward guy in the frat

>but college is pretty much an extension of the high school social system
Not at all

Oh, and don't expect college to teach you a lot of programming.
You'll have to work your ass off to improve your development skills along with college workload.

just charter a prostitute or fuck an uggo

There are obviously many differences and people are marginally more mature, but what I meant was, if you were a chad in high school, you'll probably be a chad in college. Autists do not magically become casanovas when they enter their college dorm. OP will be the same as he always has, unless he puts real effort into socializing. He thinks it is way too easy, is what I am getting at

get drunk and sleep with a fatty
youll do that tops


When I was 19 I was on my third year as a construction worker.

just kill me please


God DAMN the bitch from the left is extremely cute

When I was 19 I was on my second year in the coast guard.
Everything has gone very far downhill since then
Now I chase one shitty seasonal job after the other.

residence is a real game changer for autists like you, because it basically houses you directly next to hot chicks and pretty hard to nto find parties to socialize and stuff
pick up smoking, the social benefits are great (smoking spots are great placesto start convos, awkward silences can be replaced by drags off of a cigarette, replaces fidgeting with flicking ur cigarette)

If you are in Southern Ontario I would be down to help you out in working on your social skills.

T'es un pédé

Je veux un grand Baguette avec du chocolat

>Une putain de feuille