Why is the only decent free software orange?

And what other FOSS like these is there?

both of these are shit but thanks for trying
fuck fell for the bait

speaking of FOSS.

What's a good image viewer (no abandonware that was last updated 3 years ago pls)

>VLC instead of mpv
>FF instead of WF

i use jpegview. get's the job done.

>using meme software
>using software forks
Leave Sup Forums forever, user.

no you should leave seriously, you dont belong if you dont understand the value of forks

Waterfox isn't even a fork, it's just a rebranded version of Firefox with different options during compile time

The one and only time a software fork can have any positive value is if the original version is no longer maintained... in which case it becomes the original version, of course.

Beyond that, forks are one of the very worst problems with free software. Period.

>not using mpv

It's still better per less bloat...

Because fenians can't code.


quality thread, good job op

There is quite literally no reason for Waterfox to exist, and hasn't been for years (ever since Mozilla dropped its bizarre Win64 boycott, which I still can't figure out any rationale for).

It's not even a valid meme at this point, it's just completely useless.

> no reason for Waterfox to exist
"Allow running of unsigned extensions"
Support for old SDK powerful XUL extensions
and now get lost Mozilla shill

You think there will actually ever be an FF fork that is both Quantum-based and supports XUL extensions? Are you retarded?

No, please don't change topic you dickhead, if you don't have an argument to add.


>implying a kid can backport every patches to the fork

implying you need to do that, just add shit what Mozarella removed due to their faggottor.

This. Nomacs is king

If you don't know that's called backporting, you don't belong on Sup Forums.

faster way is clone new repo and readd removed code in this case...

>orange is good
>myth busted

Wow that's awesome software.

Pajeets full force today

That's not how that works...

>update VLC to 3.0.0
>now my .webm and .mp4 are shoved into the same category (VLC Media File) when sorting by file types in Windows File Explorer

Ubuntu is a fork, not actual original software. Fact reinstated.

checks out; pretty neat


i would be that worried too if i was using windows

>VS Code
>R and RStudio
none is orange

T. Nub

>VS Code is FOSS
Good goyim


Thanks user. I love it.

>not shit
>ever using either


orange = SJWs

>orange = SJWs
citation needed

git rebase

MPC HC with K-Lite codecs >>>>>> VLC
Too bad it's only on Windows

>accidentally press one of the 1-5 keys
>nomacs gives some literally who cares rating to the picture
>can't undo that shit
>writes the fucking rating to the picture metadata
>image checksum now tainted
what the fuck!

>MIT license
>over 500 contributors
>good contribution guide and issue tracker
oh I forgot, true FOSS has to be started by some neckbeard in his mother's basement, ignore pull requests because "he doesn't have a time" and discontinued few years later

haven't tried the new VLC, but saying the older one is good when mpv and mpc-qt exist is retarded.

Chromium is garbage tier. The only good chromium based browser is brave (orange) and even it is shit.
VS Code is garbage.

>K-Lite codecs

Is there any way to change icons per profile when using quantum? Mozilla fucking destroyed firefox by essentially removing all add-ons.

just learn to read the bytes to create a mental image

VLC drones are worse than iToddlers

why do so many programmers (with an actual job) use vs code then