Business trip

>business trip
>got genuine apple charger days before to make sure I had a brand new one that wouldn't conk out on me
>woke up today and it just decided to stop working
>phone dying
>have to now go somewhere for the sole purpose of charging my phone

I'm done, these jews have the temerity to cheap out and jew at every turn, won't even make a decent charger that lasts for a bit more of a premium, i've probably spent like £200 on chargers at this point



Maybe they will make a £80 proprietary iCharger sometime this year, its gotta be better as it costs more right?

Apple is gay.

OP Show picture of the labels on it.

its got the apple logo i got it on amazon, sec

Why wouldn't you bring both on your trip anyway? Just in case.

I don't get how people go through chargers so quickly. I've had the same one plugged into my PC since the 5S and it's working fine.
I only ever lose the cables I take out and about, but I've never actually broken one.

I just left it in my socket at home, don't know man, I buy apple shit bc IT JUST WERKS so I'm a retard anyway

Android phones and Windows computers JUST WERK too, for 6 times less money
There is nothing a £1,000 iPhone X can do that £180 Moto G can't
Apple is just a jewish scam
At least you're redpilled now

Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Good luck; I'm rooting for you!

Apple doesn’t put its logo on its chargers you dumb larping faggot.

I got shilled into buying IP8+ now it's fucking shit
There is no newpipe or clover
There is no correct reviews, the app store reviews are fucked and also lots of free play store games cost $$$$ so I had to buy $30 gift card holy fuck I regret this contract and should have bought a xiaomi redmi 5 plus or something never falling for this fucking nigger spams and shills on the internet

>implying they have iMessage

it's on the front

On this faggot contract I had to pay $720 upfront

This is idiotic. Are you really paying double the price on a premium Smartphone for a blue dot?

the only one at fault here is you for using Apple garbage, I have Samsung chargers that have lasted my since the days of Android 3.x

OP, just use your power bank...

>implying windows store and google store is any better
At least Appstore has quality control

>buying apple chargers when anker are cheaper and better quality

Dun Goofed

iToddler btfo

u fags would charge $30 for a $0.50 cable if you could

>it's impossible for chinks to fake apple chargers
got chink'ed on apple chargers from amazon before, was it direct from amazon UK or a third party seller?

I used a mates account bc he had prime, so can't check rn, you think it's fake?

either way im done with this company, I put up with it bc im too dumb and lazy to make a change , but no more

the phone cable that's lasted me the longest is a 5 dollar one i got form 7-11

itoddlers btfo desu