Post a better default wallpaper.
Protip: you can't
Post a better default wallpaper.
Protip: you can't
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vista-tan is a slut
yes I can
TFW i am
Does someone have the XP desert in at least 1920x1200?
Why are you still using Winblows Shitsa?
>using vista unironically
also animu grills
its not vista its 7 with a skin
>using win7 unironically
you better find another OS soon. Vista isn't getting spectre or meltdown patches. You could literally be violently raped at any moment.
Next question, why are you using Windows Live Messenger?
literally perfection
Don't assume my vendor, you bigot!
Oh yeah. Was this 3.51 or 4.0?
it was with low color mode on pretty much all windows < XP
>Not using a single black pixel image.
why exactly are you on this board then?
2000 had blue color.
Just have it stretched, for some reason it still looks good on higher res despite being less pixels.
Not quite
This is better.
One of the originals exported into .jpg to be below 4MB
What the fuck they ruined it WITH FUCKING STICKS
Used this background since 2011.
It's a vineyard now, user.
I heard the irl place got wild fired last summer.
It was just a poor quality hoax pic cropped from some random twitter post
Sounds about right.
are there any like this but in a
black silver and amber color?
I have this but it looks pretty bad
I prefer Ibex
How is life in 2007 user?
its god damn comfy my friend.
never change user
I'm impressed no anime wallpapers have been posted yet.
Oh crap
This is 7 with a theme.
Nice try though.
Best Koreans agree with you.
no wallpaper
My webbrowser and terminal are my wallpaper
Where can I download this?
Will pay, big bucks.
I have a much higher resolution version, looks stunning.
>not using WLM in 2018
Best wallpaper coming though
You can really tell the difference between jpeg and png. Wow.
With the added quality comes a larger filesize too, though. I can only fit a couple of those on a floppy. You could store at least a thousand of those .jpg's.
Microsoft totally aped Apple's Abstract Collection wallpapers.
Does anyone have a higher res version of Ascent from Windows XP?
I've tried upscaling it with various methods and it just turns into a muddy mess every time.
This would be cool without the logo
3.1 for the win(dows).
>doesn't open meme-tabs for the screencap
The utter state of nu-Sup Forums
Have you tried waifu2x?
Yes, I even have a local installation of it so I don't need an internet connection.
The film grain really messes with it. I thinks that they're artifacts and blurs the hell out of it.
you can't top this
JPEG compressed noise is ugly, but you can kind of work around that by adding noise of your own to mask some of the blur. For example here's a single layer of noise added after waifu2x. With more layers you could perhaps get an acceptable result.
why do you need this text on the wallpaper
It's a screenshot
It's not jpeg compression noise. That pic was shot on film.
But it's wallpaper thread
And we had this wallpaper already
And it's not even the wallpaper, it's a plain color
>he's only got a 320gb ext for pr0n....
That's what I meant. In other words: noise is difficult to compress.