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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Do not edit files in /usr because they will be overwritten when the packages are updated. Use global configs in /etc instead (which usually take precedence and override those in /usr).
Joseph Garcia
Dat Stallman
Jonathan Robinson
why people don't call GNU/BSD?
Matthew White
Debian kFreeBSD is this. You can run it in a jail.
Alexander Hill
is vlc not in fedora's repos?
Kevin Lewis
windows is not updating vlc automatically it's time to uninstall that shit. MPC-BE ftw
Alexander Hernandez
Ethan Cooper
It's not. Red Hat is hyper autistic about keeping patented media codecs out of their repos because they don't want to get sued or forced to pay a gorillion dollars in unlimited license agreements. You need to add the RPMFusion repo.
Hudson Lewis
>You need to add the RPMFusion repo. i'm trying but i need system-release(26) for it to work. i just did a full system update to the latest versions and that's not included apparently
Jack Wood
Every single picture I see of Stallman, he is either using or within arm's reach of a computer. Is it possible for this man to exist further than 1m from a computer? What happens if we forcibly separate them?
I am tired of Ubuntu, thinking about trying Mint or Fedora. What do you guys think?
Jackson Morales
Ethan Baker
Try Solus
Angel Johnson
why are you tired? what would you like different? btw mint is literally ubuntu
Wyatt Rivera
How to troubleshoot xorg when that shit fails? My login manager displays all white and when I manage to get myself to login everything is black except the mouse. I managed to load konsole through hotkeys and it displays just fine. Do I start over because I spent enough time trying to fix this shit
Using gentoo
Aaron Sanders
He took a vacation from lobbying to democrats? amazing get something without systemd. GhostBSD is a good start or if you want GNU/Linux you can install manjaro
Mason Clark
>doesn't list the distribution specific problems he's "tired of" >just lists two random distributions >one of them is a disgusting downstream distribution of the one he uses I D I O T
>please use "my" distribution R E T A R D S
Aaron Lee
Solus: made by hipsters who don't know how to code. I asked a user in their shit forum how to set up openvpn they had no idea what openvpn is
Arch: a shit systemd system that has become obsolete
Noah Morgan
Jaxon Peterson
what is the best quake and quake 2 engine for linux?
Josiah Cook
Calm down, kid
Mason Williams
>How to troubleshoot check your logs ~/.xsession-errors, Xorg.log.0, your login manager's
Caleb Hernandez
How mr. Stallman can put IBM laptop on his foots? Thinkpad has 100 degrees cpu and very hot
Parker Martin
>intel microcode (open source) >open source
Lucas Clark
I am just literally tired of it, just wanted to try a different distro.
Never heard of GhostBSD. Are you using it? What's your opinion on it?
Jayden King
>implying its not
Jaxson Sullivan
>try and do update >haven't ran updates in awhile >lots of dependencies having autism it's been awhile since I had to fix this, what do I do?
Thomas Gomez
I N S E C U R E and has a bad resolver
install trizen
Colton Roberts
Isaiah Wood
fuck you if i install that i can promise PROMISE it will be a pain in the as to use (either weird commands or worse a GUI)
Henry Wood
>Never heard of GhostBSD. Are you using it? What's your opinion on it? It's FreeBSD but better. If you want to get into BSD it's the best way. Or TrueOS... Upgrading/updating on BSD is a bit more complicated but it's less likely to break
Christopher Jackson
it uses the same syntax as pacman ya big dummy
also you can look at AUR comments to make sure you aren't getting pwned
Christian Jackson
Keep installing more packages from the AUR, that will fix it.
Ayden Gutierrez
>YAOURT why not? arch fags brag about this daily
Jose Hill
Jordan Peterson
compositeproto isn't a AUR package though
David Phillips
Remove arch and install Redcore, gecko or GhostBSD.
Ayden Cooper
You're adding the Fedora 26 version, dipshit. Grab the proper link next time.
Colton Diaz
now what?
Jonathan Perez
Wait. Arch is in the middle of restructuring the Xorg packages.
Jose Jones
ok buddy, look up whatever shit is causing the dep break, and remove it, and reinstall it if you actually need it
fucking hell
Dominic Powell
if that's the case it's my fault for not reading the site before updating everything
Joshua Wood
thats a problem with the repos. Someone forgot to change the dependencies of libxfont
Carson Clark
no i'm not you cunt. i don't know what the problem was, and the visual installer didn't work either, but i installed it via command line
Jaxon Diaz
>pacman -Rsc compositeproto >removes basically every package from my system
James Cook
>and remove it yeah, that's right, remove xorg, make the arch memes come alive
Jace Morales
>arch devs in charge on not breaking shit
Jaxon Nguyen
>Arch delivering broken packages is a conspiracy
Colton Smith
It would be very painful.
Charles Walker
why do the quake and doom source ports take so long to compile?
William Davis
I am looking for a distro that doesn't use a lot of RAM, has great resource management and is "beginner friendly". What do you guys suggest?
Daniel Perez
he's a big guy
John Carter
Adrian Adams
4 gnU
Camden Cruz
Install gentoo
Grayson Martinez
Please serious response only.
Landon Reed
Kevin Russell
Ram usage does not depend on the distro. It depends on your desktop environment (if you have one) and the programs open. Linux also uses RAM in a way that might confuse a newbie
What the hell do you mean by "great resource management"?
And it depends on how beginner friendly. If you want the most handholdy, then Ubuntu, particularly the Xubuntu flavor (which comes with XFCE instead of Unity/GNOME, a lighter desktop environment) is a good choice.
If you don't mind it being a bit less handholdy but still easy to use, then Debian. Upgrade it from Stable to Sid for comfy desktop use. Install apt-listbugs.
People shit on systemd, but systemd+netctl+dhcpcd+ModemManager allowed me to purge NetworkManager and have simpler, more reliable network handling, and actually get my LTE modem working right. Systemd also helps with service management compared to sysvinit and upstart as a sysadmin. I get the ideological concerns but it genuinely does work better for like 99.9% of things.
Nathaniel Hughes
Ryan King
He can't lobby republicans because they're already bought and paid for.
Xavier Wood
>Systemd also helps with service management You talk like they are brand new and never existed >poettering locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Apr 17, 2017
Logan Young
lxqt just isn't ready yet. I just tired it and it's still pretty buggy. When does all support for gtk2 die?
Levi Sanders
Yeah, thanks. after a bit of googling I found that the name is radeon, not amdgpu.
I've tried both your setting and the one from archwiki (pic related), but they both aren't working. I still get screen tearing. But then I remember the screen tearing I get is only in chromium, when watching youtube for instance, and not when I put those video to mpv. Does this mean the chromium is at fault here? (I didn't get screen tearing in mpv before I made the conf file either)
Charles Jones
RELIABLE service management absolutely is something that didn't exist prior, at least on Linux. You'd have situations where the init script exited successfully, but the daemon crashed right afterwards without cleaning up the pid file, so the init system thought it was still running. MySQL and MongoDB were notoriously bad about this. Systemd avoids this by actually tracking process state fully.
Jack Davis
Yep. Confirmed it was the chromium's fault. I enabled the override software rendering list on chrome://flags while removing the .conf file, and now I no longer get screen tearing. Thank you.
Blake Perry
LTS editions use old software and system components, which means that shit becomes extremely outdated Rolling releases update every day which means that everything is bleeding edge and easy to break.
I'd like something in between that gets often updates but is tested to not break. I can deal with minor bugs if necessary. What do I use?
Eli Peterson
Is there anywhere I can buy one of those upgraded x220?
John Reed
daemontools on Linux was a thing long before systemd.
Zachary Cooper
Heh, was just going to complain about something systemd related that happened to me: >system no longer boots after update, just get a black screen and I can't get into terminal (but I see the kernel loading messages) >want to check log messages >grab a live cd, load it up and mount the hard drive that has the failing linux on it >try to read the system logs with journalctl >doesn't work
It wasn't permissions issue or anything, so no idea what the problem was. But this is why binary formats are fucking retarded. Version mismatches, etc who knows what the problem was, but I could read all the text logs on my system no problem. Fuck systemd.
Also when I recovered the system, I could use *that* distro's journald to open the system logs. So yeah, fuck Poettering. I know this is the flgt but that asshole deserves to be called out at every opportunity.
Xavier Gutierrez
Fedora. Major releases every 6 months or so, corporate support on par with Ubuntu.
Nathan Gutierrez
>which means that shit becomes extremely outdated LTS uses versions that aren't updated for new features usually, but get security and bug fixes. Your typically Ubuntu or Fedora versions aren't LTS or rolling release, they are in between just like you want.
Xavier Wright
You fail to understand release cycles.
The developer does his own testing cycles, and when he sees fit, he releases a new version
That version is then sent to a distro's testing repo where it is tested with other packages in the distros system. After it has been tested the distro managers then push it to their main repo
That is TWO testing cycles before it hits the main stable repo.
99.99% of the time things break when the user is ignorant and dosent change his configuration files to adapt to these new versions.
Tyler Carter
daemontools didn't cut the mustard or it would have been used.
Jeremiah Howard
Excellent appeal to authority. It could just be nobody was using huge amounts of money and influence to make daemontools the One True Init System. Not that there weren't several kind of similar projects around either. It's been a known problem with sysvinit for a long time.
Elijah Smith
What authority? Debian took YEARS to decide on a new init, with zero input from Red Hat, and they didn't choose daemontools. That's indicative of the code itself being lacking.
Christopher Cox
I just don't trust Redhat user. They have a track record of not giving a shit about the GNU/Linux community at all, they just care about their business customers.
They can and WILL put bloated shit in systemd if they think it's needed (or if their customers are just fucking retarded and they think some "user friendly" crap makes their job easier) and will not make even the slightest of efforts to offer a way to opt out of it for the rest of us.
Systemd wouldn't bother me even 1/10th as much as it does if it was just developed by someone else.
Leo Phillips
is Blender the best open source software ever created?
Daniel Morris
>with zero input from Red Hat What do you call paying teams of developers to make systemd a dependency for udev and GNOME? This is a huge amount of work to dump on a volunteer project. You can see how long it's taking Gentoo to get out from under. >and they didn't choose daemontools. That's indicative of the code itself being lacking. daemontools proper would never have been a contender, and this is obvious if you know anything about it or the author. It was merely the defacto solution at the time for a specific set of sysvinit problems.
Xavier Diaz
>FSF got $1mil in buttcoin recently >last commit to Hurd was 2 weeks ago, literally a few lines of warning fixes
There is still hope r-right?
Isaac Lewis
Which good literature sources on Linux would you people recommend for a complete newbie?
Isaiah Lopez
just wikipedia for basic info and wikis for their respective distros
Levi Wood
-wikipedia -manpages -distros own sites, wikis and "handbooks" -other ONLINE publications, like tutorials and howtos
Don't buy books on GNU+Linux, they are obsolete before they even leave the press.
Elijah King
The `info` program. Press H, that's shift-h, to see its key bindings.
There are some serious gems on StackExchange too if you get into any specific tools. Like I saw this the other day and it blew my fucking mind. When I was younger I read several basic sh/C programming books for Linux, and they were all written by idiots.
Nathaniel Harris
Does anyone else think the quality of Arch's wiki and specifically its Installation Guide has gone down substantially? It used to provide way more information and was far more detailed. They've removed huge chunks of it... why did they do this?
Juan Morris
They simplified the install guide. Its not the beginners guide, its the install guide. The install guide is to get you to a working install of arch, not tell you every single command switch in detail. Thats what the rest of the wiki is for
Julian Gutierrez
Hi. I'm trying out Arch and wanted to install qutebrowser. Pacman failes on this package: scrnsaverproto-1.2.2-2 (fails to retrieve file, mirrors return 404). I cannot find this on the web, what else can I try?
John Cook
It tells you exactly what to do. Change your mirror.
Adam Wright
I want to become a RHCSA, my goal is to do the EX200 exam and get certified with Red fucking Hat. Any tips? Anyone here did it? Is it really hard? Good sources to learn? I have an already pretty decent level of Linux/Unix and I work with Red Hat on a daily basis but there's some tricky shit in the exam simulators I've seen so far.
Also RH website exam to check your level told me I should do courses RH124 and RH134 because I'm an "beginning or intermediate" Linux admin ;_;
tl;dr how do i git gud with RH
Jace Harris
>not tell you every single command switch in detail The Beginner's Guide clearly didn't do this, there's no need to resort to hyperbole. It just provided context and actually explained what was going on to higher degree than the neutered vague garbage the installation guide is now.
>Thats what the rest of the wiki is for They've removed things from other wiki articles too and otherwise just made things more of a clusterfuck. The users and groups section doesn't even talk about wheel anymore. It mentions that wheel is a group. The navigation and writing is way more confusing now too, just look at the wiki pages for setting your network connection up.
I don't think anything pisses me off more than when you have something nice that works and is helpful and some autist goes and replaces it because they are a complete tool. Which is exactly what I imagine when I think of powertripping arch wiki users.