Where do Sup Forums pirate movies?

Where do Sup Forums pirate movies?

get a job faggot


public trackers

I dont steal food off other peoples table you cheap prick.



usually HDB, sometimes KG or PS.

Don't need normie moovies.



lol don't get shot at the theater
hope the latest isn't just a shitty rehash of a comic where they make the main character black or a woman oh wait
hahaha go ahead and pay for that garbage sucker

>one must apply the same logic to knowlege and food because jews overlord told so
Things brainwashed burgers actually believe in.





get a job Sup Forums


this is and will be the only proper reply this thread

xdcc or yify.

>steal food from someone
>no food
>(((((Steal)))))) an internet movie
>still there

Im sorry bud, your ethics defy logic

Exactly, you don't steal.
You clone, retard.

rarbg or tpb

rarbg is by far the best for public trackers

>tfw downloading 4k porn off rarbg



i generate my movies entirely from source

This. Recently watched Initial D Third Stage, what a fucking masterpiece.


nyaa is a honeypot. Avoid at all costs.


Why is that

you could've said "NO" with a cute anime grill photo you know

anime is aniGAY

ptp or kg depending on obscurity

to be honest ever since I got netflix and hbo go I don't anymore

I haven't bothered to pirate/torrent anything in at least 12 years. I just go to the library and find a movie to watch or use Redbox.



>downloading 10gb+ foreign films without having to worry about seeders or shit speeds
Megalinks is a godsend.


keep it secret dud..

>not stealing movies from Walmart then ripping and encoding them yourself


Fuck me that's fast. Is there any downside to this? I assume no need for a vpn and shit.