Does this madman feeds on Sup Forums tears?

Does this madman feeds on Sup Forums tears?
Why everything he does is to trigger Sup Forums whenever some user makes a thread hyping something up (ex: the new ryzen apu)?

Other urls found in this thread:

He is very under educated on the stuff he videos.
The problem comes from him openly admitting that and still making 20 minute video full of misinformation.

I can’t stand that guy

you don't need to be educated to read box labels. when you main audience are kids, it literally doesn't matter.

You have a point but he proclaims himself as "the" tech prophet for real hardware analysis,as in he does more than reading box labels.

>Why everything he does is to trigger Sup Forums

Because he is literally spreading misinformation and fake news. He has stated that AMD is affected by Meltdown on several occasions in several videos.

Not even fucking BBC and other mainstream media said that AMD was affected by Meltdown (MELTDOWN IS INTEL ONLY).

Hear it yourself here at 1:19-1:30

Steve is fine all things considered. Most youtube reviewers nowadays are trash, just look at jayz, bitwit, paulshardware, hardwarecanucks, linus, etc.
Steve is literally the only one who at least posts a benchmark and some thermal data.
Problem is that most of Sup Forums nowadays is made of either shills or edgy kids who prefer some inbreed nigger saying whatever they want to hear than showing benchmarks.
Just look at that meme luke faggot which by the way makes threads about himself here. In short it's what you get when you mix Sup Forums with Sup Forums edgy kids who happen to be mutts themselves but want to go full 1488.

>/r/amd is leaking
Because of fedoralords like you guys everyone thinks people who buy AMD products are pajeets and neckbeards living with their moms who depend on autismbux for new hardware.

Thank you... this thread was such a shill thread its not even funny, time to stop!

You watch Adoredtv?

r/amd approved

10/10 would be baited into 30 seconds of harmless video footage again.

Steve does some of the most indepth hardware testing on youtube, he frequently gets in contact with engineers and people that actually matter for hardware.

and still gets it wrong, he needs to take a few classes on 10th grade maths which he obviously failed, his methodology is shit no better than linus and such
things that got stuck from my memory
MSI shield with ducttape - oh wow duct tape increases temps
silently killing 480 PCIe story - couldn't replicate for 2 months
vigorously defending EVGA VRM fiasco on other hand
whole ryzen bullshit - "oh ,ehm,"grins" we use cuda to make videos" no wonder they look like shit

That's just from last year when I needed info for new system and watched,read a lot of sources. Turns out germans are the best.

>silently killing 480 PCIe story - couldn't replicate for 2 months
the 480 was known to be drawing more power through the PCI-e Bracket than it should have, not that it really mattered for most people though

He explains the EVGA VRM issue in depth here

You wouldn't use any CPUs for rendering if GPUs were much faster

>You wouldn't use any CPUs for rendering if GPUs were much faster
no wonder he is popular, he got retards like you watching him

Why would you use a slower method of rendering if you had GPUs available?

That fucking long haired piece of shit has an nvidia and intel colored cock so far down his throat, the cum shoots out his asshole. I don’t think I have EVER seen that fucker or channel praise AMD for anything.

He recommended ryzen over the kaby lake i5s, and Ryzen in general, just like everyone else.

>Steve is literally the only one who at least posts a benchmark and some thermal data.

Bull-fucking-shit. Even Linus shows benchmarks and thermals when reviewing hardware, just look at his recent Volta shit.

Fuck off, Steve. Cut your gay hair.

>Even Linus shows benchmarks and thermals when reviewing hardware
Linus does nothing but basic canned benchmarks for the most part, with no real depth such as VRM Quality, VRM temps, ect.

okay Steve

AMDfags are always crying about something, and they have a scientology-esque habbit of attacking whomever they believe is attacking them.
The only realistic way to gain r/amd's approval is to only repeat what amd marketing slides say word for word on every product.

Seems too much like a gamer faggot.

I don't think steve even has time to play games anymore

He doesn't pretend deep technical skills. Just recently there was a video talking about his prior work experience - background in testing for product development. Its exactly the same pattern of work he does for his show - bash your head repeating hands-on test procedures against a set of simple but hard to wrangle problems day after day, for tiny incremental results. This is a legitimate corporate approach. Interesting that he took it to Youtube and try to make a media business around it.

That's because the Google team that publicized the information relating to the discovery of Spectre and Meltdown labelled AMD and Intel CPUs as compromised. I'd take information from them more seriously than the manufacturers that are intent on maintaining their reputation.

>background in testing for product development
You dumb nigger. He worked on the dildo line at Doc Johnson.


lol i detect a brainlet



The meltdown release specifically said that they couldn't get meltdown to work on AMD cpus. They mention it right in the whitepaper.

Spectre though is on AMD, and intel did a good job getting the media to lump the two issues together so they could get AMD in heat too.