Was Thom being a dick in this interview or not, Sup Forums?

Hey Sup Forums, I want to show you guys this interview of Thom Yorke:


I am kind of confused. Is the interviewer's behaviour here enough to justify Thom acting like a dick or not? Do you think that Thom went too far with his autism or instead it was the interviewer that was intruding onto Thom's private affairs?

I personally believe that it's kinda dickish of the interviewer to ask these "why are these questions off-limits?" questions without realizing that Thom is not saying these things to a fellow man, but a fucking interviewer who records and twists everything he says, so yeah, of course there will be some topics where you just move over and stop with the "I RELY NEED U SAY SUMTHIN UN DIS" immaturity.

Other urls found in this thread:



Thom is good and the media is bad as they have always been

Don't become a traitor you

Artists refusing to answer certain questions isn't uncommon at all, the interviewer should have known better and just move on.

How can anyone accuse Thom of being a dick in this? He politely refused to answer intrusive questions, and got reasonably stern when the interviewer wouldn't stop pressing.

Do you have any good examples on this?

Your irony does not contribute anything to this thread. Please elaborate your opinion further

Thom is a well known asshole who wants nothing to do with other people and wants to disappear completely


5. Miley Cyrus: Apparently Miley was hoping to get just a few short mins of Radiohead’s (i.e. her FAVE BAND’s) time at the Grammys this year. Radiohead’s response: “Uh… we don’t really do that.” HEISMANED!

4. Kanye West: Is also none too pleased with Thom Yorke Ltd. Apparently Kanye was also looking to get a little Grammy facetime with Radiohead. Unfortunately, ’Ye didn’t get the Miley memo and felt snubbed (I know! Shocking, right?) when Radiohead basically ignored him. But Kanye SO got them back!!! When they performed he “sat the f*** down.” OOH! BURN!

3. The Hold Steady: Tad Kubler, guitarist for Brooklyn rock darlings The Hold Steady, said some not-so-nice things about Thom Yorke, and guess what? BOOM! Tad ends up in the hospital with a busted pancreas. You do the math.

2. The Pixies: Thom claims this one was total “rubbish,” but he was kind of caught freaking out that Radiohead was performing after the Pixies at Bonnaroo back in ’06. Thom says that what he REALLY meant was that the Pixies should be headlining above them. Right… Ok. Zzzz.

1. Oasis: Oasis’ Liam Gallagher has, by far, proven himself to be Yorke’s most worthy opponent. These two have a love/hate relationship that goes way back, and these guys are not afraid to get down-and-dirty personal. In fact Gallagher said of Radiohead fans: “they are boring… and ugly.” Funny! I’ve always thought the same thing of the Gallagher brothers!

I'm being genuine you fucking imbecile

fuck you

Sorry, Autists*


yeah it was really awkward but I can't really blame thom, the interviewer was being a bit of a cunt and it's not like he has a moral obligation to tell a bunch of strangers what's going on in his life.

>arrested development

Okay I am sorry, it sounded like sarcasm to me.

I agree

I am not really sure why are you using a sauce from MTV.com. Are you being ironic?

So this is two instances of something that doesn't seem to involve Thom at all, one really weak anecdote that seems like there's more to the story, and two where Radiohead wouldn't meet with Kanye West and Miley Cyrus, even though they're apparently her FAVE BAND.

>bad reply

>Thom says that what he REALLY meant was that the Pixies should be headlining above them
What the fook else could he mean? Do the Pixies defecate on the stage or something?

I haven't seen this video in years and I remember definitely thinking he was a dick to the interviewer. Seeing it now my opinion is completely different; Thom was completely justified. He absolutely made it clear he didn't want to talk about the band on a personal level, and the interviewer kept pressing.

I'm actually kind of glad you posted it and I got to realize that.

>that article
I'm sure you're being ironic by posting it, but my god. I couldn't read past the first paragraph.


thommy tight sleep

sleep tight yorker

sleep tight thommy

He's being authentic with the interviewer which makes him the opposite of a dick imo.

sleep tight thommy

Its fine, nobody has to answer questions they dont want to answer.