post shortcuts and other useful things
alt+f4 on the desktop (windows) brings up the shutdown menu
post shortcuts and other useful things
alt+f4 on the desktop (windows) brings up the shutdown menu
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Alt+F4 on the desktop (GNU/Linux) does whatever you want since you can customize it :)
by typing rm -rf / you might get a GF, or life at least
Pressing the shutdown button just shuts down the computer, no ten-sec-press bullshit
>windowsfags can't even customize their shortcuts
>hurr this is a productive os
On Windows:
>ctrl + arrow keys to move over blocks of letters
>shift + arrow keys to highlight text
>right click drag files to get a context menu for that operation
>f2 to rename file
>shift + right click inside a folder to add "open cmd window here" option to the context menu
>win + shift + enter to make windows 10 apps full screen
>replace the "date" sort option with "date modified" or "date created" in windows explorer to make sorting faster
I spent 1 hour on a generic computer: The post
Please fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Someone please tell me how to reduce "right click" > "open with [arbitrary program]" to not requiring a submenu at all. I tried to use autohotkey and a script or something from googling to do this, but for the purpose of opening in JPEGview, it doesn't open the pic.
>>replace the "date" sort option with "date modified" or "date created" in windows explorer to make sorting faster
This one blew my mind only a few months ago; if you're not doing this already, do it. The only unfortunate thing is folders seem to show below images, so dealing with regular old "date" for some folders is the only viable option.
On Mac
Alt+Shift+3 =Screenshot
Alt+Shift+4 =Screenshot area
Alt+Shift+4... space=Screenshot window
>everything I don't like is pol
Stay mad winfag
open a command prompt and then press alt + enter for full screen
win + d = show desktop
ctrl + winkey + right arrow = show 2nd desktop (virtual)
>yfw ctrl+shift+w
>random things your didnt know
>your didn't know
hello pajeet
That isn't quite correct. What happens when the power button is pushed depend on what settings are in place. The power button can shutdown, sleep, hibernate or do nothing. Also a long press is for powering down a frozen PC that is stuck.
on windows crtl + win + c switches on/off colors
Middle-click on a program in the Taskbar to open a new instance of the program.
rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
This will ensure you don't go back to your old ways.
Fucks sake, this is great. Gonna use it on randoms computers all the time.
>winkey + r
>shutdown /s /t 0
my client pressed this instead of just ctrl + c
i died to figure out what did he do
Alt+Shift+6....9 =
>On Mac
>i died to figure out what did he do
That's what I intend to make people feel.
Live WinPE custom build (with link to theoven so you can build your own live version to boot from USB).
>replace the "date" sort option with "date modified" or "date created" in windows explorer to make sorting faster
Or just change the folder type to "normal"
Holy fuck. Why didn't I think of this earlier. I use middle click all the time to open new tabs in a browser.
>written in Comic Sans MS, which isn't a free font
meant ctrl+shift+3/4
ciw 0 to replace word with yanked text without overwriting the yank register
Ctrl + backspace deletes whole words (windows)
Ctrl + Win + C on Windows ;)
alt + up arrow key to go to parent dir in file explorer
Welp. . .
ctrl + shift + escape to open task manager
Shake a window around the screen to minimize all other windows except the one you're dragging
ctrl + arrow key to skip over words
shift + arrow key to select text
ctrl + shift + arrow key to select entire words
If you right click on the windows icon there is an option to open the control panel right from there
windows key + number will open up a program pinned to your taskbar (ex. If you have file explorer, Firefox, and hexchat pinned win + 3 will open hexchat)
middle click on an open program's taskbar icon to open another instance
Doesn't work
What do
Hold shift ctrl or alt when dragging files to move copy or create a shortcut.
>windows key + number will open up a program pinned to your taskbar
didn't know about this one, cool
Nice, when was this added to Windows? And why?
win + e opens explorer
win + l locks computer
you can use ctrl + shift + arrow keys to highlight words
ctrl + shift + n creates a new folder
in a browser ctrl + number switches tabs, you can use ctrl + pgup/dn
win + x brings up a useful menu where you can change volume brightness connected displays etc
text editor:
home - start of a line
end - end of a line
ctrl + backspace / ctrl + delete deletes words
ctrl + a highlight everything
ctrl + h to find & replace
also if you're not using the windows classic theme end yourself
Double click on Window-Icon closes the program.
Its the They Live filter for windows.
win+b + space + win+bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb makes the box behind this arrow turn slightly more and more white until it's completely white
in linux, alt+f4 shuts the windows
It doesn't, unless you're using a DE that already has alt+F4 bound to do that.
>other useful things
I learned that i can change my OS.
Win key + P brings up screen clone/duplicate/extend
win key + shift + arrow will move focused window to the screen in that direction
ctrl + A will select all items in window/focused area
This is wonderful.
It's for colorblinded people like myself
>open cmd
ren *.exe *.txt
I learned this today. I like it
I never understood retards who like the start screen to be a little cuck box with small ass icons. In full screen mode, you can clearly see everything you need and it's much more comfy.
Using proprietary software is immoral.
I never understood retards who doesn't replace the virgin start screen with a chad 3rd party start menu.
That's because only a virgin would be that autistic to replace a perfectly good default start screen.
That doesn't make any sense. You'd be double colour blind with this feature.
Look into it under the Settings, retard
>full screen start menu
Please no bully user I didn't realise there was more to it.
Linux is actually nonfree software.
>crumpled small ass start menu
Do you like to inspect your icons like paintings in a museum?
honestly, what's the problem with a small start menu? what are you even doing in the start menu?
also, are you half blind? why is it a problem to make out what a small icon or small text means? why do you need fist sized buttons to know where to click?
I worry about you, user
Enjoy running your mouse from one corner to the other like a fucking neanderthal, retard.
I never liked pre windows 8 start menus, you'd always have to shift your gaze to the left or right or wherever you set it up to show at and since the menu was small you'd only have a handful of shortcuts to your programs there.
With a full screen start menu, I don't have to waste time shifting my gaze all around the screen, all my frequently used applications are right there, split into groups, colored, and I can fit a lot of them there. I see literally no reason to use the small caveman pre win 8 version.
Nice argument, user.
win-shift-number will open a new instance, the same as middle-clicking
like I needed one to post a dumb reaction pic to your dumb post
You're the only one who's dumb here though.
A quick press just sends a ACPI command to your OS that can be interpreted the way it wants (ex: restart, hibernate, sleep). A long press just forces a shutdown.
And you are blind, now shut up with your full screen cuck menu already
Nice meme you have right there pajeet, but use another font that micropenis gave it to you
nice argument pal
>s-shut up, you're a cuck!!
No reason to feel so threatened by my big full screen start menu, you're small clit of a start menu may not be big, but it gets the job done I guess.
>I never understood retards who like the start screen to be a little cuck box
>>s-shut up, you're a cuck!!
don't use words you can't handle when used against yourself
I cannot be a cuck, because I'm not using a small cuck menu.
girls cant be cucks ;^)
No, you're using the cuck full screen like a virgin retard
Yeah, using full screen that has more shortcuts is retarded. Duly noted.
it doesn't, simple fact
>something that's full screen doesn't include more stuff than something that's not full screen
What did he mean by this.
>can't even back it up
It doesn't when all the icons are literally 2 inches wide
On Windows 8.1, minimize all your windows and then drag down from the very top of the desktop, to the bottom to the screen. You have successfully closed the desktop.
You do realize you can change their size, right?
Oh wow, now they're only 1 inches wide! Awesome, dude!
you're the retard that told us you like it fullscreen because the icons are bigger
and you can't downsize the icons as small as you'd like, there are literally 3 preset sizes, that's it
another question
even if it had 1000 icons per page
what for? do you not know what you want in the start menu? do you chill there like in a gallery?
just start the fucking program you want, stop wasting time with the menu
You can make them as small as you can on your little fucking menu, since it was derived from the full screen one, damn right the full screen will include more shortcuts. Fucking brainlet.
>told us you like it fullscreen because the icons are bigger
I literally never said that, you mouthbreather. I said I like it because I can fit more stuff and I can split them into groups and since the full screen is much bigger than your little nostalgia cuck menu, you can fit all your small ass icons as bigger icons in the full screen mode and then some.
>what for? do you not know what you want in the start menu?
I know what I want, that's why it's all there, split into groups, colored. Why am I even talking to you, you fucking brainlet? Jesus Christ, you're all a bunch of dumb ass nostalgia fags, who should fucking die already, so M$ wouldn't have to waste time on your nostalgia bullshit when there's shit that has more features, but you still keep living in 1995.
How old are you? I'm sensing underage
I'm sensing the lack of arguments and immense faggotry.
Oh, so you're just an Indian Microsoft shill? Another reason to kys
>waste time on your nostalgia bullshit when there's shit that has more features, but you still keep living in 1995.
>thinking the start menu is an important feature of windows
oh man am I laughing
thanks my dude
have a nice day
I never understood why that existed