MPC-HC has been a dead project since July 2016 and has been replaced by VLC and mpv

>v1.7.13, the latest, and probably the last release of our project…

>For quite a few months now, or even years, the number of active developers has been decreasing and has inevitably reached zero. This, unfortunately, means that the project is officially dead and this release would be the last one.

Please remember that MPC-HC is officially a dead player and that you will never be able to play the new formats that VLC 3.0 just got support for today.

Updated yesterday:

Also remember that mpv is also actively developed, because their developers weren't stupid enough to create a player that could only run Windows, which is a dying operating system now that Android is taking over.

Updated 2 months ago:

Continuing to use old software, especially on Windows, like you fags do with uTorrent 2.2.1 is a ticking time bomb for your security and privacy.

It's only a matter of time....

Other urls found in this thread:

Keep it in ONE thread you fucking nigger
Even if you can't there are ALREADY generals for VLC and mpv.

This is an mpc-hc thread

>which is a dying operating system now that
Android is taking over.

Windows is shitty but who the fuck want this?

to take over the world.
the computer industry seems to have sunken further, just how much lower will it go?

>uTorrent 2.2.1 is a ticking time bomb for your security and privacy

No, it isn't you gigantic cunt. Name a specific exploit that targets 2.2.1. You can't.

I'm not going to use your meme-pv player, fuck off.

uTorrent is a big botnet and qbittorrent has better interface, privacy and tcp support
however VLC is shit and MPC-BE is still updated. There is no reason to use VLC when MPC-BE is around (latest stable 4 months ago)

kill yourself

we live in an age where websites are rendered completely by js and OS's rely on touch input and 'appstores'

I'll stick with PHP and Windows thanks

Qbittorrent is dying too. Use Deluge or Transmission.

Deluge is utter trash



I made the /switch/ from deluge to halite and did not look back

I blame that fucking overhaul they did; instead of first working on UI changes to the new QT framework and keeping everything else static, they updated both at the same time, causing so many problems.

As long as MadVR and LAV are ongoing, how is this dire?

typical mpc-hc users

what's wrong with qbittorrent? werks fine for me


mpc's UI and features w/ libmpv backend

I'm just using MPC-BE to support mother Russia

>still not using lav-megamix
>aka potplayer/lav/madvr/assfiltermod

>uTorrent is a big botnet

Only versions later than 2.2.1 are botnet.

Also, the best torrent client (that isn't utorrent 2.x) is Tixati.

>Media Player Classic - BE (aka MPC-BE) is based on the original "Media Player Classic" project (Gabest) and "Media Player Classic Home Cinema" project (Casimir666), contains additional features and bug fixes.
>Latest version
>1.5.1 / Nightly (February 10, 2018)

Looks to me like it's still under development.

That's not HC. That is a Russian botnet

>only run Windows, which is a dying operating system

>Using a codec pack with multiple players
>Not just playing everything with mpv.exe

>MPC-BE is around (latest stable 4 months ago)
nigger they have nightlies

MPC-BE is up-to-date all day every day

Sup Forums is a Russian botnet, but you still use it.

BE is worse than HC

>BE is worse than HC
How so? I'm an mpvfag myself, but how come MPC-HC users don't just migrate to BE? Isn't it the same thing just with a different UI?

False news.

MPC-HC 1.7.14


No. See for yourself.

>This is an unofficial build. It is based on the latest source code of the official project

>It is unclear if there will ever be an new official release. The current project manager has said he lost interest in the project and I haven't got any further responses in the past weeks.
Lol the project is still dead.

>This is an unofficial build. It is based on the latest source code of the official project
Same as MPC-HC was based on MPC which is dead long time before you go out of your moma pussy.

Meanwhile MPC-BE is releasing daily test builds.

I will update LAV Filters, as I don't need any bloatware like it's in VLC.

HC is dead. The guy in your link said he is not adding features.

BE is shit. It's not even that similar to MPC-HC

>It's not even that similar to MPC-HC
Have you ever used it? It's almost identical.

Still works on my machine.

Just use PotPlayer.

I don't need any more features in player, as it already has everything I need. It needs only splitters, video and audio decoders updates. No more bloat.

what player can display HDR?

>not continue the development of a popular free software for fame and credits
Current state of Windows users.

>shilling for both mpv and vlc

Windows 10's video player.

VLC. I think MPC-HC can. I don't know about the rest.

Movie & TV APP on Windows 10

I just want a player that works with my original, non-DLNA, HD Homerun TV tuner. MPC-HC/BE doesn't, PotPlayer doesn't, VLC does but I have to use the HD Homerun setup program to tune channels.


The difference is that VLC is an UWP app which means it's available on all Windows 10 devices (Windows 10 PC, Windows Mixed Reality aka VR & Hololens, Xbox one consoles, what remains of windows mobile etc..)

MPC-HC is stuck on only PC.

He asked for something to display HDR, not necessarily "downscale" from HDR to SDR.

mpv can display HDR properly though.

Yeah, but in that case I don't see how that post linked is relevant for VLC. It can display HDR. It can also poorly convert HDR to SDR. In the case you want actual HDR, it's perfectly fine.

List all formats the it can't play. Because I can't find any.

>dedicating an entire thread to some shitty windows software
Next time don't put mpv in the OP if mpv is not the topic discussion. Anything that concerns a dying operating system like windows is not worth of any discussion, stop wasting our time. Filtered.

And I dont see why you would recommend a player that isnt as good.

Still going to use MPC-HC. And no matter how hard you're going to shill mpv, I am never going to use it.


Only for you

>I am going to disregard your advice and continue eating shit because fuck you

Lol you wish

I actually don't, windows is a great containment os for normalfags. We don't need them anywhere else.

>what's wrong with qbittorrent? werks fine for me


Does mpv at least have feature parity with MPC-HC+madVR yet?

actually i forgot that i downgraded to 3.3.15 after trying 4.0.1 and having some issue where whenever i opened settings or a new torrent, the program would freeze for 10-15 seconds. so yeah i can confirm they shit the bed with it

Both use same splitters and decoders, so shut the fuck up, you silly shill.

can't handle my 4000 torrents and stalls

>however VLC is shit


>just trust me bro, something's wrong with it
>I conveniently can't put it into words for some reason I won't say, but something's wrong with it

4 werkz for me.

Why are you fags shilling VLC so hard? When did that shit player become cool?

Is there an EZ install of MPV that's like MPV (in look as well?)?

# pacman -S mpv

That's all you need.

Does VLC have support for madVR yet? No?

Then I'm sticking to MPC-BE on Windows and mpv on Linux.

does vlc 3.0 work with AACS Blurays yet via , because this shit broke around 2.2.4

if it's still broken, new vlc is worthless.

AV1 which comes out later this year. VLC 3.0 just added support.

>I'm going to use a shit player with no updates even if I can't play upcoming formats like AV1.

Yeah ok. Go ahead lol.

where's an AV1 sample I can download and play

Explain why it's trash

>Is there an EZ install of mpv

mpv doesn't need to be installed at all. You just take the exe and put it whenever you want.

Is there a basic conf set up that matches madvr?

save profile=gpu-hq in mpv.conf
add video-sync=display-resample
for smoothmotion

add tscale=oversample if you prefer less blurry but more juddery

And those of us using mpc-be?

>new features
>barely out of the prehistoric age after they finally ditched xv output

I pity you because you guys are a joke lol. Nobody uses that shit knockoff.

>muh updates
Have you considered that maybe it's fine how it currently is?

When I bring a youtube URL to mpv it closes the window

Do you have youtube-dl in your mpv folder? Is it up-to-date?

use a browser extension instead of dragging it.

No I just tried using mpv for the first time today
I will give that a try

Oh and why not? Handles my madvr which mpv still cannot into perfectly.

>mpc-hc is dead
>last commit on mpc-hc is days old
mpv retards are a fucking joke

Guess I'm smart* for never upgrading past 3.3.11 *always too lazy to hit yes to update, but I'll endure the message every time it pops up.

Remember when mpv fags were mplayer2 fags?
Remember when mplayer2 fags were mplayer fags?
I've seen this iteration over and over again.

That was actually the first commit in ages. I think it's not really dead anymore, but on some kind of 'low-maintenance' mode.

mario64 hasnt had an update since it was released

good software needs little maintenance

>control F
>no answers to the questions posted

Some files just "look better" played in MPC-HC + madvr. Possibly something to do with the scaling and frame rate conversion algorithms in madvr but I'm no expert. Just my opinion but I'll keep using it until something else looks better.

>literally based on deprecated APIs
>needs little maintenance

It works, right?

For now.

All files. Madvr is the only thing that does My 30" IPS display justice.

>This is an unofficial build. It is based on the latest source code of the official project, plus a few small fixes and improvements. And most importantly, it includes the very latest version of LAV Filters.