What changes would you like to see made to Windows if the entire source code was go leak?
What changes would you like to see made to Windows if the entire source code was go leak?
Just remove everything useless or harmful.
Make a slim, non spyware windows.
Just remove all that compatibility layers for old apps that make it work so awfully.
Get out microsoft.
Just remake windows xp or 7 to be secure / compatible
We already have that. It's called Windows 7 x64.
Remove all telemetry from the source.
Remove the default garbage software (IE, Cortana, Xbox store, notepad, paint, media player, cloud storage, etc.) and replace them with better alternatives.
Force the entry of admin password when doing administration shit instead of just pressing accept.
then add a command line installation like Linux.
>replace notepad, paint
what are you even doing
go list better (and free) alternatives
He's talking about those abortions that come with windows 10.
WinXP running native 64-bit
fully cleaned code
all botnet is kill
the equivalent of a service pack 2019
strip out everything Metro
strip out everything phone & app related
hate-murder Cortana with a rusty ax
runs all modern drivers/hardware and software
all themes and animations are optional add-ons
Internet Exploder is optional add-on
that's most of it for first pass, I'm sure I missed some details
In other words, what Win10 should have been.
Not sure about paint in w10, but the older versions had a shit ton of bugs that made it unusable. Not to mention it lacks features like transparency.
Notepad always had the issue where lines get fucked up after you save the file. It's not a major issue but with the lack of features it's basically the worst text editor in existence.
>remove telemetry
>reduce bloat like ltsb
>respect the user, disable windows taking over your computer with updates etc
good thing nu MS is not showing signs of not being fucking harmful af, it makes picking the right choice fairly ez and possible we can move from this local minimum of MS walled gardens
make the right click menus all look the same
seriously, what the fuck is up with that
replace nt kernel with linux
>then add a command line installation like Linux.
chocolatey dot org.
Why does Sup Forums always only want the source code for Windows? Why not MacOS? Is it because all the Sup Forums blood flowing through your veins despite you guys always insisting otherwise?
It's better than notepad, never said it's good.
Because BSD is the open source MacOS.
>Because BSD is the open source MacOS.
Yeah, just like ReactOS is the open source Windows, am I right?
MacOS is open sores
Because unlike macos windows actually has some useful exclusive software.