thank you kind user who suggested the other day that I either sudoku or use a gentoo binhost vm. As you can see I went for the later option and it worked like a charm. glad to finally have a non shit distro that fully supports systemd.
Thank you kind user who suggested the other day that I either sudoku or use a gentoo binhost vm...
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Why tho?
Lots of reasons, ak-shu-ally, desu, imho.
no reason to not use systemd except autism
Does gentoo really do systemd better?
It seems to work flawlessly on my babby noob distro.
What weak spots should I be looking at?
I use gentoo in this case because out of the box distros don't work on this tablet/laptop
audio broken
>fedora netinstall
fails during boot
>debian netinstall
broken video (laptop only works with intel drm drivers, vesa or efi video is broken)
other distros don't have network drivers as it's still in staging repo or have the video driver issue. if you have non shit hardware there is no real point in switching distros
>the later option
centos master race reporting in; we have systemd on 7 and it's basically RHEL minus the cost. while you faggots are dealing with your debian based distros that accomplish nothing for your career; I'll be using centos and actually accomplishing something.
But user, if you're installing gentoo, you already have that!
Systemd gentoo users are redpilled autist
What are its pro and cons? I heard it's mostly a server distro, but what if stability is not really a requirement?
I'm thinking to switch from openssl to libressl. What do you guys think?
openrc is better than systemd.
Well, whatever floats your boat. I Noah guy who also likes boats and he saved the human race. But, well, he probably didn't use Gentoo.
Why? Hard mode, don's say it's because:
>Pottering (assholes are everywhere, Torvalds is one of them too)
>bugs (every software has them, they are not supposed to be there and they'll be solved)
>UNIX philosophy (it's not a strictly rule)
>bloat (it's a meme word, it means fuck all)
>inb4 someone post the meme gif with the snake
>GNU Systemd
>not using compiz standalone for a good mix of pretty and lightweight
god i wish that were me
Only retards use systemd in 2018
Time 2 go back 2 reddit
only retards use linux on desktop in 2018
>>I listen to retards....
>>Accomplishing on Sup Forums.
I just switched back to LFS, gentoo finally didn't suit me.
Every deamon manager I see on linux really is not well done.
Maybe it's just my incompetence, but having something like mysql type of config file, is really old age, and I have init config, that anyhow represents a rewritable sectory anyway...
Also there is some restarting of deamons to change settings...
I think whole linux, windows and bsd is badly written.
500dudes did same line... It's bullshit.
I won't improve it, because I am not writing that line again.