>completely despise windows 10
>decide to set up a dual boot like I have done in the past
>decide to play it safe and go with a well supported distro like ubuntu
>decide to try a different flavor
>hmmm KDE is getting shilled a lot I guess I'll give it a go
>get it all up and running and login
>open the screenshot utility
>an application has crashed on your system (now or in the past) :(
>have to leave the computer for a little while so lock the screen
>come back and try to resume the session
>the screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore :)
>finally log back in using cli and attempt to change display settings so the system doesn't lock automatically
>an application has crashed on your system (now or in the past) :(
>time to switch back to an admittedly shit os that at least works out of the box
This is the part where you blame the user for the os being a pile of wank.
Completely despise windows 10
>This is the part where you blame the user for the os being a pile of wank.
You probably didn't install KDE properly.
The hardest pill to swallow with Linux/GNU systems is if something breaks or doesn't work properly, it is always your fault.
I was under the impression that KDE would install correctly when I installed kubuntu.
They never said it would be a suppository.
>I installed kubuntu
>decide to play it safe and go with a well supported distro like ubuntu
so which is it?
Isn't it just a ubuntu base with KDE over the top? It was advertised as an official flavor.
Debian based is the worst distro for KDE. Install Gentoo or OpenPEPE.
happened to me when installing kubuntu desktop on a Ubuntu build today, I've switched to elementary os now. I think I've found the one.
Or kde neon
One would think that Kubuntu's developers would at least have the goddamned common decency of making sure KDE works with it.
>Install Gentoo
why the fuck would anyone in their right mind actually take this meme seriously? using Gentoo is for people who have a lot of spare time and absolutely hate using any software that was designed with end-user friendliness in mind.
kde and gnome are horrible now. just pick a light desktop environment
Gentoo is the light in the darkness of failed and buggy distro.
yeah, the blue warm light of Cerenkov radiation and cancer.
I wanted to try playing some games on Linux, maybe with wine. What is support like for elementary with stuff like that?
Probably just going to go with xubuntu again.
You'd think, right.
Kubuntu is a slop of shit. It's better to just install ubuntu and then the kde de afterwards
Gentoo is the absolute pinnacle of Linux distros and anyone who says otherwise is at least one of:
>Red Hat apologist
So how many super computers, server farms or anything besides hobby projects run Gentoo?
Ubuntu is just as bad as windows
>Gentoo is for people who have a lot of spare time
You don't even have to be present while the computer is compiling.
it'll be work just like it would in ubuntu. I had issues with wine so i only use linux steam games.
Use Fedora and learn to Google your problems and use DNF from the command line. Use Enlightenment or XFCE. You'll have the best Linux system ever.
I'm with you OP. I just spent the last month trying out Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora and Suse, and am now back to windows 10 - which i really hate.
I had so many issues with linux and i simply don't have the time to trawl through man pages to understand the intricacies up front - maybe if something broke down the track and i had to learn systems bit by bit, but not "GDM crashed must hard restart" right off the bat in two different distros. I've been trying out linux sporadically since Red Hat 6 / Suse1 in ~200 with bits of success here and there, but its always such an uphill battle. In 2007 i spent a week setting up Gentoo, but it was a bitch thirsty for attention, no different to other distros ive tried. Then i went back to Ubuntu 6 or 7 for a few months, and it kinda worked despite being clunky and never getting flash installed properly.
I hate windows and mac, i really want to like linux, i just can't.
There really just doesn't seem to be a distro that just works, shame.
They're not maintained by the same people, thinks get left out or added.
>I couldn't block
Last time I used Fedora it took me 3 days to resolve a graphics driver issue. Not only did they ship with outdated drivers, but their repositories weren't even updated for anything relevant. Even staple programs like Weechat was 5 versions behind.
KDE Neon
I've been using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 for atleast 6 months now on a recently built PC and a shit 5 year old acer laptop. Literally 0 issues. I use win 10 only for vidya and photoshop, everything else just works.
The only issue I had was while installation on laptop due to UEFI (laptop bios has a windows OEM license), used Grub editor and it's been fine and dandy since.
user who posted about fedora here.
I've been using debian and arch for 6 years now, luckily I haven't touched any windows or OSX computer since then. I was just pointing out that Fedora isn't for me because of many nightmares I've had with outdated repositories.
This. Thanks Wayland.
Since KDE isn't maintained by canonical, support is limited. Most programs are built for gnome.
1. Ubuntu is shit
2. KDE is shit, as well as Gnome and XFCE and LXDE.
3. I had no KDE crashes in true KDE distro (openSUSE)
KDE on Ubuntu isn't good.
This is an issue with the distro, and with the user for not doing their research. Fedora, Arch, OpenSUSE are all good KDE distros.
Antergos Deepin is truly the best distro
LFS is the best distro, but it is not winter now. I don't want to heat my room at 27 deg.c.
Speaking in absolutist terms has been linked to severe depression and schizoid tendencies. Schizophrenia also has a similar brain mapping as autism.My advice: KYS, end the pain.
It's just arch with some candy sprinkled on top.
i.e. shit with sprinkles? Sounds tasty.
>Using KrashDE
Try Gnome Shell.
Same. I have it installed on an old macbook that apple no longer supports. It was useable "out of the box" sans the fucking wifi drives and fan profile issues. Fans would stay at min rpm till almost max temp and then ramp to 100% and stay there. Everything is pretty good now. Its a shit posting machine for shit posting sake. Its good enough for most normie computing ie facebook and porn. It may even be good enough for student productivity but i can't say from experience.
No. Deepin, like any other product from China, is a low rent piece of shit that is guaranteed to break in a week or less.
>Using Gaunome
I use LXQt. Try it
KDE is the worst pile of shit there is on Linux, it's just one retard on Sup Forums who spams it all the time
>idiots who don't know how to use an operating system resort to saying it "might" be good enough for productivity tasks.
Please just stop posting, people use linux every day for work and production. [spoiler] reee [/spoiler]
KDE is not bad, it is better that Gnome.
But still, there are NO GOOD FREE DE FOR GNU/LINUX OR BSD.
By the way, can I run Quartz and Aqua on GNU/Linux? I don't care about fag EULA as much as they about warranty and I will win a case anyways.
gnome is billions times better than KDE in every way
It really is. There seems to be zero consistancy or reliability across distros with KDE. KDE Neon and Netrunner are the only two I've managed to find that are usable out of the box.
There is your problem.
Neon is basically better kubuntu.
But I have great experience with KDE antergos (using it right now)
Gnome is shit.
Don't shill, gtk is dead.
Gnome has memleaks and misses a lot of features KDE has
Ive heard wierd compatiblity issues when using libre office. Like formating issues when opening a document made on libre from ms word. Its probably user error like not saving it as .docx or some shit but (just to annoy (you)) i can't say from experience.
>Dual boot on the same drive
Retard alert
Kubuntu is deprecated. KDE Neon is the supported ubuntu kde flavour