Is Java "safer" than C/C++. Why do so many enterprise companies use java?

Is Java "safer" than C/C++. Why do so many enterprise companies use java?

Java is pile of shit and anyone who believes otherwise is brainlet. Companies like hiring pajeets who also coincidentally only use java so that should tell you all you need to know.

not an argument

Java is not safer, because even if your code is free of exploits, there may be exploits in the underlying JVM. I believe that this is what happened with that Equifax hack, it was an exploit related to Apache Tomcat

Go back to street shitting pajeet.

Sure, it's a pile of shit, but is it safer? Stay on topic faggot

>it's fast enough for now
>there's already a Java API for *corporate software x*
>compile once, run with the pajeets.. anywhere
>interface team brainlets can use framework y
>everybody and their mother can code in it so our development team is disposable. Last time we let user make something in rust, it took too long and went over budget

I think you're just jealous that you can't walk outside your house to the nearest designated shitting street and relieve yourself, stupid american

You mean the mart?

I'm just mad when retarded people ask a question and put a period at the end, rather than a questionmark

thanks for stopping by

Why is that a problem.

Because it's wrong. Is it so hard use correct punctuation>

I'm just mad when retarded people ask a question and put a > at the end, rather than a questionmark

Dunno. Why do you think 99% of big data stack are java based?

First at all, isn't "safer" than C/C++. In my opinion, Java is like building a paper-pillar bridge. C/C++ instead is like nuilding a wooden bridge.

And the companies uses Java because of demands. Also, maybe the target of the industry requires more java programmers. I dunno.


Also no. Not safer

Don't know about safer. Java works on most all platforms. Code one, port everywhere. Also, Java is popular with third-world pajeets which means low wages and lots of outsourcing.

I used to think that the JAVA = Pajeet meme was just Sup Forums but after going to uni - holy fuck every pajeet and their moms is a java maniac. Litteraly have people with 6 years of experience only in java and none other language or anything comp sci related. Why is that so Sup Forums?

>Is Java "safer" than C/C++
Technically yes.
>so many enterprise companies use java
The right thing at the right time mostly. Java snowballed its way, just like android , not to say it doesn't have redeeming qualities though.

If you can't find the reasons why java is popular then you're just a brainlet.

>In my opinion
>I dunno
Than you for your input, the exit is that way.

>Don't know
Then why post? Literally this thread in a nutshell .

>The Jakarta Multipart parser in Apache Struts 2 2.3.x before 2.3.32 and 2.5.x before has incorrect exception handling and error-message generation during file-upload attempts, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted Content-Type, Content-Disposition, or Content-Length HTTP header, as exploited in the wild in March 2017 with a Content-Type header containing a #cmd= string.

Again, no one in this thread knows what they're talking about

It is used because if the customer has a new dumb idea, you can implement it really fast in java. In enterprise grade a correctly functioning program is more important than a fast program.

Java is safer as programmer don't need to manage memory and it is handled by garbage collector. Companies use java because of rich ecosystem, very good jvm and supply of developers familiar with it. It is good all around language for businesses. At this moment it is a "safe choice". No one is going to be fired because he chooses to do a project with java so it continues to be used.

In the enterprise, it is an acceptable solution to just put more memory in your servers. Also the JIT compiler can supposedly undo much of your stupid code.

garbage collector prevents big part of memory leaks (not every and doesn't handle other resources) and simplifies the code flow
wide range of undefined behaviors is checked at runtime and rises exception instead of just keep running
reduces platform-dependent code

forgot to add: all at cost of performance

The runtime checks are removed at higher optimization levels if the JIT'er knows that errors never happen

Java is widely used in enterprise for a couple of reasons, here's a few:
1. Java is popular, so it's easier to find people - And more importantly, TCS is like 'rent-an-indian-who-does-java'.
2. Java is usually 'good enough', and if java is already a
3. Frameworks such as Spring, hibernate and whatnot allows you spend a lot less time scaffolding and more time implementing business logic.

Yes it is safer.
And that's also the reason for it's popularity.

A lot of C errors don't even exist in the Java universe.

Java is not a great language, but it is much easier than C, especially for large scale projects.
People who claim "C is easy" never made big projects or the suffer from stockholm syndrome. There is a certain size when C is just very difficult to maintain and to keep track of.

C++ has some right ideas but it's inherent problems are a often a showstopper for projects. Also the language is so complex, that's too difficult to find good C++ developpers.

Java is a save bet for companies, since they can always hire Java devs.

I do believe in a parallel universe where the industries adopted well designed langauges instead of of PHP, Java and JavaScript. A universe where the unix guys used Scheme instead of inventing C.

But fact of the matter we will never get rid of those, they are like the ugnly childhood you can never really get rid of. Oh well, such is life..

I'm an Indian. I'm tired of all the things people say about us. I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea? We're probably next to North Korea. Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana" as soon as I told them I'm from India. I'm now afraid of telling that I'm Indian. I feel ashamed. One person said "US should nuke India" on a youtube video about India and it got hundreds of likes or upvotes. Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated. People like me in the cities probably never saw anyone shitting on streets. I honestly never saw anyone shit on streets. At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages. I keep my identity hidden and don't tell anyone that I'm Indian. I'm afraid they'll treat me differently. I keep trying to avoid those comments but they are affecting me. Not directly but indirectly. For example, read any Reddit threads about, you'll see hate comments about India. Fuck this shit

t. street-shitting pajeet

Java is considered "Safe" because of strict types and limitations with object memory access etc

C++/C is master race tho, java is stupid as fuck, everything is in boost you just gotta be good at programming

unpopular opinion - CS kids use Java/Python basically anyway that they can abstract away from C/C++ because they are idk weak
Software Engineers and Computer Engineers use C/C++

30 is the new 20 and java is the new cobol

Java is not safe on the mind. It tricks you into thinking computer science is the real world with the way it tries to hide how everything works underneath. The secret is that Java makes you fall asleep, which is why it is named after a coffee.

Java will make you stupid if you are not careful!


Also, notice how this guy is basically a vagina. Vaginas programming the computer that is your mind.

Because developing in Java, and maintaining Java code, is an order of magnitude faster than fucking around with C/C++ - so unless you absolutely need top-notch runtime speed, cranking out a Java program is cheaper.

C/c++ sucks dicks for doing rest service and no one uses it for their rest sever for their enterprise software. Java has jpa for database and java in general is taylored for enterprise, c/c++ isnt

>read any Reddit threads
Wew lad

I here you bro. Nigger here and I'm 1/12 pajeet, 6/12 African, 3/12 Carib 2/12 Irish

Java spring shits on anything when it comes to easy of develpment. Make services, inject them anywhere, jpa for easy entity mamagement, rest service are cake. Queueing is easy. Its the obvious choice for an economical dev shop doing enterprise software.

You are more likely to find java-coders than c-coders. Cheaper too.

Negro here. Met a white guy, a web dev, and one who was making bank. I got a family but I'm making minimum wage. He eyes me and says, "Master Java. If you're really good, they'll all want to hire you." I don't want to fail. I paid for AIDE IDE, a year subscription, it was 25$. I'm using a cheap Huawei phone. I'm kinda poor. Where's the best place to start?

>There is a certain size when C is just very difficult to maintain and to keep track of.
Like an OS kernel?

Intellij is best ide just pirate it for now. Just watch youtube tutorials or some shit and do every step they do. Also pirate a pdf of a java book thats good. Thrb install glassfish and posgresql abd make a rest server and implement secure authentication. Put that on a resume and apply for internships

You are a God send, thank you sir.

>The right thing at the right time mostly. Java snowballed its way, just like android , not to say it doesn't have redeeming qualities though.

this guy is correct. java has a massive, mature ecosystem and that's its biggest selling point. imo C++ is a horrible language and the faster we can move to something like Rust the better, though it also has a massive ecosystem so i don't think it will happen. however, both are good tools, useful for different things. for instance, you wouldn't want to write a 3D video game in java, but you also wouldn't want to write a web server in C++. of course there are a couple exceptions to this though.

Consequences seem less. Memory leaks 'don't exist' (they do but they're edge cases). Undefined behavior isn't really there.
I say for most applications (not resource constrained) you're better off writing Java just because it covers your ass more.
You can look into the old story of how Minecraft starting to preform worse and worse with its new developers after Minecraft to get a view of a common trend that's not often made public. If you're resource constrained and your program won't run through months continuously you need to be careful to not cost yourself a lot in pointless waste.
>why does enterprise use Java
It's a VM driven language with large scale effort behind it that has OOP.
A VM driven language ensures portability very well. The OOP ensures that developers are more interchangeable. Of course you won't pull one out and put another in at no cost. That'd be extremely difficult to achieve. But when you contrast with more true multipradigm languages or imperative languages that don't have a culture of putting developers in a pen where they've got 'best practices' that guide them quite stringently. Along with the overall decrease in code malleability Java really helps you keep your workforce cheaper.

>Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana"


Java is an abomination. What good is fast development if the final product is crap?


>Why do so many enterprise companies use java?
It was hyped as fuck during the late 90s and early 2000s

Java is for the ignorant. C++ is for the intelligent. If Java suits you the program in Java.

Marketing and support from Oracle.

Marketing because technology choices are made by managers who are easily convinced by salespeople that Java is good. And because the same salespeople can convince gullible college students that Java is the best way to get a job. Marketing creates the supply and the demand of Java.

Support because companies trust other companies more than individual designers, no matter the difference in technical merit. Support means there is always someone you can blame if things go wrong.

>I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea?
Italians are much more universally despised than Indians. Stop complaining

The linux kernel is only 20 million lines of code. Most company codebases are 10x that size.

I hear complaining about Indians all the time, but I can't say I remember the last time someone shittalked Italians.

Is Java a joke?

no actually jews are

and im jewish

i don't look jewish though, i don't have a big nose

i look more spanish