Made a shitty online bank that got merged with paypal

>made a shitty online bank that got merged with paypal
>hostile take over of tesla
>bought rocket designs from the us government that they never bothered making because its such an unbelievable waste of time and money
>cancelled all moon missions
>VW going to fuck him up in the e car biz
>NASA and Blue Origin going to fuck him up in the space biz
>has admitted to have less than $200 million liquid
>companies are crashing down

His sons will be begging for scraps. What a failure

Alternate reality story? None of what you said is correct.

>thinks this is /r/writingprompts

>bought rocket designs from the us government that they never bothered making because its such an unbelievable waste of time and money
Space exploration is per se unbelievable waste of time and money.

>>bought rocket designs from the us government that they never bothered making because its such an unbelievable waste of time and money
and yet they're doing what NASA is doing, way faster and like 75% cheaper

Until it becomes self-sustaining through asteroid mining.

t. OP

>>NASA and Blue Origin going to fuck him up in the space biz
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>asteroid mining

Asteroid mining will really drive up GPU prices.

You're probably one of those idiots who thinks the military budget should go to starving children in Africa.

half of the ppl in this country can't even afford a car without a loan. who gives a fuck about space shit. stop sucking rich ppls cocks u cuck

fuck off Sup Forums
elon musk is our/g/uy

Nasa never got to make the cheap spacecraft it always wanted since the airforce hijacked the shuttle program. Stop comparing shuttle costs as aspects of innovation.

>says user with 0 noteworthy achievements in life

>space exploration
>military budget
no link

>space doesn't matter until everyone is rich
>fucking rich people
You sound like an incredibly boring and petty individual who leads an equally boring and petty life. I'll be sure to send you some nice pics of Mars when I arrive.

Go fucking cry about your stupid inefficient bureaucratic bullshit. If they actually gave a shit about the space program they COULD be doing what SpaceX is doing but they aren't because they're probably just farming the program for money so they can line their pockets and never launch rockets

I look forward to seeing how GPUs are used to mine asteroids, should be entertaining.

you are legit retarded.

Toasting in a bait bread.
Guaranteed 300 replies from reddit.


You're probably the retard who thinks that because SpaceX blew millions of dollars putting rockets into space but all that money should just go to poor people to blow on booze and cigarettes


Typical cuck attitude. gov spending is bad but private corporations using this data is good. The government should only spend money on programs that are self sustainable!!1!

Maybe the government should be doing what SpaceX is doing. How is is that SpaceX can spend like 75% less than what Nasa blows to launch a rocket?

maybe if it did blow money on self sustaining projects they wouldn't have a huge ass deficit and constantly ruining people's lives

Spending money on space is as wasteful as spending it on poor people.
These money could be spent on new weapons so USA could finally rule the world.

>Spending money on space is as wasteful as spending it on poor people.
>advancing technology and understanding space exploration is wasteful
By your logic all RnD is wasteful

>Defending the military budget
>at all
Boot-licking cuck detected

That was the day scientists found a new, lower IQ range than anyone ever imagined was possible.