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buy stax
i thought that this was meme
But they really sound good
Is this acceptable channel matching for $400 headphones?
First for Stax worship on this board. If they were half as popular/attainable as Schiit shit, you guys would be all over the lack of measurements. NO, I'm not saying that Schiit is good or defending their cult of personality marketing and reception, just saying the user from the other thread is right in calling you fucks out for the double standard.
>Have you ever HEARD Stax?
>Post your setup user, so we can move the goalposts and shift the argument based on what you have
That is to say, unless you want to observe them from a position of subjective consideration rather than objective, in which case the measurements don't matter and you're still just as bad as the Schiit shills...but at least you're being honest about it and probably more happy to boot. Ignorance is bliss after all.
>no feet
garbage OP
God just shut the fuck up all of you.
Yeah, buy Stax and relax, buddies!
Go back to the last thread and post your setup :^)
just shut up and buy STAX already. stop being tsundere about it
Could the Walnut V2 and other chink amps blow out my headphones?
What's your setup like, user?
Idol trash here.
Pretty adorable girls. Coffee kizoku makes some adorable stuff.
Posted too late last time so I'm asking again. Will this thing improve audio quality with certain dacs, more than just the noise floor?
What is that brown stuff on her feet?
I have a schiit fulla 2 and sennheiser 598
FFF. I'm only a little drunk and yet.
clean your room
That seems like worth. Fuck that.
I will have to in a few weeks... some friend's visiting Dublin.
What a pain.
audio companies are not obligated to present measurements data of their products to consumers and 99% of them will never do that.
is it a qt girl or just some faggot? why is he visiting? also you have friends?
oscillating into Mhz range
One day i will.
>hd600 owner refuses to clean his room
why are all hd600 owners degenerates?
>is it a qt girl
A fuck-buddy? I wish.
>why is he visiting
A conference he has to attend for work related reasons.
>do you have friends
Yes, somehow. I'm not even sure myself about how.
I feel so intimidated by that animu grill.
Who's this qt? She's relevant to my interests, and reverse pic searches aren't yielding anything.
That's umi from Love Live. She might be a little strict, but she's a good girl, full of love.
Is the Stax trolling actually legitimate? Should I save up for sr007 or sr009?
Thank you user.
how do you like that clarett?
I used to have a shitty Tascam US 1800 that had awful preamps. I sold all my studio gear to move across the country though, and at this point I may as well wait and drop ~$500 on something decent like a clarett.
Stax and their amplifiers were used to standardize the diffuse field equalization way back in 1982. The T1 is more than 30 years old and the schematic is still being produced.
Just laughable to link Stax with Schiit.
Where are the measurements?
You know I’ve been meaning to clean my room but I haven’t got around to it yet. Been getting home late from work. I’ll leave that shit spotless today.
We can measure the transducers with the amps and they measure fine. You're a fucking fool if you think the amps introduce any level of audible distortion.
Reminds me of the HD600's unmatched drivers.
already done
I dusted last night, desk gets dusted almost daily
Will probably vacuum and steam clean the carpet tonight
If you have a popcorn ceiling make sure to dust / vacuum that too!
Let me tell you, I just CANNOT sleep at night because the unmatched drivers on my hd600 are driving me CRAZY. How can anyone put up with this?
Kill yourself.
You mean the Scarlett? I like it, i didn't record much with it though, used it more as a portable dac for the separate gains for headphones and monitors and for being 24-bit/96kHz so i wouldn't have to convert every recording before mixing.
Cool story, No Headphones user.
I've posted my setup here many times. Try again plebspotter.
No you haven’t.
I have a similar question: does powering a Raspberry with a supply like this change the sound?
That sort of thing matters in analog stages, not digital. It will improve an amp much more than a dac.
to be fair it's not quite as bad as that one
ok m8
So, can anyone tell me why it would be better to buy an SMSL Sanskrit, hook it up to my TV, then plug in a Schiit Magni 3 and plug my HD598's in there in comparison to just getting the Fulla 2 that already has DAC/amp combo?
I feel like the first option, even though it would be a hundred bucks more, would allow me to upgrade to nicer headphones in the future and I'll still get upgraded audio for watching movies and playing console games, but if I could just get the Fulla 2 without doing the first option that would be ideal as to save money and maybe put that extra hundred to a new set of cans.
there is no point raspy have switching regulators
I will rather use iFi iPower for raspberry
yes, buy the L700LE and just wait 4 months instead of saving up for the 007/009
I literally own the 600 and magni 3, with the sanskrit on the way tomorrow. If you can afford it, skip the fulla 2 straight away. It's great for what it is, but the amp section alone isn't as good as the magni. It loses it's quality slightly at higher volumes compared to the magni. I bought the sanskrit because first of all, it seems like a quaity dac, but second of all it has an optical port that I can hook up to my ps4. I have;t heard the sanskrit yet but I'm expecting it to sound the same as nearly every other dac that I've heard before.
I guess it comes down to cost and convenience. The fulla is tiny and usb powered vs two bigger boxes with separate power sources that plug into the mains.
doesn't need to be all in one night, I do a little here and there. it's better to form a habit of cleaning than it is to have a clean room
this user has it right. buy a duster + spray bottle for rubbing alcohol
I like the 007 the best of all of them, but I lean toward slightly warm signatures in general.
>tfw when somebody had a 007 II 24hour auction on ebay earlier today that was less than a hundred bucks but they pulled it because they could see it was gonna end cheap
Almost got me a 2.9 to compare against my Mk I Early.
should i take the plunge
good taste in albums
Up to you, I've heard that they're a bit dark and meh.
I have some Fidelio X2HR's and the wire is way too long, will the audio quality be affected if I buy a crappy 5 dollar cable from amazon?
elaborate on the dark part
Wait, I may be thinking of another pair from another chi-fi company (that looks similar). Look up some reviews I guess, I kinda doubt that anyone here has a pair to give you impressions.
Just get HD600.
Avoid unknowns. Most headphones suck. Probability-wise, you're gonna be screwed.
Thanks for the response user. Just bought the Sanskrit and Magni-3, hopefully they'll provide a good audio output for my Samsung KS8000 and HD598s.
its hard to find reviews for it. ill try again however
Dark/bright refers to the balance of high frequencies (treble) sounds relative to the lower and middle frequencies. Increasing the relative level of high frequency components will increase the brightness of the sound and decreasing the level will make it sound darker. Good sound should be neither too bright nor too dark.
thank you user. i hate bright treble high headphones but then again it should be more balanced if its too dark
What are some good sub-100$ IEMs?
I can;t speak for your telly. But I can guarantee that it will get the most out of your headphones. The magni 3 + any decent dac certainly does with my 600's.
>grado snaphesier furfag
Top right isn't half bad.
High ranked waifu.
thanks my dude
Thread reminder to never buy Schiit products.
>#1 recommended brand by reddit shills because hehe i get to say Shit
>owner thinks authoring a 140-chapter work of fiction about the company history makes up for garbage quality and performance
>solder splatter
>caps on output
>Either they don't measure their DACs, don't care or don't know how to design a clean DAC.
>For me the biggest letdown with all of this is the major disservice Schiit and others are doing to the community. They are toting these frankly "shit" amps as power houses
>As we see, tons of jitter and distortion products are visible together with higher noise floor. Even the Topping D30 at $129 shipped runs circles around it in how clean its output is relative to Schiit BiFrost Multi-bit.
>There are DACs literally at 10% of the cost that do much better. Yes I know the subjectivists go by what these devices "sound like." But I want one of them with a straight face tell me how their music is better where a spray of distortion and noise is added to any single tone in their music. How can any of this be euphonic???
Imagine making this post. Then imagine creating this image.
Imagine reading this post. Then imagine continuing to justify your purchase of Schiit products.
How's it going canucklehead?
I'm pretty sure that Canadian dude was a Schiit fanboy. Wasn't he? I can't remember now.
How much do you get paid?
i get 3 milkies a day from mommy
How about some actual criticism for the Magni/Modi 2 ubers and the Magni 3 to the extreme end with the Ragnarok/Yggdrasil. Oh right those measure well...
So all that's left is reddit.
Just ordered a Magni 3, after reading your stupid post.
/ourguy/ amir is gonna btfo the magni owners
just wait
>Buying a product with no measurements after seeing a post he didn't like
Schiit schiils, everyone
Don't worry, those measurements are coming. Even if they measure well, Schiit is still a garbage company with terrible quality control and customer support. They're also run by egotistical, self-aggrandizing morons that sponsor and encourage audiophool discourse.
[ muffled heavy breathing in the distance ]
>Even if they measure well, Schiit is still a garbage company with terrible quality control and customer support.
Irrational hate.
>Terrible quality control and customer support
Wow, got me there, user
Warning away people from a company with a proven track record of poor design, quality control, and customer support is neither hate nor irrational. Continuing to support said company in the face of such serious flaws is irrational. And retarded. And faggy.
Lets see some examples of this bad qc and cs, not from reddit.
>proven track record of poor design,
A bunch of forum posts do not a negative track record make.
>Reddit doesn't count
>Forums don't count
That's a quite a defense
You could find some bad reviews for any company, if you tried hard enough.
Can be an excuse for literally any above average product
show me some bad mrspeakers reviews that deal with quality control and customer support
i'll wait
If you consider reddit a valuable resource you should go back.
>The home of Schiit shills
I consider it a VERY valuable resource
I bet you do gen z.