Who is the best vaping yootoober?

who is the best vaping yootoober?

and I mean reviewing technology not e-juice.

>this guys a dick

Beat it, degenerate.

what the fuck?

what's your problem?


>women for low-test men
>holding vapes

it all makes sense

There's no better way of getting young men hooked on a new fashion than showing sexy, young, scantily-clad women using it.
You'll notice that there are no pics of dudes vaping online (because it looks so idiotic), only barely-pubescent children.
Once they start vaping the addictive properties of the juice will do the rest.
"I can quit any time I want to. I just don't want to".

>pic related

As for OP; personally not aware of vaping reviewers. May have to exercise your google-fu and search them out on your own. Hope you find someone you enjoy watching

needs one of them fancy remote-controlled sex toys marked as Sup Forums appropriate

keep inhaling your fruit water, faggot

I'll shove my dick in that whore's mouth and make her forget about vaping. She'll be addicted to smoking sausage

used to like grimmgreen but hes a fag now, twisted420 okay if you can get over the nig-ing. Honestly riptrippers like the only decent guy who actually reviews things - as much as i hate his shitty personality :\ desu ive been using the same setup for like 2 years now and dont care to upgrade any more.

Vaping isn't technology you degenerate hippie scum. Get a job losers.

comparing the DNA chip Vs the Gene chip for regulated mods isn't Sup Forums related?

Pick one

Seriously, just piss off with your e-cigs already. Yes, we get it that you like to be really proud about how your type of smoking carries a slightly lower chance of cancer, but you're still just smoking cigarettes.

The Vaping Bogan is a top tier madcunt

not Sup Forums related

seems like a middle class kid trying to be saltof the earth

>what do you do for life
>i vape on YouTube
Kys, and all the fags who watch this

reddit: the post

He's got the right style and attitude but wouldn't be surpised if it was an act, he's way too smart to be a true bogan.

vaping is gay

he's probably a retard that has latched onto the Sup Forums meme-word "degenerate" for anything they don't like.

>unironically needing a pacifier

instagram: dagroove775