If you had access to a supercomputer for one week, what would you use it for?
If you had access to a supercomputer for one week, what would you use it for?
i'd use the supercomputer to research a way to cash out
shitcoin mining + hentai seedbox
4k porn
Play crysis on max settings.
Whatever job gave me access.
They're not that interesting in terms of tasks they can perform.
Cheap computers are more interesting.
>what would you do if you could give 6 million people a palm sized device of your choosing?
Make GNO(slach)loonix werks.
A supercomputer might actually be able to handle systemd+gnome not laggy
folding@home is the only morally correct answer
>inb4 hentai@home
Compile Linux. And GNU.
And seed weebshit.
Run waifu2x on entire sad panda
No, it will lag, and whole 16 TB of RAM will be used by sysd and gnome.
Even the most professional russians are criminals at heart. lol
i'm tempted to install Monero miners on the computers at work, it's easy to make them run through I2P right?
install a hypervisor and rent out VMs to other companies. you'd probably make more money that way than mining bitcoins.
Try Gnome desktop.
Very funny joke, have never heard this one before.
nice trips
also the joke is older than my thinkpad
How many bitcoin, monero, litecoin, ethereum, etc. can a supercomputer mine in a week?
ur mum's weight in ounces
I'd take it back from them after one month. Mine and sell their personal data usage to any and all data mills, then put the devices on ebay for a profit.
Not bad
Make a Speccy thread on Sup Forums
this is the only real and correct answer. non of the pussies here would actually pull off any stunt involving mining.
>install miner
>later normie user complains of slowness to IT
>check task manager and see miner
>check logs
>user gets fired
Play Minecraft with 64GB of RAM
Their mistake was not splitting the mined bitcoins with management.
convert my garfield strips which are saved as gif into png
>64GB of RAM
The PC I'm posting this has more RAM than that, m8.
Waifu 2x literally everything.
Deepfakes shit. But instead of faking celebrity into porn, I would recast major Hollywood movies entirely with pornstars.
you are a trooper
Play for a week straight hentai simulators with vr, penis controller and everything
So we're looking at about $100 total profits?
encode my porn and anime
Decode this guy porn and anime
I guess I own a super computer
Can I watch 4k porn on it then?
i want poorfags off my board
Crack every game known to man
shitposting on a large scale
Have it complete captchas for me
Use it to bruteforce into major banks and then encrypt all of their data, causing the entire capitalist system to collapse.
you need to encrypt the offsite backups too
Best plan.
I would probably call any Catalan cancer research foundation and tell them they've got all the power. They probably know what to do.
so how long till russia bans bitcoin?
distributed shitposting
I like you
Tetris desu
open chrome with more than 3 tabs
Now I know why Google is building supercomputers now: they are attempting to visualize browsing for their users
that but not if it was a government supercomputer, especially not in a corrupt dump like russia where i'd get "exiled" to siberia for doing so.
I considered running a password cracker on Titan once. Then I decided it was probably a bad idea.
Deepfakes but only to put nick Cage's on everyone
too bad every bank now has multiple data centres in different locations for disaster recovery.
i spit out my drink
Probably when China tells the rest of BRICS to shut it down.
Play my hentai visual novels.
Running a combination of a filter that detects low resolution blocks and waifu2x to decensor millions of pictures.
This pleases me
I'd play Crysis on medium settings.
run doom at 3.784e173 fps
Have access all the time. Mostly, watch the usage stats, and wonder at how bad grad students are at writing code, and when they'll bother hiring experienced programmers for some of these projects.
Shitposting on Sup Forums
I would hack times square projectors and spill every secret known to man on all the worst politicians.
What i am wondering is that how much hash/s did this supercomputer get?
facebook and imgur
I vote for this one.
Tip top kek
Spread my mixtape.