To those used by windows, why do you run litetal spyware as operating system but unironically care about firewall+antivirus?
To those used by windows...
>hurr durr windows spyware i dun now how to spel hurr durr
Because everything useful runs on windows
These are the same people that reinstall their entire os regularly to keep their system running quick and/or fix the most minor things. What do you expect?
i don't. gnu/linux user here. windows is:
1) easy to use
2) compatible with everything
3) you can do everything with it.
w10 enterprise LTSB was sweet but ditched it for arch
>inb4 invis pls
They think Microsoft will never do bad things with their data, for instance Microsoft will never try to use your banking account.
They trust them. Personnally i don't trust them so i use GNU/Linux.
how dare you use the image I uploaded to that other thread about unicode emojis to make this shitty bait thread
Because I don't care what Microsoft does with my data, but don't want some random faggot to have the same access.
Looks like an emoji from the doa forum.
>To those used by windows 10, why do you run litetal spyware as operating system but unironically care about firewall+antivirus?
Isn't this the mascot of that really shitty spic 9gag clone?
>he doesnt reinstall his OS regularly
Privacy and security are two completely different subjects. Come on kid you can do better than this. Tons of previous Windows 10 threads you could emulate for inspiration.
Low effort bait
3/10 is best I can do
>They think Microsoft will never do bad things with their data, for instance Microsoft will never try to use your banking account.
give me on instance of this. if you can actually catch and find prove that Microsoft can and has done this, you can, you know, sue them? you fucking idiot
>not reinstalling your OS regularly
>be me
>try Linux Mint because Sup Forums said so
>try to install drivers
>whole os refuses to boot
>reinstall again
>follow youtube tutorial
>still doesn't work
>give up
>install Windows
>download GeForce experience
>driver install automatically with no issue
Sup Forums says a lot of things
In every god damn post about noobies to Linux asking for a distro, people always tell them to either stick with Ubuntu or fucking use Fedora. Literally zero people (of the comments I've read) have ever recommended to install Mint.
Calm down.
Shit That Didn't Happen: The Post
>windows is fine, just win10 is spyware
>fucking mint
same except I couldn't get the network drivers to install
tried fedora and ubuntu as well but I'm more than happy with having 1000s of softwares to choose from instead of a 100 tbph
-large software firms have an objective motivation not to frivolously or maliciously misuse customer data for multiple reasons including customer loss, loss of trust, legal headaches, PR scandals, etc. that all can cause significant inhibition to continued profit and growth
-writers of traditional malware have an objective motivation to misuse customer data in a way that profits them as it is their primary purpose to begin with
-large software firms want data that characterizes the collective to better understand trends and demographics
-writers of traditional malware want data that characterizes you as an individual to impersonate you, directly steal from you or otherwise profit from you at your detriment or significant inconvenience
-large software firms rake in millions of dollars every hour and generally plan to continue existing and profiting for a long period of time
-writers of traditional malware are usually poor third worlders who make very little if anything otherwise
-blackmailing you, draining your bank account or otherwise harming you using collected data is very risky and very unrewarding for large software firms
-blackmailing you, draining your bank account or otherwise harming you using collected data is very risky and very rewarding for third worlders who otherwise make a few dollars in a day
in other words, users of proprietary software trust those vendors (sometimes to their detriment) just as users of free software trust maintainers and auditors
and spyware and "spyware" are two different things
Windows and by extension Microsoft are not a ten year old script kiddie (majority of "hackers"). Making that correlation is retarded.
People care about their data, you can turn off the "spyware".