How can two such closely related languages have such different reputations

How can two such closely related languages have such different reputations

Language of love
Great literary tradition
Mostly White European

Ghetto sounding
Most speakers don't even know how to read
Spoken by narcos
Mostly non-White

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Spanish have god tier literature going from Cervantes to Gabriel Garcia Marques. A good chunk of french speakers are Africans, also that's the reason why it will be more spoken in the future. Africa will literally carry french language in their shoulders
You're just biased because México is your neighbour.

Don Quixote was ok. I thought it was meh, not Dickensesque or Shakespeare or even Dumas...but good

Don't know.

Normies think French is le language of le love le so romantic and cool and anons think it's effeminate, gay, spoken by 3rd world african countries

And I prefer anons' opinion...


For you

Just like english has a similar reputation for us.

Spanish has an insanely negative vibe in the US, and as many congressmen have said, it's a ghetto language

French is a cultured language.

English is the international language of business and politics. Pretty sure you think of a white guy in a suit

I bet you've been hearing Spanish from literal ghettos. It all depends on who's speaking it. It's not the same brit english to ebonics.

>Don Quixote was ok
>thought it was meh
>but good

>politicians that sit on their asses' opinions matter.

It was ok. I didn't think it was great

Maybe the translation sucked, I dunno

How are French and Spanish related?

>mostly white
Couldn't be more wrong, Dem. Rep. Congo has more French speakers than France.

I think of dumbos, racists, fatties and drunkards and freedomizers of people.

Unless it's international english spoken with [insert accent from country here]

Because we assimilated latinos, not french

I guess. I think a big part of it seems to be its context and its big influence on everything after. But also a lot of it is just a parody of the generic knight novels that right now doesn't do much. Though a lot of my friends in humanities hold it in very high regard. I think it might be a very good book I can not get into and doesn't interest me. Don't know about the translation.
Maybe you should try reading Borges for a change, short stories that are very rich in content. I personally really like his style and I don't know how it will translate into English, though apparently Borges was friends with some guy with an Italian name, which translated a bunch of his works into English, and those ones are the translations held in higher regard.
Romance languages.

We have really different accents but the languages themselves are still close after they splitted somewhen after Rome

>Normans cucked old english so bad, they basically turned it into little more than a french creole.

Nice case of stockholm syndrome you got there m8.

Damn, the american education meme is real.

try-hard cunt

t. Murican thinking murican conceptions apply in the rest of the world.

How long will it take French to be known as a 3rd world African language?

They share most of their vocabulary and grammar, even though they sound very different.

French and Italian are even more similar.

I kinda already do lel

Dominican Republic is mostly Spanish. You're thinking of Haïti.


>Great literary tradition
Top meme

Canadian education, everybody.

My fucking god

>rench writers have been awarded more Nobel Prizes in Literature than novelists, poets and essayists of any other country. France itself ranks first in the list of Nobel Prizes in literature by country.

>French literature came to dominate European letters in the 17th century.
In the 18th century, French became the literary lingua franca and diplomatic language of western Europe (and, to a certain degree, in America), and French letters have had a profound impact on all European and American literary traditions

Ever read Victor Hugo? Alexandre Dumas?

It ain't nigger shit that's for sure

Isn't Dumas black? LEL

Yeah but it's all shit.

Case in point There is no french Goethe, Cervantes, Dante, Ibsen :^), Tolstoy and so on.

>It ain't nigger shit
>Dumas is literally a nigger

He was a octaroon I believe, coincidentally also likely the greatest french romantic.

>Nobel Prize in anything other than physics, chemistry, medicine


The fuck did he know how to write?

He has to be one of the greatest black writers of all time.

Honestly I don't know of very many Black American authors aside from Maya Angelou...umm...EB DuBois?


That is his father actually.

Dumas much like Pushkin really only had the hair of a negro.

>mostly white European


Spain's colonial writers were pretty good

Hell even Jose Rizal wrote some good shit in Spanish.

But Dumas was not even black, bastard.
Even the "first" dark Dumas (the general), he was just a mullatoe. White father, black slave mother.

The writer looked white. The mullatoe general had a white wife.

The hair, the strong features, the sexual stamina and passion of a negro. The civility and intellect of a whiteman.

>French is a cultured language.
lol americans are so dumb

>Hell even Jose Rizal wrote some good shit in Spanish

>Someone knowing Rizal outside the Philippines
You must be flip, otherwise it's literally impossible.

How is French not a cultured language?

Ah yes, just look at this, truly the face of a robust and virile individual.

How are they related, you ask?

La educación americana, señores.
L'éducation americaine, monsieurs.

Se dice estadounidense cabrón.

>There is no french Goethe, Cervantes, Dante, Ibsen :^), Tolstoy and so on.ère

>French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature

Honestly, he looks like a greasy Jew.

His great grandfather was probably Eritrean, so it's probably Ethio-Semitic Jew genes.

You wouldn't have that perception of French in Haiti or French africa.


>Mostly White European

I have bad news for you.

You know that's not equivalent in any way.

There are plenty of french writers I personally love, but you must concede that there really aren't any true greats in french literature. If anyone it would be a modern; Proust.

>not Dickensesque or Shakespeare or even Dumas
Oh man

Americans knowing anything about europeans

French looks good on paper, but it's awful to listen to. Canadians have the most disgusting accents, followed by colonial Africans.

That being said, I was once told by a Gallic acquaintance that English sounded to him like a drunk German trying to speak rudimentary French...

>Verne has been the second most-translated author in the world since 1979, ranking between Agatha Christie and William Shakespeare.[4] He has sometimes been called the "Father of Science Fiction"

10,000 leagues under the sea was GOAT

Damn I could read it again

H. G. Wells is the father of science fiction, Verne was just some shmuck with a quill.

if you lived in Madrid Spanish would be the most cultured, sophisticated, and superior language in the world.

I get my perception of my language Spanish not from Amerindians but from the pure Spaniard.

According to Pushkin himself, somewhere in the Ethiopian Empire, the modern opinion states Cameroon.

Dumas however does have noticeable bantu features, more apparent in his advanced age.

Verne was a much better author than Wells though

H. G. Wells is born in 1866

Thoughts ?

I know about him because there's a neighbourhood in Madrid called Islas Filipinas, and there's a Jose Rizal statue

>genre fiction
You're also trying to compare a children's book author to the likes of Goethe based on sales figures and popularity. I hope you realize how silly that is.

>passion of a negro
I thought they just rutted like hogs, in a manner remindful of two yaks thudding into each other in the cold, dark recesses of the Arctic tundra?
Are you telling me that they're capable of making sweet, tender love? I know you jest, Canabro.

Most Haitians don't speak French but Haitian Creole, which has nothing to do with French

t. Miami fagéline

>works had an influence on a broad array of literary figures who followed, not only in France but also the Anglosphere and elsewhere in the Western World; this includes authors associated with modernism, existentialism, black comedy and the Beat Generation.

Edgy as fucked but Albert Camus as a writer was pretty dope

The Plague and the Myth of Sisyphus are awesome

>anerican """education"""


There are around 80 million native French speakers compared to 500 million native Spanish speakers but French literature has permeated more than Spanish literature

Makes you think

Céline is actually one of my personal favorites.

But again, comparing him to transcendent geniuses like Goethe is ridiculous.

Not to mention that modernism was most certainly won by the anglosphere.

only 50 million are Spaniards.

A educação americana, senhores.é_de_Balzac

>Owing to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature.[3] He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities. His writing influenced many famous writers, including the novelists Émile Zola, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Jack Kerouac and Henry James, as well as important philosophers such as Friedrich Engels. Many of Balzac's works have been made into films, and they continue to inspire other writers.

Because of latinos.
Outside of North America, Spanish has a pretty good reputation

Cantar de Mio Cid
The Cantar de Mio Cid is the oldest preserved Spanish cantar de gesta

The epic poem Cantar de Mio Cid was written about a real man—his battles, conquests, and daily life. The poet, name unknown, wrote the epic in about 1140 and Cid supposedly died forty years before in 1099. This epic represents realism, because nothing was exaggerated and the details are very real, even the geography correctly portrays the areas in which Cid traveled and lived. Unlike other European epics, the poem is not idealized and there is no presence of supernatural beings. It has assonance instead of rhyme and its lines vary in length, the most common length being fourteen syllables. This type of verse is known as mester de juglaria (verse form of the minstrels). The epic is divided into three parts, also known as cantos.

invention of realism?

But French has a pretty good reputation everywhere

>no precesence of supernatural beings

Didn't he find a leper who actually was Saint Peter and then gave him his blessing?

Let's be real

You don't associate the Spanish language with someone who's educated

English and French are universally thought of as languages educated people around the world know

Your perception of the language is from the beaners, if my perception of English was from niggers.


>Spoken by narcos.

This is a dumb example since English is spoken on plenty of African countries same with French by far, what's your point?

>buenos dias

not that different

Every single person who has told me "you should learn eSpanish" has been insanely uneducated and barely have a command of English

Every French speaker I've met has been relatively educated.

Yea, the same, here

plebe (no offence) learns Spanish and smart, handsome and educated students learn German

I associate the spanish with stylish thing and graceful words, the english is just necessary and a little pretty, but french is a meme language, why do yo learn it?

>How can two such closely related languages have such different reputations

you pretty much answered your question

Spanish language have a great literary tradition, you aren't aware of it, and I bet you don't know any french book either

Like what?

Don Quixote is probably Spain's most famous literary work and its meh tier

literature nearly 1,000 years before your cunt even existed.

I hear a great difference between Brazilian and Portuguese as well,
The first remind me of whiny gays and transexuals while original Portuguese is austere and sober

I agree. même is literally a word, here.

4th century bc art.

You have to go back

I knew it was an American