I'm sick of being alone so I want an Amazon Alexa or Google Echo to talk to and pretend like she's my girlfriend...

I'm sick of being alone so I want an Amazon Alexa or Google Echo to talk to and pretend like she's my girlfriend. How do I protect myself from their tracking capabilities? Can I make it only use Tor? Which one is the best fake girlfriend?

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Compile cute animu grills voices yourself.

It's rare that a Sup Forums post shocks me, but the fact that I just read this and thought it was a fairly normal request made me realize the state of the world I'm living in.

I think you're better off playing Love Plus everyday.

>buy a literal wiretap for you living room
>guys how do I make it not spy?
imagine being this retarded

Holy shit user

There are a number of open source alternatives to Google/Amazon/Apple's AI assistants that will be easier to run offline and easier to modify to your requirements:


>not studying machine learning to program your own waifu


I got given an Echo for christmas and I just use it for listening to the radio whilst cooking. IT's actually a really good radio and pretty good sound. I leave it unplugged when not in use. The start up time isn't that fast buthey ho.

It still has way smaller tracking capabilities than real girlfriend.

So your girlfriends reports everything you do to amazon, complete with timestamp and contextual information 24/7?

No she reports it to all her friends on every medium conceivable, also anyone she meets. Get a gf and everyone but you will know what's going on in your relationship.

>a fairly normal request made me realize the state of the world I'm living in.

Haven't you been watching the news? Israel is going to get blown off the face of the Earth. The world is righting itself again. Now aren't you glad you never bought that tank of helium?

>The start up time isn't that fast buthey ho

It won't be if you're leaving it unplugged. It's using its rechargeable battery when it isn't plugged in because you can't escape (((them))).

jesus christ, all these shill threads

are goomazon really that surprised no one wants their tracking shit?

You're a fucking retard, m8.

Get a Homepod. Apple is least likely to spy on you.

t. picked the wrong girl

Can I make them sound like Kevin Spacey? I want gerty to talk to me

>Israel is going to get blown off the face of the Earth.

By what, sandnig wishful thinking??? Stick to anime, kid. Military tech isn't ur thing.

> I'm sick of being alone
I have your solution right here.

Now that's a solution I could get behind, if you know what I mean.