Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Help me, and the other anons, create a basic understanding of each one. The main points are a must, and the minor ones we can touch on. Also, would like to have a discussion on the similarities/differences that each possess.
Hopefully we can move further into understanding why these faiths, which have stemmed from one, have throughout history been at eachother's throats.

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>having one God

Why don't we get a team of scientists to create a universal religion based on the most common features of them?

Just to start, and please correct me if I am wrong as that is the purpose of this thread,
>Christians & Muslims believe Jesus is Messiah
>Jews & Muslims don't believe Jesus is God
>Christians/Jews stem from Isaac
>Muslims stem from Ishmael
>All think that the way to salvation is belief in >God/Yahweh/Allah

>tfw over half the world's population follows religions stemming from 3000+ year-old desert kikes

I am in the pre-postulancy period as aspiring Dominican monk. You may ask any questions you have about Catholicism; I have a fairly good understanding of Thomistic theology.

As a very elementary introduction to Apostolic Christianity, I point you to the Apostles' Creed.

For a slightly more complex, though still elementary, introduction, I point you to the Nicene Creed.

>one God more powerful than divided power of >multiple gods

>All think that the way to salvation is belief in >God/Yahweh/Allah
Not true, only protestants believe this.

>5000+ actually
>a handful desert kikes that somehow changed >the mind of the most powerful empire at that >time
>would grow to be the majority faith of the world

enlighten me please, former catholic here. now Baptist.


God has sent his message to us, the chosen people, let's follow his rules.
Hey we should spread God's message with force if needed, also let's make the rules more easy to convert those pagans.
Fuck we derived too much from God's rules, let's go back to Judaism but keep spreading his word.

I'm not an expert but some protestant sections, believe faith alone can save. Most other religions require faith and actions (observance to divine laws [kosher/halal food for example]) for salvation.


yes in the history of Christianity there has been much use of the sword to convert those. much of it attributed to the catholic church up until they lost their major political authority/influence.

Theres no way to justify forced conversion in any faith, but no reason to be sorry for it either.
in this day and age we don't resort to that nearly as much as in history.

you are not wrong. currently that is what is taught in my church.
but the same goes for islam, as they only require faith.

repentance/actions/good deeds are basically taking it one more step forward

Calvinists believe in predestination, God have already chosen who will have an afterlife and no matter what you do in your mortal life, it won't change your fate.
If you want more you can read "Die protestantische Ethik und der “Geist” des Kapitalismus" "Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism" from Weber

I'd just like to add something about islam. Jews and Christians (people of he book) are considered in the quran as Muslims because they do only believe in God as the only deity.

>Jews and Christians (people of he book) are considered in the quran as Muslims because they do only believe in God as the only deity.
I don't know who you square that circle when I have on numerous occasion been referred to as a polytheist by Muslims.

>>Jews & Muslims don't believe Jesus is God

Neither do Arian Christians, they do not believe in the Holy Trinity, and say that on some point in time God created his Son (the Holy Spirit is then seen as a high ranking angel).

>everybody has fallen short of the glory of God and nobody can get into heaven based on their works. Second member of Trinity, the Son, brings himself into the world and pays the punishment for sin. Jesus dies on the cross on the cross, rises from the dead, whoever believes on Jesus gets saved.

>Muhammad was in a cave alone one day and had an angel told him that he was a prophet. Over the next how many years he gets revelations from that angel telling him the quran. Anybody who is a muslim gets paradise. However it's not guaranteed.

>The messiah has not come yet and they are waiting. No more sacrificing animals. Whoever is a Jew goes to heaven,

I'd say monotheism started with Zoroaster.

There's no heaven in Judaism.

Oops sorry


Abigensian Crusade was a shameful act of genocide, also ideologically I sympathise with the cathars.

they all need to be gassed 2bh

Those people must have an alienated vision of Islam then.
It is pretty explicit in the quran and in the early chapters.
"-Let not the strutting about of the Unbelievers through the land deceive thee:

-Little is it for enjoyment: Their ultimate abode is Hell: what an evil bed

-On the other hand, for those who fear their Lord, are Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath; therein are they to dwell (for ever),- a gift from the presence of God. and that which is in the presence of God is the best (bliss) for the righteous.

-And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God. They will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account."
Sura 3|Verses 196 to 199

I can also give you more examples like the quran stating Abraham as a Muslim.

>Hey we should spread God's message with force if needed,
In the early days of Christianity, the first 3 centuries, Paul was often cited on why force should never be used to convert. It all changed when the Church became a political entity, the successor of the Western Roman Empire.

But islam was spread with much more violence. Where the Germanic invaders adopted the culture and religion of the vanquished (most keeping Arianism to distinguish themselves), the Arabs of the Ummayate wiped out every bit of largely Greco-Roman, but in minor parts Phoenician and Vandal heritage the North-Africans had for centuries, and forced their religion upon them along with killing half the population, and imposing tax on the survivors who were Christian and did not want to convert.

I didn't say that with a dindu perspective, it's a fact though that Christianity as Islam was enforced by the church and Christians kingdoms.

Same for Islam, let's not make this thread a competition to who had the least violent propagation

As far as I am aware they were demented dualists of the usual Gnostic, obscurantist sort. My view is that their theology was fundamentally wicked and utterly irreconcilable with the Catholic faith. Carroll's History of Christendom is a worthwhile source if you're particularly interested in the subject.

I should say that I am not some Catholic modernist. I make no apologies for the Albigensian Crusade. It is licit to wage war and to kill heretics providing alternative means of resolution have been exhausted.

>I'd just like to add something about islam. Jews and Christians (people of he book) are considered in the quran as Muslims because they do only believe in God as the only deity

But don't fundamentalists believe that they're not "really" Jews & Christians because they deviated too much from the original religions and therefore infidels?


I am not in the least interested in reading anything from that blaspheming book. I am simply relating to you that it is common amongst Muslims, not only today but over the long course of history, to characterise Christians as polytheists. It is a frequent charge and wouldn't take a thorough search of internet for sources expressing it. Tell me, what does your book say about the Blessed Trinity?

is there an afterlife for them?

I also remember someone here saying that the trinity was a greek mythos copy and pasted and that the reason it prevailed was because Rome at the time favored the Greek church's conception of christianism instead of the others who did not believe in trinity

le i'm more imbortant than you fabily values, meme paraphernalia, OCD religion

le ebic peaceful, spread the truth, breaktrough, meme rituals, freedom-bringing religion

>look I have a religion

Rotary International of religions

>Jehovah's Witness
I want to look Mormon but I also want to look Jew

WWE of religions


The three major sectarian religions are like politics, divide and conquer
ten people have made people to copy paste history as egypt, sumer, Rome, Greek ...) to created for the Bible.
While 95% of the population could not read and write.

It prevailed because of the tireless efforts of Church Fathers like St. Athanasius.

Yes, the messiah will come back, rebuild the temple and resuscitate the dead.

There is an idea that some of them lost themselves and don't really believe in God anymore. It's not a question of rules but of faith.
If you read the last verse I posted here . It does imply that some of them have lost faith and don't believe anymore. But if God rewards those who have faith, it is him who should punish them if he wishes so.

The main problem with fundamentalists is here, men are not supposed to give any punishment to non believers when it is God's task. If God didn't punish someone then it is because it wasn't necessary.

Nothing is said about the Holy Trinity, jesus is a prophet, he's the son of virgin Mary.
Also he was not resurrected as God saved him from crucifixion by giving his appearance to someone else who was crucified in his place.

>implying Christianity has one God



Well Paul would have disagreed with you there, his words were in fact the guiding principle when Christians were still persecuted. Let alone Christ himself. Shedding of blood can never be justified in the name of Christ.

In Judaism, the Jews are God's chosen people, given rules and laws to abide by and a particular place in the world (the Holy Land) to live in. They are to live there, abiding by the word of God, until the Messiah appears. Converting to Judaism is possible, but Jews do not encourage it and the conversion process is very lengthy.

In Christianity, Jesus is seen as the Messiah, the son of God, who restored the broken link between God and man by taking on the punishment and death that was meant for us. It offers salvation to any person of any background, all they must do is believe in Jesus and abide by his teachings. It's much less formal and has far fewer mundane laws for daily living than Judaism. It's also an evangelistic religion, but the NT gives little more than a basic outline for church structure.

In Islam, a number of Old Testament prophets are said to be Muslims, as is Jesus, though Jesus is not seen as the son of God and according to Islam he was never killed. Muhammad is its final prophet, and he is seen as the ideal Muslim whose morals and life are to be emulated by all other Muslims. Islam is like Judaism in that it has a lot of rules and rituals, and it differs from both Christianity and Judaism by concerning itself heavily with the affairs of people outside the religion, taking it for granted that Muslims have the right to rule and dictate the structure of society to non-Muslims. It's an aggressively expansionist religion owing to the fact that Muhammad abandoned peaceful preaching in favor of politics and warfare when he discovered that it was much more successful for gaining converts.

The Quran relegates Christ to the position of mere prophet, and in so doing not only explicitly denies His divinity but also implicitly denies the Blessed Trinity.

As to your vile blasphemy about the Passion of Our Lord, I can say only that this of no surprise to me. Those who hate Truth can do naught but deny it.

>Abrahamic religion is a scam

Christians and jews don't worship the gods of the arabs.

Muhammedanism also directly denies the Trinity. I think it's included in their definition of "unbelief," which to them means not just irreligion or having many gods but also "associating others with God".

>While 95% of the population could not read and write.
Fucking this, remind me of case départ

Not really a position of mere prophet, he was the messiah, he is a direct creation of God like Adam was and is one of the most important prophets with Abraham and Mohamed.

>Christians and jews don't worship the gods of the arabs.
Now that's some serious polytheism right here.

Non-Trinitarian Christianity

Other Christianity

Judaism, Islam

Mormon, Nation of Islam

>Shedding of blood can never be justified in the name of Christ.
Sorry, and I say this with all charity, but that is a thoroughly moronic statement, one that is demonstrably false merely by studying martyrology.

As to the shedding of blood outside the context of martyrdom, many have written about the necessity or, more accurately, the moral duty to physically fight and even kill should certain conditions be met. I think that there is plenty of room to argue, from the perspective of moral theology, that the circumstances surrounding the Albigensian Crusade necessitated warfare by virtue of the wickedness and perniciousness of Catharism not only in relation to the Catholic faith but in relation to society at large. As John Courtney Murray would say, error has no rights.

In terms of your rather absurd claim that Christ was wholly opposed to the shedding of blood, tell me, when the centurion approached Christ that the Lord might heal his servant, did He tell the centurion that he must lay aside his gladius and his pilum? Of course not. Further, not only does St. Paul advocate obedience to lawful temporal authority, but so does Christ in his famous "render unto Caesar speech". Are you suggesting that this obedience encompassed all aspects of life EXCEPT military service? And, if so, please explain how you arrived at that conclusion.

I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, ask me anything about Christianity.

all religions are sorts of crap

>denying you worship allah, a cube, and mohamed

Ahmed pls

There's actually one. Bahai' religion.
>without the scientist part

Allah is litteraly the Arabic word for God though like YHWH in Hebrew.
Saying Allah is not God is like saying a Quarter Pounder with cheese is not a Royal Deluxe (I'm hungry)

Levels of hell in islam.
lvl 1: Guilty muslims will go here.Suffer like middle age tortures.(İmagine other levels omg)
Lvl 2: For christians
Lvl 3 for jews
Lvl 4 (could't translate)
Lvl 5: fire worshippers
Lvl 6 kafirs
Lvl 7 hypocrites

>Lvl 2: For christians
>Lvl 3 for jews
>Lvl 6 kafirs
Aren't non-Muslims kafirs?

Not really. That analogy doesn't account for the fact that Islamic theology is so radically different from Christian theology that one must necessarily conclude that the two worship entirely separate deities. The question of the Blessed Trinity is only part of the equation, another important one is God's nature. The Islamic notion that God is essentially pure will is utterly irreconcilable with the [specifically Catholic] conception of God as Logos.

muslim man cant marry kafir but can marry christian and jews.

According to your religion why am I going to hell as a Christian man if I believe and worship the Abrahamic God/Allah (same one as you)?

Jews and christian are not considered as kaffirs, but People of the Book (The Tawrat and Injeel). There are many sects of Jews & christians, one who believe oneness of God and follows strictly the old content of those Books. Keyword is orthodox.

I don't remember it, where does that come from?
This is directly in contradiction with Al' Imran

Having different conceptions don't make the deity different.
Why are you so eager to refuse any resemblance between Christianism and Islam?

You're right, there's a lot of weird Christian sects out there. I'm Roman Catholic, though. Here's what we believe (Nicene Creed):

>I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Because I think there is sufficient evidence to make that conclusion. It's really not a leap at all. Plenty of theologians and Doctors of the Church have written on the matter.

I'd also add that I have some suspicion that Muslims mendaciously attempt to play up their supposed "brotherhood" with Christians in order to make their religion more palatable to the Christian mind.

Maybe some do it desu. But I'm really convinced when I say that the differences between abrahamic religions, even if quite important regarding how to practice it, are superficial.

The only relevant thing to me is that we believe there's only one God and that he's our Lord, protector and Saviour. (I have no problem with non believers though)

Love you brother.


My friend, if you loved me then you would love the One Whom I love: Christ the King.

I have to say that it somewhat saddens me that you are from North Africa, the home of our venerable fathers like St. Augustine and St. Optatus. How many brilliant Catholics have we lost over the last 1,400 years, their minds having been stunted by Islam?

Don't be deceived user

You left out Bahai

Daily reminder that Christ is Lord and Savior.

I can love you and have a different opinion though.

But I think we wouldn't have had any Catholics here even without Islam. I think we'd historically have been more enclined to be orthodox.

I'll say it again, I personally never heard of taqiyaa, not saying it doesn't exist but I personally never heard of it ever.
Anyway even without this word, lying to get to one's goal isn't something new or exclusive to Muslims.

I'm not sure about that. St. Optatus alone essentially refutes Eastern Orthodoxy ~700 years before it existed.

Let's praise virgin mary

Do you realise how retarded you sound?

I don't know about St. Optapus desu.
Before Arab invasion, tunisia was part of the Eastern Roman Empire. We could assume so that tunisia was culturally closer to constantinople than to Rome which could make people become orthodox after the schism.

Anyway I'm gonna get some sleep, it was nice talking with you leaf bro!

Dominus vobiscum.


>Why do Christians throughout the world still believe that the "Jews: are God's chosen people?
Protestants do because they Hebraeophilic Judaizers and they always have been. Catholics subscribe to the doctrine of supersessionism; that is, that the Church is the New Israel (even though the (((rabbis))) involved in the promulgation of Nostra Aetate attempted to suppress this). What is the Orthodox doctrine?

same as catholicism probably, the differences between us are mainly not accepting the pope over the rest of the patriarchs

>I personally never heard of taqiyaa , not saying it doesn't exist but I personally never heard of it ever.

Nice tawtiya, Ahmed.

>Anyway even without this word, lying to get to one's goal isn't something new or exclusive to Muslims.

In the other religions lie is prohibited.

Another clue would be the Council of Nicaea and onward.

Correct me if I am wrong, there are minority christian at this time who believe Iesu as not divine but a mere mortal, but the majority who believe his divinity wins. The minority was condemned as "heretical".

This was AD 381, people of the Book still exist as "the heretical sect" alongside the kafir dominance of "Christian". And you can assume that what will happen to people who disagree with the majority. They decrease in size of adherents and goes for the growing majority sect.

And then this.
Important figures to foretell about Muhammad.

Fast forward a little bit to the future
The crusade.
>The Crusades were predominantly a series of religious wars undertaken by the Latin Church between the 11th and 15th centuries
>Latin Church

At this time, the minority People of the Book ("heretical" Christian) was perhaps cease to exist. They are either killed, absorbed, founder of new sects or converted to Islam. One thing for sure, their adherents have been little or cease to exist at this time.

I could suggest few keywords for modern Christian sect of this "heretic sect"; the anti-trinitarian, non trinitarian or Gnostic and much more.

My knowledge is limited and I need to learn more.

The only final decision would be revealed when the second coming of Iesa / Iesu / Eesa / Yesu
upon Earth, which is in Islam, the near of the End Times before the Judgement Day.

The Arianist-Islam connection was already established by St. John of Damascus ~749 AD in his Fountain of Knowledge (the second chapter entitled "Peri ereseon" specifically) in which he alleges that Mohommed began fabricating his heresy after speaking with an Arian monk. It may be that this Bahira character is who St. John was referring to.

it is interesting fact that's such a most east Asian country Japan is descendant of Jew.

and Japanese rescued lot of Jews in WW2.


this is very interesting right?

Holy shit.
An intelligent conversation on Sup Forums. I thought I'd never see it

praying to saints is heresy

Bahira was in contact with pre-teen Muhammad when he was travelling with Abu Talib's caravan for business in Syria. Bahira only tells Muhammad's uncle, to take extra care of Muhammad because he will be hated by the Christian (Byzantine) and the Jews in the future.

While the hermit Waraka, relative of Khadija, Muhammad's first wife, was short-lived (614 AD), after Muhammad received the first revelation in his mid age, 610 AD. He only reassures the prophecy of Muhammad after the first Wahy.

These two figures surely can't teach him many things and giving him "ideas" in that short amount of time. Remember that, Muhammad was illiterate and he is Al-Amin (the trustworthy one), that even being acknowledge by the pre-Islamic Meccans before he was a prophet.

>749 AD
That's way too distant in the future. The st john claim of the character Bahira is uncertain. While in the islamic sources, both of them are referred as Hanif.

Easiest points to remember. Judaism follows the old testament because it is the true one. Christians follow the bullshit new testament that was made by paul, passed on by word of mouth for half a century and then the convoluted bullshit was written down to avoid further bastardization. Muslims follow the quran, a fanfic written by muhamed when he wanted to impress his 14 year old girlfriend.

>to impress his 14 year old girlfriend.

Nine years old*

Once again i have underestimated the depravity of muhamed

She was nineteen years old.

>nine years of age =/= nine years old.
Some Arab confused the "nine".


They did. It was called Ba'hai. Notice how you hardly hear from it?

Admittedly, deep down, I wish that one day both the big three and their branches could reconcile, because a world ran by them is preferable to the eurphoric hellhole that we got a glimpse of when the fedoras took control of Albania.

Their resources combined really could change nations for the better, reassembling their broken countries into a global powerhouse.

>damage control

Fuck, off the other two are heathens and blasphemers

>Ashkenazi joke
What did he mean by this?

My Jesus is bigger than yours.

How is this different to idolatory?

So idolatrous.
>Anglo facial feature
He was levantine

Aren't you supposed to abstain doing any work today? It's Sabbath.
Speaking of Sabbath, why pork is not kosher?
Is it related to the time of prophet Moses where the Bani Israil turned into swine and monkeys for disobeying him PBUH?


Only mammals that have split hooves and chew their own cud are kosher. Pigs do not do either